This month, we're taking you inside with this beautiful air cooled 1984 Honda ATC250R from MacWorth's special collection. While the bike has been entirely restored, this bike belongs in the collection as it's a perfect show piece and great example of how a brand new machine would have rolled off the showroom floor back in the day.
MacWorth specializes in original vintage ATV’s but does collect restorations from time to time but only at the hands of Mike from Vintage Motorsports. Otherwise, John’s collection contains only OEM original, low hour 3 & 4 wheelers, some of which will be featured here [his unrestored 1985 ATC250R was featured here last month] on 3WW in the coming months. We hope you enjoyed this one-of-a-kind example of Honda’s 1984 ATC250R and encourage you to visit MacWorth’s Facebook page for other vintage ATV’s, accessories, and memorabilia from the greatest decade of ATVing.
Next month, we'll be bringing you another very special machine, a special first generation R, completing the Honda segment. Due to popular demand, we might just be diving into some more of his non-Honda collection....stay tuned!
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