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  • Welcome, to 3WHeeLeR WoRLD version 3.0!

    First off, I'd like to thank everyone for their patience during this upgrade!

    This has been in the works, inside my head, for such a long time it is hard to even describe . For years I've wanted to find some what to combine the camaraderie and knowledge of our forum into a powerful database of information that would easily be accessible for new comers and old timers desiring to find something without searching through a myriad of threads in the forum. I wanted a way to get the wealth of information on the main page that we all spent so much time collecting and keeping track of into a modern system. In the past years I've tried a half a dozen different programs to get the level of integration I desired. Nothing was ever able to make me feel good and right about it. Myself and a team of other members spent months working on and setting up another site somewhat similar to this powered by Joomla. It never worked out because we were all unhappy with the formatting, the way the content had to be inputted, everything was so frustrating.

    Then, I found out that vBulletin was nearing the release of this new suite. I checked into it, and knew INSTANTLY this is what we should be running our community and website on. Howdy, took one look at it, and concurred. Right before Halloween of this year I installed a private test beta copy of the software and began experimenting with it. I've spent many hours learning this new system and design and its functionality. I am convinced that this change will propel the success and renown of this community to new heights we have not even imagined. It is different, and may take some adjustment in getting use to, but I am confident that everyone will soon appreciate the power and capabilities we have here now.

    There are so many new features here, I can't possibly explain all of them in depth or detail. You guys will have some fun exploring and figuring out everything too I'm sure. Enjoy it! If you get stuck on anything or have a question, feel free to post it in the Site/Feedback forum and I'll try my best to figure it out for you.

    In the mean time, the articles on the main page here, may be a little bit low in #s. The old website can still be reached with the "3WW Classic" button at the top of every page. Other members and myself will begin working on importing and re-writing all of the content from the old site with the primary goals in mind being: professionalism, accuracy, and ease of finding what you need. This will be an on-going process and will likely take many months, but it should be exciting for everyone to be able to read the articles as we are re-doing and publishing them. The front-page will DEFINITELY be busy in the coming time period.

    Comments 21 Comments
    1. crackshot's Avatar
      crackshot -
      This supposed to be like a facebook format?
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