View Full Version : Please Help: 200es Not Shifting...

07-24-2003, 12:38 AM
Today I went riding with a coupla of my buds on my friends land. We went mudding almost the whole time and my trike was under water up to the seat a couple a lot. The shifter kept getting ingaged from plants and trees we were going through...something might have got stripped? Seemed to run good the whole ride (about 2hr) until I made it back to his house> I let off the throttle and it died. O.K. I have to resart it but i can't get it out of gear into neutral. Eventually I pullstart it in 1st and ride home. Then i tried to shift a couple more times/got it in neutral and now can't get it to shift into gear at all. I can tell that it definatly does not engage into a gear when I shift. When I shift it just feels like nothing internally is happening. Is something stripped out? Is this fairly common. It just doesn't feel like anything is happening at all, but it did shift once. Please don't tell me I will need a new transmission. If anyone has a diagram of a "stripped shifter" please help me out. THANK YOU for reading.

07-24-2003, 06:16 AM
sounds like something is jamming up the gears from disengaging then rengaging again. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. interesting.

sorry no help here


07-24-2003, 08:55 AM
Sounds to me like it's a broken shifter end inside the motor. It isn't too hard of a fix. I will try to get pictures to help later.

07-25-2003, 01:03 AM
Thanks Howdy. I appreciate it. Yeah I'm thinking it isn't two serious (I hope) Its not like anything went Clunk and nothing started grinding...Just nothing is engaged when you shift up or down. Wouldn't be the clutch sticking by any chance? It would be good if I can fix it myself cuz the local repair shop/ATV dealer charges $60 an hr... :? Thanks agian.

07-26-2003, 09:06 PM
Would I you probably have to take the engine out of the frame to fix this?

07-26-2003, 09:49 PM
Would I you probably have to take the engine out of the frame to fix this?

Nope, it actually isn'ty that hard of a fix either. The part I am 90% sure broke is #12 in the picture below. The End with the bigger cut out area is most likely what broke.

07-28-2003, 09:48 PM
Thanks for the diagram Howdy. Sorry for being young and inexperienced but how exatly do I gain access to the inside of the shifter w/o basiclly taking the engine out of the fram and splitting it in 2? Can I just take the cover shown in the pic off? Otherwise I don't really see a way. I have been really busy lately so I don't know if I will have time to take it apart for a while but maybe next weekend? If I did bring it into a shop to get it fixed how much should I expect to pay (I know it varies but general idea)?

Thanks again, I appreciate it. -Nick

edit: deleted attatched pic.

07-28-2003, 10:06 PM
No need to remove the motor from the frame. The shifter shaft goes through the motor to the other side. You just need to remove the right side ( Clutch ) cover. Once the cover is removed look to the bottom back side and you should be able to see it.

07-28-2003, 10:27 PM
Right side clutch cover. Got it. Thanks.

By the way Howdy, funny sig you got! :D LMAO!

07-29-2003, 10:37 AM
Right side clutch cover. Got it. Thanks.

By the way Howdy, funny sig you got! :D LMAO!

Thanks, How ever I had to change it this morning after seeing the 1/2 car.

07-29-2003, 10:58 PM
Today after work I drained the oil and took the right crankcase cover off. Saw the problem immediatly. #20 On the diagram you posted from bike bandit. A stripped bolt came out. I found a similar one and tried it. Nothing lined up right with the gear it was supposed to hold so I kept trying. No luck. (Very tight space to work with, frustrating) Later the bolt I put in crossthreaded or something and is now stuck very hard at an upward angle under a gear so I can't get it out. I tried to get it out for about a half hour and finally gave up when It got dark outside. How hard would it be to remove all the gears so I could get at everything???(probably won't go there) I do have a shop manual but it only covers the regular ATC200 and shows pics of a 185s so it is kind of hard to follow. I wish I could take some pics...
Thanks for your help.

07-30-2003, 07:37 AM
The 185, 185s, 200, 200e, 200es, 200m, 200s, and others are 99% the same on the right side of the motor. If your book covers the 185 or 200 then your book covers this beast.

Cool beaners that you found the problem right away. Too bad the bolt is stuck in there now though. Try tightening it slightly and then removing it. Sometimes that works. Once it's out re-tap it and install a good bolt and you will riding soon. ;)

07-30-2003, 09:36 AM
Make sure its a metric bolt your trying to put in (unless of course you have to tap it, and use an american tap.

07-30-2003, 10:26 PM
Thanks guys. I did manage to get the bolt out. :) But I'm pretty sure that I have to take the crankshafts and clutch assemblies out. There is no room for me to do anything! I do need a special tool to remove the part of the clutch, but I think that I can make one out of a pipe... I'll keep posted. A lot of work for such a little failure :? Thanks for all the help so far.

08-02-2003, 12:58 AM
Arrrg. I got it put together best I could without taking the clutch and crankshaft out (I cant get the clutch off w/o a special socket deal :? ) Shifted from neutral to 1st to 2nd and back but always got stuck on third. I might take it to a shop where they can get at everything. Wouldn't be the lack of oil causing the shifter to stick in 3rd would it?