View Full Version : Stolen 3 and 4 wheelers

06-07-2009, 01:05 PM
In the last week there has been at least one 350x and two 4-wheelers stolen in my area. Which has me worried/pi**ed and thinking. Who on here has had a 3 or 4 wheeler stolen? Have you guys found them/got them back? The police around here don't seem to care from the way it sounds. One was stolen out of a garage and the other (350x) they smashed the shed door to get in, the third one I don't know where it was, I just read about it. People have always stole stuff, but do you guys think it is getting worse because of the economy and lack of work for people? Just figured I'd ask you trikers, my wifes like, whatever.:lol:

06-07-2009, 01:13 PM
No atv's stolen around here so far. I always see stuff in the big city though. I hate thieves. I don't care if it's a freakin' dandilion out of your yard or a half million dollar car. Thieves are the scum of the earth. There as been alot of home robbery's around our area though. Guns are loaded and ready to go. My motto is " I leave the doors open, I like to encourage intruders." I don't care if they're not threatening me, I'll shoot em for staeling my trikes. Just remember to unload your gun on them. I shows you were in fear for your life. I actually feel sorry for any sum beotch that trys to bereak into here.

The Goat
06-07-2009, 01:23 PM
seadoo that's the worst advice I've ever seen...

state laws vary in each way....and not all states allow you to fire at someone just for stealing.

not to mention...you have to consider disparity of force. If you're bigger than him, and he's unarmed, and you fire, that's murder.

firing an entire clip can also be murder...anything seen as a coup de grace is BIG no no. There was just a guy who shot a armed robber in the head with a .380, it didn't put him down permanently, he started to get up, the guy was in a full back brace, so he put six rounds from a taurs judge into him.... charged with first degree murder.

06-07-2009, 01:30 PM
i hate to say it but id do time for shooting someone doing stuff like that to me.

06-07-2009, 01:31 PM
I hate thieves too, I and alot of others have worked very hard for what we have. But I just really wanted to know if anyone has ever got there trikes back after they were stolen.

06-07-2009, 01:31 PM
I had a 200x stolen when I was about 16. Do you live near nanty glo pa by any chance? my buddy just had his quad stolen last year and I guess the kids have been stealing a TON of bikes. They caught him and my buddy got his bike back, but from what he says they're back at it again.

06-07-2009, 01:47 PM
Mapquest says I'm 1 1/2 hours from Nanty Glo. The 350x was stolen last Sunday night and it was very nice (hardly ridden), they shoved a well riden 350x and a 250sx out of the shed to get to the nice 350x, and it was the only one taken. So someone new what they were going for.

06-07-2009, 02:59 PM
that makes me sick. I hope he gets it back. I'll keep an eye on craigslist/traders guide/ ebay, you never know someone might be stupid enough to sell it whole if thats their plan. How far are you away from Cairnbrook, Pa? we should ride sometime!

06-07-2009, 04:20 PM
SOB............stole his 350x!! Give us some specifics or details about it if anything is different etc........ I would be sure it will turn up on the net. Will keep an open eye for a nice 350x in the near future. Hope the dude gets it back, man that pisses me off.........

06-07-2009, 05:36 PM
Goat I know what you mean ....... I remember a guy last year in Syracuse that saw some 16 year old's trying to steal his ride so he grabbed a bat and let em have it .... kid wasn't charged but the guy was? makes no sence to me someone try's to steal something you worked hard for and you are supposed to sit back and let some one take it? Cops said he should have got the direction they left in? I'm sorry if someone try's to get in my home or steal from me they will eat some bullets.

06-07-2009, 06:12 PM
seems liek every other weekend soemthgin come sup missign around northeast pa the reis alot of cabins that get broken into and most of the time sif thay have a 4 wheeler or riding mower thats usualy one fo the things that get taken. but i make shure the idiot kids know someoen is always around.

06-07-2009, 09:19 PM
The only reason people steal is because some dirtbag of equal proportion is willing to buy the stolen parts. Do not ever buy stolen or questionable parts, you are only giving thieves a job...


06-07-2009, 09:28 PM
We have a local online classified that I watch regularly. And I'll bet three or four times a month I see an ad for a 2000 or newer four wheeler that says right in the ad that they don't have a title for it, but they will give a bill of sale. And they want as much for it as a nice one with a title. Not to say they are stolen, but who would take a chance and buy one like that? And where did the title go?

06-07-2009, 09:45 PM
Never had a 3 or 4 wheeler stolen but when i was 11 my klx110 was stolen. Eventully did get it back because the thief sold it for $400. (this was in 07 and it was an 06 model) That guy then took it to the dealer i bought it from and asked them to fix it. My dads friend that works there knew the serial and told the guy it was hot. He said he didnt know who it was. So i got it back (sooo beat!) I had this bike mint like new still. They took it peeled the stickers off bent the bars bad bent the shift fork, brake lever, footpegs. Had a front fender used as a rear fender.
We did tell the cops they came over and did just about nothing.

06-07-2009, 10:18 PM
there are thieves everywhere.

use good cables and locks, light areas where they are kept and a dog is always a good idea.

you have every right in the world to defend yourself and your property.

you do not have the right to kill someone unless your life is in danger.

my garage is connected to my house, so i can take a gun into the garage, if your garage is not connected to your home you will have big troubles in court if you shoot someone in there.

i truly believe that the sound of my shotgun going off in the garage will get thier undevided attention, no need to shoot anyone.

i wouldnt want to shoot anyone over a stupid 3 wheeler, thief or not, but i wouldnt lose a wink of sleep if it was my family that was in peril.

good thick cables, best locks you can buy, mean ass dogs.

06-07-2009, 11:03 PM
seadoo that's the worst advice I've ever seen...

state laws vary in each way....and not all states allow you to fire at someone just for stealing.

not to mention...you have to consider disparity of force. If you're bigger than him, and he's unarmed, and you fire, that's murder.

firing an entire clip can also be murder...anything seen as a coup de grace is BIG no no. There was just a guy who shot a armed robber in the head with a .380, it didn't put him down permanently, he started to get up, the guy was in a full back brace, so he put six rounds from a taurs judge into him.... charged with first degree murder.

It's not advice Goat. It's my own personal opinion. Take it how you want. Food for thought though, There IS a reason to keep an unregistered gun on your premesis. It becomes the intruders gun if you know what I mean.

06-07-2009, 11:28 PM
Had my 85 350X stolen out of a garage I was storing it in for a little while....I was pi$$ed to say the least.....in the long run it was ok as I got my 86 to replace it....the only funny thing about it was last time I had rode it there was a loud clunk in the motor and it felt like it had no compression when I kicked it....I never got a chance to rip it apart but hopefully the joke was on them.....:beer

06-08-2009, 12:21 AM
i have a burmese mountain dog/collie shes what you call, a "mean ass dog" lol. really friendly if your supose to be inside, but if your not welcomed in. she will tear your arse off, plug i have a few paintball guns. id certainly hurt who ever is trying to steal from me. paintballs do not kill, but frozen ones do break some skin :)

06-08-2009, 12:54 AM
one of the reasons I like texas. "Tresspassers will be shot." and it is legal there to.

06-08-2009, 01:31 AM
in virginia if you catch someone entering your home once he his full body is in and you fear for your life or that of your familys you can fire on them and thats why i sleep close to my 12 gauge and 22 riffle ..now i am not clear on if you have to fire at there legs or if you can use deadly force...but i do remember a lawyer saying they have to be completely in your home and you cant shoot at them if they are trying to escape...as for your yard or non attached sheds or garages you have to call the police...i personally have never had anything stolen other then some bicycles...my next door neibor however had is gocart stolen in broad daylight and the little bastards drove it down the side walk all the way home...he found it though about a week later...they had run it dry of oil and locked up the motor ...the crazy thing was he knew the kids! and there parents made them pay for it

06-08-2009, 01:59 AM
I agree with factoryX. That's why texas is one of the least crime sights in the U.S. everyone carry's a twelve guage in the back of their truck or has at least a pistol in their house. In washington D.C. however, we all know it's a very different story.
It was dumb to ban guns from D.C because of course the criminals are just gonna say "oh sweet!!! The dumb arse law makers just banned guns and that means easy pickins for us!!!"
And also they wouldn't give a crap bout the law against guns and they would just buy em from the black market or a street dealer or something.
As for shooting someone on property in Utah, i have no clue. Is there any way i could find out:?

06-08-2009, 08:23 PM
Lets address the Idea of Karma! (karma, not kama sutra) The ideal thought that pops into my head is some little **BEEEEEP** stealing my trike, laughin as he is screamin down the road, before he rolls it off the road and breaks every bone in his body because if he wasnt man enough to work for one, he probably isnt man enough to ride one!! I can live with that!! Take it if you dare, but watch out for that KARMA!!

06-08-2009, 08:28 PM
And in the event they do break every bone in thier body, as a gesture of good tidings, i will gladly push thier wheelchair outside, hook em up to the back of my OTHER TRIKE and drag that wheelchair as fast as my little three wheeler will go!!! this time, I'll be laughing and screamin!! HANG ON SUPERMAN!!!!!

06-08-2009, 08:51 PM
My roommate had his rm125 stolen out of the back of his truck one night down here in Pittsburgh. We live in a horrible "hood" so I'm not surprised. He put an ad up on craigslist and a week later a kid called and said he found it out in the woods. Looked like the idiot wrecked on the railroad tracks because the radiator was smashed and had rust cratches. It just seems theres a few bikes stolen every week here in PA.

06-08-2009, 08:57 PM
you do not have the right to kill someone unless your life is in danger.

sorry, but you do have the right. the law may not say so, but anyone that works hard and takes pride in what they own will agree with me. noone has the right to steal another man's hard earned posessions, and the proce for attempting to do so should be the thief's life.

if theifs knew that they could be killed for stealing stuff, with no reprimand to the person defending their (or their neighbors property), thiefs would be alot fewer.....

06-08-2009, 09:07 PM
Havent heard of anything in my local being stolen lately. I have a old school neighbor that keeps an eye on my property. Plus I have a 120lb rotti and a 100+lb rotti/german shepard mix. There is noone that can out run my rotti/shepard. She wont un off the property but will chase you off. Plus motion lights on the out buildings.

06-08-2009, 11:24 PM
sorry, but you do have the right. the law may not say so, but anyone that works hard and takes pride in what they own will agree with me. noone has the right to steal another man's hard earned posessions, and the proce for attempting to do so should be the thief's life.

if theifs knew that they could be killed for stealing stuff, with no reprimand to the person defending their (or their neighbors property), thiefs would be alot fewer.....
i wholeheartedly agree my friend.

but unless you have between 30,000-250,000 dollars laying around you had better be ready to hand everything you own over to someone like me to defend you, average defense for a murder charge is $60,000, unless you are poor, then the tax payers will pay for it.

unless you are in texas, i dont really know the law there, you kill someone without cause, stealing your property is not cause, you will be doing at least time for manslaughter, and you wouldnt want to do that in the states i work in. i guarantee you would be weeping like a child when i walked away with your house title and you were led away in handcuffs to your new home for the next 10 years.
i have seen people who talk big game and acted on it only to have thier lives and familys lives completely wrecked over nothing really, its quite sad.

just remember your kid could turn out to be a thief, i hope for your sake noone shoots him for stealing a gas can.

06-08-2009, 11:54 PM
It's not advice Goat. It's my own personal opinion. Take it how you want. Food for thought though, There IS a reason to keep an unregistered gun on your premesis. It becomes the intruders gun if you know what I mean.

that statement alone would put you in prison for life possibly.

states attorneys and police investigators are alot smarter than you think, you would be investigated clear down to your last atm withdrawl and post on this forum before it was all over. loose lips sink ships.

the dream team couldnt help you.

06-09-2009, 01:04 AM
Laws vary greatly from state to state. What "works" for New York and Kalifornia is definitely different than what's acceptable in Texas or Alabama.

I had a 350X stolen back in 1985, which I recovered 6 months later semi-stripped. Had i caught the thieves in the act I could have legally confronted them(armed) in our detached-from-the-house garage in AL. If they then attacked me I could have legally defended myself. Anywhere on my property I have a right to confront any tresspassers and using deadly force if they present a threat to my life or others won't even bring an indictment here.

I posted a thread a few months ago about my friend that chased down the guy that stole his KX250, clotheslined the thief off the bike, and beat him nearly to death with his own helmet. The thief got a ride to jail(bleeding from the beating) and my friend got a thumbs up from the officer.

Thank God there are still some states where people are "allowed" to protect their property and themselves instead of the thieves and scum being the ones protected.

With that said, I would NEVER kill anyone for simply attempting to steal my play toy. My family's last bite of food or drink of water is a different thing, though. I WOULD, however, stop them and hold them at gunpoint while waiting for the police to show up......and suffer NO hardship in this state for doing so.

06-09-2009, 02:39 AM
Don't they have a site where you can punch in the vin and it tells you if the bike is stolen or legit?

06-09-2009, 12:33 PM
that statement alone would put you in prison for life possibly.

states attorneys and police investigators are alot smarter than you think, you would be investigated clear down to your last atm withdrawl and post on this forum before it was all over. loose lips sink ships.

the dream team couldnt help you.
ya, kinda a knee jerk response. Nothing gets my blood boiling more than hearing about so and so losing his stuff to a thief. I would never shoot to kill anyone unarmed. Now if they were armed it a whole different ball game. But then I'd prolly just blast out their kneecaps. Killing them would give them the easy way out. Let their asses rot away on prison.

06-09-2009, 12:48 PM
You have the right to liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness.
Nowhere is it stated, you can impead on someone elses life to gain those items.

The moment YOU entered MY property, with intent to harm my property or persons, is excactly where you left YOUR right to the life part of it.

Go ahead Sue me......You can have my house payment!

tri-Z ripper
06-10-2009, 12:25 AM
well i sleep very lightly with my window open with a .40 in my nightstand in the room closest to the garage! alittle paranoid maybe but i love my toys more then anything!

06-10-2009, 12:29 AM
i wholeheartedly agree my friend.

but unless you have between 30,000-250,000 dollars laying around you had better be ready to hand everything you own over to someone like me to defend you, average defense for a murder charge is $60,000, unless you are poor, then the tax payers will pay for it.

unless you are in texas, i dont really know the law there, you kill someone without cause, stealing your property is not cause, you will be doing at least time for manslaughter, and you wouldnt want to do that in the states i work in. i guarantee you would be weeping like a child when i walked away with your house title and you were led away in handcuffs to your new home for the next 10 years.
i have seen people who talk big game and acted on it only to have thier lives and familys lives completely wrecked over nothing really, its quite sad.

just remember your kid could turn out to be a thief, i hope for your sake noone shoots him for stealing a gas can.

Sounds like lawyers are thiefs too:lol: IMO

No body= No murder:naughty:

Now of course that's all a lot of big talk and all but thiefs need to be punished and our current judicial system only makes matters worse, and more often than not the victim gets the shaft. IMO if you are injured during the commitment of a crime by either your victim or the police than you got what you deserved and shouldn't have the right to sue for being hurt. You (the criminal) caused such action by your poor judgement and actions.

:welcome: I guess I need to move to Texas

06-10-2009, 01:49 AM
Sounds like lawyers are thiefs too:lol: IMO

No body= No murder:naughty:

Now of course that's all a lot of big talk and all but thiefs need to be punished and our current judicial system only makes matters worse, and more often than not the victim gets the shaft. IMO if you are injured during the commitment of a crime by either your victim or the police than you got what you deserved and shouldn't have the right to sue for being hurt. You (the criminal) caused such action by your poor judgement and actions.

:welcome: I guess I need to move to Texas

i agree these damn lawyers are just as bad as a damn criminal...any lawyer that represents a thief because he got harmed in the act of stealing someones property or entering some ones home should burn in hell with the thief...that is just pure greed on there part...i dont care if it was just a gas can...you get your self into something and you have to deal with it...so he gets away with the gas can then hes feeling lucky and does it again and again...this whole country is BS

06-10-2009, 07:09 AM
Sounds like lawyers are thiefs too:lol: IMO

No body= No murder:naughty:

Now of course that's all a lot of big talk and all but thiefs need to be punished and our current judicial system only makes matters worse, and more often than not the victim gets the shaft. IMO if you are injured during the commitment of a crime by either your victim or the police than you got what you deserved and shouldn't have the right to sue for being hurt. You (the criminal) caused such action by your poor judgement and actions.

:welcome: I guess I need to move to Texas no maybe you should move to iraq or mexico, possibly honduras where you can just ride around shooting people and acting out your john wayne dreams.

i take offense at your remarks, basically calling me a thief, because you think i or another person should not be paid for thier time and grief.

ill tell you what, you call your boss this morning and tell him/her your going to work for free the rest of the week for nothing just because you dont think he should have to pay for your time.

if you cant do that, we should agree that you are not worth the money you recieve from him and are basically a leech or a weak link in his operation and should just go home and shoot yourself. if you cannot afford the bullet, let me have your address and ill mail you one.

im guessing you are a 14 year old booger eating moron who doesnt even have a job, if this is the case, you can still give up the address and ill send the bullet.

06-10-2009, 07:19 AM
no maybe you should move to iraq or mexico, possibly honduras where you can just ride around shooting people and acting out your john wayne dreams.

i take offense at your remarks, basically calling me a thief, because you think i or another person should not be paid for thier time and grief.

ill tell you what, you call your boss this morning and tell him/her your going to work for free the rest of the week for nothing just because you dont think he should have to pay for your time.

if you cant do that, we should agree that you are not worth the money you recieve from him and are basically a leech or a weak link in his operation and should just go home and shoot yourself. if you cannot afford the bullet, let me have your address and ill mail you one.

im guessing you are a 14 year old booger eating moron who doesnt even have a job, if this is the case, you can still give up the address and ill send the bullet.

Dude, First of all Ditchmud is probably older than you and he is a very solid minded and liked person. Second of all you're about to cross a line you don't want to cross.

Let's drop this now.

06-10-2009, 07:37 AM
no maybe you should move to iraq or mexico, possibly honduras where you can just ride around shooting people and acting out your john wayne dreams.

i take offense at your remarks, basically calling me a thief, because you think i or another person should not be paid for thier time and grief.

ill tell you what, you call your boss this morning and tell him/her your going to work for free the rest of the week for nothing just because you dont think he should have to pay for your time.

if you cant do that, we should agree that you are not worth the money you recieve from him and are basically a leech or a weak link in his operation and should just go home and shoot yourself. if you cannot afford the bullet, let me have your address and ill mail you one.

im guessing you are a 14 year old booger eating moron who doesnt even have a job, if this is the case, you can still give up the address and ill send the bullet.

Of all The days in the world you choose to say something of that nature to Ditchmud....
This is probably the WORSE day to say what you said.

As far as the rest of the comments, well thanks for looking so professional.:welcome:

Ditchmud is a quality guy and does alot for folks around here, and is probably the most down to earth guy you can meet. He is way beyond 14, and at this point, his 15 year old boy has more common sense than you.

I know you are new here, but maybe you should browse around and get an idea of who you are attacking before you throw out comments like you did.

06-10-2009, 10:15 AM
My feelings are hurt. I don't eat boogers but I have picked my nose from time to time!

I'm not going to get into an argument over the ethics of lawyers and what their main objective is. You win, court is adjourned now move on!

06-10-2009, 10:44 AM
move to texas. we have the "castle" laws here. since the last 9 months of robbvery shootings (robbers being shot dead) theives have slowed down on goign after homes as much.

06-10-2009, 11:39 AM
Nanty GLo:mad: . My 350x trike is over there in speedbumps garage. I sure as crap hope its not mine that got stolen????????????????????


06-10-2009, 04:07 PM
Dude, First of all Ditchmud is probably older than you and he is a very solid minded and liked person. Second of all you're about to cross a line you don't want to cross.

Let's drop this now.who cares how old he is, i suppose the next thing outa your mouth is going to be ditchmans dad can beat up my dad.

whats going to happen? will i be thrown off this board for standing up to someone insulting me? if thats the mentality of this board i dont want anything to do with it, so let the hammer fall.

i have acted with respect and admiration on this board up untill now, if i have to have 10,000 posts and kissed everyones ass around here to be able to fire one back, i guess my account will be closed.

now ill drop it.

06-10-2009, 04:37 PM
I started this thread looking for people who have had trikes or other rides stolen and have recovered them, and I have no idea where we are now. This is a great board/forum that you can learn tons of trike knowledge from. I don't understand why and how someone with 24 posts can and would come on here just to stir stuff up. Seadoo and Ditchmud have been on here for years and are great guys to learn from and to help a fellow triker out when in need. Maybe it is time for you to leave, your loss.:banned:

06-10-2009, 04:47 PM
Like dirtface said...back to the thread topic.

We had a friend of ours, have his 350x stolen out of his garage a few years ago.
He put up fliers of his stolen bike everywhere he could. Convenient stores, parts stores, the local drive thru, etc.
Somebody called him, because they had seen it about 45 minutes from where he lived. He drove out to where the guy said it was, and got it back. The "new" owner didn't want to give it up, but our friend told him he would call the police, and he let it go pretty easily.

06-10-2009, 05:50 PM
who cares how old he is, i suppose the next thing outa your mouth is going to be ditchmans dad can beat up my dad.

whats going to happen? will i be thrown off this board for standing up to someone insulting me? if thats the mentality of this board i dont want anything to do with it, so let the hammer fall.

i have acted with respect and admiration on this board up untill now, if i have to have 10,000 posts and kissed everyones ass around here to be able to fire one back, i guess my account will be closed.

now ill drop it.

For a lawyer, you're not very mature, but you are very touchy. All's Ditchmud was expressing was his distaste for Attorneys. Not you in person but attorneys in general. His views are shared with probably 95% of the population. As far as "letting the hammer fall" It would be your loss. There are some very helpful and knowledgable people on these forums. Ditchmud and myself included. Now lets all take a deep breath, have a beer and get back to the thread topic.

06-10-2009, 10:06 PM
anyone that sees my toys also sees what i carry on a daily basis and what i have flatign around the house and i have met a few with the barrel of an ar15 peple that have showed up un announced.

06-10-2009, 10:21 PM
A good defense will better your chances at holding onto your posessions.

I know that I am very particular about who enters my garage. My garage door stays down mostly and my stuff is under blankets. It can't hurt not to advertise what you have. Also My dogs live in my garage and are rewarded when they bark at strangers or in the middle of the night.

One night scooby was going crazy around 3am so I got up grabbed the flashlight and the 45. Turns out the police were searching my yard for the neighbors kid that ran from them. So I know that the dog is on the job, and he got a lot of treats that night.

06-11-2009, 05:35 PM
A good defense will better your chances at holding onto your posessions.

I know that I am very particular about who enters my garage. My garage door stays down mostly and my stuff is under blankets. It can't hurt not to advertise what you have. Also My dogs live in my garage and are rewarded when they bark at strangers or in the middle of the night.

One night scooby was going crazy around 3am so I got up grabbed the flashlight and the 45. Turns out the police were searching my yard for the neighbors kid that ran from them. So I know that the dog is on the job, and he got a lot of treats that night.

Yikes! You're lucky you didn't get shot by the police.

06-11-2009, 07:09 PM
Yikes! You're lucky you didn't get shot by the police.

No worries, I never left the Garage and I saw them before they saw me. I also had the gun in my waistband not in the drawn position.

06-11-2009, 10:41 PM
i wholeheartedly agree my friend.

but unless you have between 30,000-250,000 dollars laying around you had better be ready to hand everything you own over to someone like me to defend you, average defense for a murder charge is $60,000, unless you are poor, then the tax payers will pay for it.

unless you are in texas, i dont really know the law there, you kill someone without cause, stealing your property is not cause, you will be doing at least time for manslaughter, and you wouldnt want to do that in the states i work in. i guarantee you would be weeping like a child when i walked away with your house title and you were led away in handcuffs to your new home for the next 10 years.
i have seen people who talk big game and acted on it only to have thier lives and familys lives completely wrecked over nothing really, its quite sad.

just remember your kid could turn out to be a thief, i hope for your sake noone shoots him for stealing a gas can.

What a trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro... this is why I cant stand lawyers. "YOu better be ready to hand over everything you own to someone like ME"..... "I gaurantee you'd be weeping like a child when I walked away with your house title"....

You sound like the typical scumbucket lawyer who thinks his trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro doesnt' stink and that everybody is below them. Go piss up a rope.

06-11-2009, 10:45 PM
Too bad my last post had most blotted out. I just can't stand the arrogance of lawyers. (excuse me, liars). I just cant stand the effin arrogance of this douchebags post, what a dickwad.

06-12-2009, 08:31 AM
Feelings are mutual Motorcity, but we need to get this thread back on topic (no offense intended). Have you ever had something stolen and recovered it? Do you think that the economy is to blame for the rise in theft?

06-13-2009, 04:06 AM
Im tired so i didnt get a chance to read every post but damn i agree alot thievs are scum and if someone intentionally whats to cause harm or go in to someones home and do whatever,i think they should no longer have human rights then. And its sad that the judicial system is more based on making money and or protecting the criminal and not the victim.

06-13-2009, 09:25 AM
well i just read this whole post.
im pretty sure that you CAN NOT kill somebody for stealing your property.
now, here in Oklahoma we have the "make my day" law. so that if somebody
enters your home, uninvited, you can protect yourself. armed or not.
and you cant draw your weapon unless you plan on killing the person.
that means no shooting in the legs.

now im sure that every state has some laws, and you can proly go get a book
on them. here they have the "Self Defense Act" book. call your local sheriff
office to find out if your area has something like that.

and no im not a lawyer, i just took my CCW class last weekend. and i stayed
at a holiday inn express last night ;)

and no ive never had a trike stolen. ive been worried cuz right now my
trike is on my dads trailer in his driveway.

06-13-2009, 07:12 PM
Keep them locked up and secure. Simple as that. There are thieves everywhere that def notice when we unload our trikes and quads into our garages. People sometimes get lazy with the security of thier property. That's when you get hit.
BTW if you do catch someone trying to steal your babies beat them with bat instead of shootingand killing them. It shows the judge you have mercy. : )

03-15-2010, 02:45 PM
i just came across this post i know its old. but few yrs ago i acquired a blaster in a trade deal for a warrior i had. blaster had some race parts and was fun to ride. the warrior was older. we signed bill of sales etc.

well a yr later i get bored put it on craiglist and had ton of lowballers then i get a call from a guy they wanted it for his kid had cash in hand. i said cool come on over. he shows up with prior bill of sale and could explain ever little defect or custom on and end on it. got stolen out of his garage a yr and a half prior.

basically this guy rammed his garage door in and stole the blaster. i was in possession of stolen property. i then gave him the blaster back, he went on his way with out calling the police. i was stuck nothign i could really do.

i also had a buddy who had a banshee stolen from his steel pole barn in the middle of the night, these people cut a hole in the side of the garage and rolled it out.

i had a 97z50 honda trial bike get stolen out of the garage. i had it for 2 weeks. we had electricians working on the house (landlords), one guy saw the bike and was interested in buying it i said not at the moment, 2 days later locks cut off the garage and so was the cable lock attached to the z50

the problem is the people that know what you have and know your scheduled. i lock all my running bikes together with 2 separate locks. either in my shed or garage with a car always in front of it.

03-15-2010, 04:02 PM
gotta go with the dog (rottwieller) for security. I feel safe when my wife is home alone, and safe when I am sleeping, always!
Doesn't do much good though if they steal it from your cabin when you do not live there fulltime.

03-15-2010, 04:41 PM
I'd say the economy is a huge part of it, when things first started going down the toilet there were people so desperate around here they were going around to houses and ripping out the copper pipe. I mean someone has to be pretty hard up to rip the walls out of a house and risk their freedom for $100 in scrap metal. And I don't know how many people read "news of the weird", but I have read of a few times people robbed a store and also asked for an job app. Not a good way to get hired.

Around here a guy was getting his 4 wheeler stolen and he shot the thieves in the ass with a shot gun blast, not slugs, didn't kill any of them. But he got his 4 wheeler back and even though in Michigan he was totally outside of the law shooting people fleeing, he didn't go to jail.

Usually the law protects criminals way too much. And while I'd like to believe karma is just going to get the thieves I am not always that patient, sometimes you have to make your own karma. When I was 19 we ran my Jeep out of gas and had to walk 3 miles in the rain to get gas. About a mile down the road some kids a couple years younger than us started throwing the contents of their car, pop bottles, anything at us and yelling "We gonna f--- you up." Well they never stopped their car and we were on foot, just getting more and more angry. Well the next morning after I got some gas for my Jeep, karma came in the form of my Jeep ramming their Ford Taurus at 40 mph. So sometimes maybe karma is the shotgun.

03-15-2010, 05:06 PM
3 times in the last 3 weeks a would be robber was shot and killed here in Toledo.
In all 3 cases the victims being robbed did not get charged in the deaths of the crooks. In one case the crooks accomplice is being charged for him being shot and killed. Makes me happy to know that maybe the crooks around here will be afraid for their safety, and that if I have to protect myself that I can do it legally. woot!

03-15-2010, 05:46 PM
i think it should be a eye for a eye, in other countrys you steal you lose a hand , then it gets worse if you keep it up, they dont house and feed you, i chain all my toys to my tractor and the only way you are cutting my chain is with a torch same with my lock my chain was $100 and my lock was $50 oh i for got about midas alarm system 140lb bullmastiff. you will not leave my property with my toys or your body. a prime example a huge german shepard had been killing niehborhood dogs no one knew where he was from well one dark night i was walking midas and the shepard attaked midas shook him once and he was done in the morning i called the spca, if it was a thief i would call my friend the coroner.

03-15-2010, 06:58 PM
low life thieves dont like pain. booby traps are cool yes booby

03-15-2010, 11:07 PM
I was asking about what people do to secure their trikes in another thread. Looks like I got my answer here, but some of you guys scare the hell of me! Mostly kidding. I wish I could keep a dog in the garage, but it's not climate controlled, it would only be comfortable in the spring and fall. I haven't lost any trikes...yet, but I've heard a lot of stories about Craigslist trolls who come to "look" at something you're selling, decide not to buy, and then come back later and steal it. Someone else said it here, and I agree.....if I sold a trike (not much danger of that, I seem to only be able to add them, not subtract), I think I would meet potential buyers somewhere away from my house.

03-16-2010, 01:32 AM
I feel kind of fortunate that my garage is a tuck under. My bedroom is right above it. You would be like Houdini to get something out without me knowing it. But if you did, yes, I would be pissed, but I have insurance. Come in my home, now you may want to worry... (and not because of the dog, he is not scary)

03-16-2010, 07:12 AM
I have a 3 bay, 2 story garage. Cars are on the ground floor and trikes are upstairs. I use a chain hoist, lifting platform and I beam set up to raise and lower trikes to and from the upstairs level. I open the second story double doors (like a barn) and roll the hoist outside the building and lower it down. Then I have to load the trike on the platform and raise it up with the hoist. Once it is up I roll it into the building along the I beam. I think a thief would be hard pressed to steal a machine from the second floor since it would require him to figure out and use the hoist. If that failed my alarm system will go off and if that fails my shotgun will go off. I don't think anyone is going to steal my bikes. I hate to hear that people store their trikes in sheds. Not a good idea.