View Full Version : street legal atc??

05-31-2009, 11:28 PM
this is an idea i had for some time now...trikes are street legal why not convert a dualsport bike into a street legal atc??? any one ever try this??

06-01-2009, 01:41 AM
Yeah there is a couple if you use the search function. Many states wont allow a solid rear but if you convert a bike it someway gets around this. It all depends on your state

I found this after a very quick search


06-01-2009, 02:08 AM
yea the idea i had was pass inspection as a bike then switch to trike..which leads me to the next ??...is there a bike or bikes that take/bolt on/ stock 4wheeler swing arms?? like xt 225 serow or wr250.. will the banshee or othe quad swingarm just bolt on??i dont know but i see 450 bikes turned to trikes on this site.. i may start a new thread asking about how to turn bikes to trikes and whats the easiest way to do it.. oh and thanks for the link i like that