View Full Version : Some People Don't Like 3wheelers
ATC crazy
07-21-2003, 10:55 PM
These were the first 2 replies to my topic on
I had an ATC 110 and at the time I thought it was great because it was one of the first toys I had. Then I rode a quad...that was the end of my love for the trike!
I don't know if you mean a quad or a cycle when you say bike, some people refer to quads as bikes. Cycles are great too, I'd much rather own a cycle or a quad over a three wheeled trike.
Edit* I did not even realize that you mentioned a three wheeler until now. I would not go w/ a three wheeler if you can afford otherwise. They are too tipsy and all the people I know that have ever owned one just end up getting hurt... I would stay away from them if you can... Don't get me wrong, a three wheeler is better than nothing, but not by much in my opinion...
07-21-2003, 10:58 PM
....So? to each their own. Alot of us don't care for quads all that much either.
07-21-2003, 11:39 PM
oh well. eventually, they are just missing out, thats all
07-21-2003, 11:40 PM
those people probably never had a 3wheeler but a lot of us here grew up with them.
07-22-2003, 01:43 AM
The only bikes I've ever ridden were Trikes. The only quads I've ever driven were a Blaster, and a Grizzly...and that was only for about 100m... Some of my earliest memories are of me sitting on the gas tank of my dads old 200es....ahhhh memories :-D
07-22-2003, 10:58 AM
I actually feel sorry for anybody who discounts trikes, quads, bikes or anything else as "something I would never ride". Why limit yourself? They are all unique, and all offer their own characteristics that make riding them fun in their own way. To each his own, but until youve mastered it, you dont know enough to discount it.
07-22-2003, 11:08 AM
I guess that he is comparing his 110 atc to his new quad?
Any new quad is better and faster then a 110 atc!
07-22-2003, 11:28 AM
So if I have a TRX250R, and a TriZ, there would not be any point in my keeping an ALT125, right? This is why I feel sorry, for those who close their minds. That unsuspended ALT125 trike can often be more of a blast to ride around on than the big boys, and that is my point. If I could be king for a day, I would ban straight line flat ground drag racing so that people would be forced to experience the joys of true riding and get off this silly notion that "how fast will it go?" is the only measure of how fun they are to ride. Some day, when you are too old to ride, your fondest memories will be of the fun you had on the little junkers when things went wrong, and youll scarcely remember the high end machines where everything went right.
07-22-2003, 11:36 AM
TimSr wanna drag race your ALT125 against my ATC110??? i bet my 110 is faster then your 125 :D :D :D
in all seriousness i agree with TimSr. in the last month i've been riding my 110 and i've had a blast. not only has this little sucker gone through years of abuse from me and stll starts first pull it has never failed to put a smile on my face when i ride it. true i don't go for major air or 60mph slides on it but, it still has it's place.
:rolleyes: "Lolliepop " :?: :rolleyes: come on now are the new moderators a little over anxious :?: if your gonna replace a non offensive word at least replace it with something decent
07-22-2003, 11:44 AM
I thought that I was the only one on here that does have some fun on a 110 ATC! :-D
But it does get borring when it's your only 3 wheeler!
Mr ATC, what front forks with suspension did you install on your 110, do you know if a 200s or similar will bolt on to a 110?
07-22-2003, 12:00 PM
Anytime I even mention my 3 wheelers everyon around is like - your crazy aren't they illegal?? I like showing up in a pit where people haven't seen one in years.
Truth is I've never crashed my 250SX and I've done some silly stuff with a trike really not made to jump. I broke 3 bones on my CR250 and got hurt countless times on all the other dirtbikes I ever owned.
ATC crazy
07-22-2003, 12:56 PM
I crashed on my fourwheeler but never have on a mind's made up. :D
07-22-2003, 02:33 PM
Yeah there is nothing like showing up at the pits on one of my trikes. I get a lot of questions. Trikes are way better in the snow and sand. I am slowly replacing my quads with 3 wheelers. ha ! :D
07-22-2003, 05:07 PM
....So? to each their own. Alot of us don't care for quads all that much either.
Back in the 90's I had a '84 200x in great shape, sold it and got a '82 250r, the one before my current one. Anyways, my dad bought the other 200x from me, sold it bought a 86 or 89 250r quad racer. I rode it and swore by my Atc I liked it better. Actually, if memory serves me right, my 250r Atc was faster :shock: To each his own
07-22-2003, 08:43 PM
I get the same thing when I ride my trike. I've ridden it in the local pit and there was a bunch of guys from new york who swore I belonged in the lunny bin for riding and jumping a trike(not to mention better and with more balls than them) and people at chattsworth just sit and stare as I pass the quads and out jump them, I even passed the new yamaha 450! but I get a ton of comments "you are looking to kill yourself on that", "I thought those were banned", one guy said "you should be riding your 250r quad, not this suicide machine" and that was a amateur who said that, another amateur racer said "you couldn't catch me on one of those if you paid me" I just told him ride a trike for awhile a then ride your quad, you'll notice that you will be a MUCH better rider. The only non-anti-trike comment I got was "if your that good on a trike I'd hate to see you on a quad. The simple fact is with the right rider a trike can be just as safe as a quad, people can't see past the flawed and biased cpsc investigation that was done by a bunch of office chair homo's who probably never even rode a trike. most of the time I tell people "its not the machine, its the operater of the machine"
07-22-2003, 11:41 PM
thats what i tell people. "trikes are only as dagerouse as the rider makes them" people usually say something like "that doesnt matter" or "trikes are stupid" then they usually walk off in a huff becouse they know im right and they wont admit it.
TimSr wanna drag race your ALT125 against my ATC110??? i bet my 110 is faster then your 125 :D :D :D
in all seriousness i agree with TimSr. in the last month i've been riding my 110 and i've had a blast. not only has this little Lolliepop gone through years of abuse from me and stll starts first pull it has never failed to put a smile on my face when i ride it. true i don't go for major air or 60mph slides on it but, it still has it's place.
:rolleyes: "Lolliepop " :?: :rolleyes: come on now are the new moderators a little over anxious :?: if your gonna replace a non offensive word at least replace it with something decent
Hey, don't blame us new mods. Personally I think editing "s-ucker" is a bit overboard, but that is something Howdy and HondaATC put into effect, you can't blame us. Infact, if you look back a few pages you'll see a post of my protesting it.
ATC crazy
07-23-2003, 01:06 PM
Yo Lolliepops......lmao
Billy Golightly
07-23-2003, 01:50 PM
It aint me
07-27-2003, 12:48 PM
i had so many people on golfcarts that saw me riding my T3(when it was still together) tell me "ya know those are illegal" and "your riding a deathtrap" im SO SICK OF THEM TELLING ME BS I HAVE HEARD TIME AND TIME AGAIN then we get into a long arguement as i proceed to tell them every negative thing they have told me about my trike is NOT true,then i proceed to race and beat them,then roost the hell out of them(thats my favorite part!) twisted
07-28-2003, 01:21 AM
Ive been calling the local tracks trying to get them to let the trikes race (i know insurance wont let them) ive even told them ill take my 350 down ther and race ANY quad. If i loose then ill shut up if i win let all the trikes race, so far all ive got was a dile-tone.
07-28-2003, 08:33 AM
so far all ive got was a dile-tone.
Try dialing the number first, and waiting for someone to answer! Sorry, couldt resist.
Billy Golightly
07-28-2003, 10:51 AM
so far all ive got was a dile-tone.
Try dialing the number first, and waiting for someone to answer! Sorry, couldt resist.
ATC crazy
07-28-2003, 11:47 AM
so far all ive got was a dile-tone.
Try dialing the number first, and waiting for someone to answer! Sorry, couldt resist.
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