View Full Version : 84 200xc clutch not releasing

05-08-2009, 12:04 PM
I have not opened it up yet.
it worked fine then I removed the top end and replaced it due to top end damage (guy before me rebuilt it and di not repalce the head rubber plug and iol did not make it tot he cam and rockers. bad top end). So I got it all put back together on the top end and setup, the bottom end, i actualyl decided to remvo eth emotor from the 200x as i was not able to remove the head line on the 200s and 200e models while in the bike. so i used a wrench and moved the clutch lever ont he case so i can get some slacin int he cable to remvoe it. no biggie. completed top end rebuild put everythign back in same as removal.
bike will cycle all gears no problems with motor off.
put in in any gear pull clutch lever and bike still acts like clutch is not disengaged. i can put it in N and it rolls no problems. but put in gear, it's stuck. (yes pulling clutch lever to disengage it doe not work) i tried adjsuting the cable and no go.

what suggestions do you have w/o me being forced to open the case? if I opent he case, I'm replacing the clutch dics. no point in not, but what shoudl I then look for to resovle the issue? it's been a long time since i opend up a manual clutch trike to only work on the clutch assembly.

05-08-2009, 12:18 PM
p.s. sorry about the layout of my posting. I am running on 7 hours sleep in 3 days. 3 the night before and 4 lastnight.

05-08-2009, 01:21 PM
When clutches don't spin free (and it's not an external issue), it's almost always an assembly problem with the order of the thrust washers or something else that was overlooked.

The clutch hub has to spin free of the main shaft and it sounds like they are locked together. Even if you remove the plates, you may find the mainshaft (outerbasket) locked to the inner basket hub.

Quick dickin around, take it apart:D

05-08-2009, 02:05 PM

The whole bottom end or just the entire clutch side? I'm tired and trying to think of what I need to do and get a plan in my head before touching it again.

05-08-2009, 02:23 PM
Just the clutch cover unless someone had split that case and made a boo boo in there which would really STINK!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-08-2009, 08:56 PM
take the side case off.someone screwed up.get the manual out.i bet youll see what the problem is right off.fun

05-10-2009, 11:25 AM
yea i will. i'll do it in a bit actually.

also, man you guys ever have a problem witht he bike not wanting to start after rebuilding the top end? this one is being a turd! after over an hr of kicking and a swollen foot for 3 days, i decided to wait. timing is on. it ran prior to touching it. i did remove the jerry tigged dip swith for the run and repalced it with a correct engine run switch. baybe the switch is corroded and it's not makign contact. i'll take it appart and see. well truth though is not too much longer and I'll have me a good runnin 200x with a 12:1 piston (can only run 93+ oct. fuel) but it'll be a good runner. guy at work wants to trade it for a 5 yr old jetski. the sitdown 3 person one. his is a 750cc carbed version and the carbs need rebuilding and syncing. think it's worth it?