View Full Version : 110 frame

07-19-2003, 10:11 PM
i have an 84 110 and the sheet metal frame is broken at the seat latch. i have welded it many times and it never holds. is there an actual frame under the middle of the top rail thing where the sheets come together. i would really like to reenforce this puppy. also, a buddy of mine thinks that there was a frame for a 110 like the one on my 200x. i dont think there is. if there is that would be totally sweet.

07-19-2003, 11:31 PM
the 110 frame is just two havles spot welded together. their is a renforcing strip in the middle but not a tube like your thinking.

there were severall aftermarket frame's avalible for 110's at one time suspended and unsuspened. Bandito made a 2" longer rigid frame and M.T.C. had a fully suspened frame just to name two. both frames had the traditional tube frame. mymint87 has a fully suspened 110 frame which i belive is a M.T.C.

07-19-2003, 11:46 PM
Do the frames change thru-out the years? will a 80 work with 85 stuff ect??? I picked one up that has a bad frame thats been welded. would I be okay with it or should I track down another frame. It also needs a new rear fender. if anyone has one let me know, its an 85 I believe.

07-20-2003, 02:00 AM
I was tempted to bid on a rare 110 frame that MR ATC talks about on ebay. Good thing i was out of my 110 resto phase :D Anyway from what i saw it was a tube frame that was unsuspended but REALLY cool looking. It went for over $200 i think....when u can spend $10 for a regular 110 frame.