View Full Version : Big Red carb acting weird...

04-24-2009, 06:37 PM
Just had the carb off my BR. Pulled it down, cleaned the snot out of it and put a new choke valve and a rebuild kit into it... Put it back on the trike, gave it one kick and it idled about 200 rpms high... Pretty darn minor... Took it for a test ride, and in low gear, from idle to 1/4 throttle it has a little bog, and then it pulls like everything. Its not as noticable in second and third. Even get a occasional burp out of it in those low rpms, but runs great through the mid to top end. My question being, does it sound like it is a needle adjustment issue, crap in the low speed needle, or what about the synchronizing between the butteryfly and the slide....? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated...

04-24-2009, 10:05 PM
You should have checked the sync between the butterfly & the drum, but you should be able to do that with it on the bike. Are you running an air filter? Is it clean & oiled properly? Air filters can goof things up.


04-24-2009, 11:13 PM
Brand new air filter, and oiled... How is the sync supposed to be set up? I have it set so the slide and the butterflys are at the same time... I probably have a .005 gap at the adjuster. Is that not correct?

04-26-2009, 12:32 AM
That should be good. I think the manual says no gap, but .005" probably isn't anything on drum/butterfly sync. ????????
