View Full Version : How do you know if someone can ride an trike?

04-18-2009, 08:53 PM
I was selling my 1986 Honda 250sx. Someone came to look at it, and wanted to take it for a test ride. When he took it for a ride, he hit the sewer/curb on the street and smashed my rear rim and punctured the tire. He ended up giving me $100 to fix it. Needless to say I am looking for a new tire and rim.

Are the 250sx rims the same as the 250 bigred since I am in the need of one?
Also does anyone have any rims with tires, they dont have to be great since I am selling it. They just have to be cheap.

04-18-2009, 08:59 PM
Got 3 big red rims... One with a new tire...

I was selling my 1986 Honda 250sx. Someone came to look at it, and wanted to take it for a test ride. When he took it for a ride, he hit the sewer/curb on the street and smashed my rear rim and punctured the tire. He ended up giving me $100 to fix it. Needless to say I am looking for a new tire and rim.

Are the 250sx rims the same as the 250 bigred since I am in the need of one?
Also does anyone have any rims with tires, they dont have to be great since I am selling it. They just have to be cheap.

04-18-2009, 09:14 PM
never let anyone test drive unless the cash is in your hand.

04-18-2009, 09:16 PM
The 1985-1987 Big Red rims are 9" and the 250sx rims are 8". I can hook you up with a rim.

04-18-2009, 10:35 PM
I never let anyone ride my trikes unless I know they already know how to ride a trike. I've seen it too many times- the guy "Knows how to ride" and takes off into a tree or traffic.

My buddy was selling an ATC110 and he let the guy take it for a spin. The guy floors the thing, panics, and ends up out in the main road dodging cars. What a nightmare.

Even people who ride dirt bikes and quads don't always know how to ride a trike. I can't beleive how quick an inexperienced person can roll a trike.

04-18-2009, 11:23 PM
Learned my lesson,

Was selling one of my Tecates years ago my buddy from school was buying it and wanted to take it for a test ride so 10 minutes in, I'm think the deal is sealed, the DipStick WOT up my Dads yard clips a 3' diameter tree with the rear tire gets thrown 25 feet, lands on the pavement and breaks his collar bone. Not to mention tweaked the axle. Needless to say he didn't buy it--to much power for him. After that every trike I ever sold was cash in hand before the test ride. You crash it-You own it was my statement!

As far as rims go, If I had more money I'd let mine go so I could buy new rims and tires, but I can't afford to replace them yet. The rims aren't nice but the tires are new. Wish I could help you out, I'm local to you, I live in Bucks as well, your SX looks pretty clean. I've seen it on craigs and ebay. Good luck man.

04-18-2009, 11:39 PM
That sucks! I'm pretty sure they use the same rear rims. Should be able to pick one up fairly cheap.

your better off going to your local dealer for tires. shipping kills ya with those! (although I do believe either rocky mountain atv or dennis kirk offer free shippin on orders over $100.)

I dont mind letting people I know ride my wheeler. that's only because I know if they break anything it will be replaced.

Just yesterday oldtime let a total stranger rip on his 350x!!! :eek: :: and Mik6 is one brave soul.. :crazy:LOL he lets everyone rip that 87 Tecate (300???). I was never so nervous in my life riding that monster up at Patuckey.. :w00t: only because I know how hard parts are to get.

I thought that was the Cardinal Rule. you break it you fix it?!

Post pics of that 86? how much you asking?

04-19-2009, 12:52 AM
How do you know if someone knows how to ride a trike? They bring it back to you in the same shape it left in! My neighbor sold his gsxr to a guy, and wouldnt let him test ride it till he had the cash in his hand... Dude got 2 blocks away after he bought it before he dumped the bike...

04-19-2009, 01:17 PM
Yeah same. I havent had a bad experience yet but I seen the same thing happen. A buddy of mine was selling a warrior. Guy backed out of the drive way flat out cut the wheels which flipped it over and ended up breaking the plastics. He bought it but it was still stupid.

04-19-2009, 01:46 PM
Although I have horrible balance, somehow I manage riding 3wheelers just great :D

But, I HATE riding other people's stuff.... DEEPA always asks me to ride his R and out of anyone's trikes I'd ride his because he's kicked back doesn't GAF and would go easy on me if anything got wrecked.

But, no, I'd never want to wreck a Tecate!

You can usually tell when someone takes there 1st corner if they can ride a trike :lol:

04-19-2009, 03:35 PM
I have a friend with a Tecate that he bought new. Several times he offered to let me ride it. I just say, "Too much power for me."

04-19-2009, 03:38 PM
I let my young nephews ride my 185s once. Scared the ___ out of me. One came around the corner too fast and took out a flower bed. I was shocked he managed to stay on it. I haven't let them ride them since.

tri-Z ripper
04-19-2009, 04:23 PM
I can't ride for beans and i have ridden a bunch of people's trikes! :lol: just look at my

local spot :lol: JK i trust alot of people but not someone i know has not ridden a 3

wheeler that is what the 70 is for if they tip or roll that they cannot graduate to any

other machine! Hell ask deepa the only thing i did to his Z besides ride the hell out of

it was i shook every bolt loose on the machine sorry mike! youll get your revenge on

mine soon enough! :lol:

04-19-2009, 09:21 PM
had an 85 250sx one time, let a kid test ride it after he told me he knew how to ride it and all so i said go ahead, so he gets on and goes half way down my road in first gear float'n the valves and smoked my rings and then backed down from buying it.

really pissed me off

04-19-2009, 09:49 PM
i never let anyone one my trikes or my motorcycles ,never

04-20-2009, 12:57 AM
sometimes the first corner is their last, Not on my trikes though

04-20-2009, 02:00 AM
If I see a person get on a trike and do wheelies on purpose... I usually tend to think he might be a trike rider...

04-20-2009, 07:40 AM
Two stories.

First - Was selling a Honda 125 while out at Glamis and the person gave me, well the wife, the cash to hold while he tested it. He did real well and seemed to know what he was doing so he bought it and went away happy. Later that weekend I found out from friends that he crashed racing DOWN comp hill when he it the whoops at the bottom with no suspension. :eek: So you never know.

Second is that my kids, now the grand kids always want to loan their bike out and ride my wifes with the friends. Which I tell them is fine, but I'm not paying to fix theirs when the friend breaks it and they don't get to ride the wifes until theirs is properly fixed. No one rides mine but me. :naughty:

04-20-2009, 08:23 AM
This is all great advice. In selling quad/dirtbikes in the past...I guess I never considered it. Now with my re-discovery of 3wheelers, cash and medical card in hand first.