View Full Version : 1984 Honda 200ES runs like crap

04-15-2009, 11:05 PM
I just aquired a 1984 Honda 200ES Big Red. It starts and runs but doesnt run very well. It wont idle correctly and spits and fart when you rev it up. I checked valve clearence and it is set correctly. I installed a new plug and that didnt help. I tried adjusting the carb without success. I need some help finding out why it wont run correctly.

I tore the card apart and cleaned it. The main needle valve was not set to lower altitude so I reset it to the correct knotch. I think the jet said 908 but not certain.

04-15-2009, 11:33 PM
The jet is 108 which is stock. Download a service manual on here and check your cam and ignition timing. It sounds like you need to remove the cover from the left side of the head and check the cdi setup. They are bad about loosing the pin that drives the rotor.

04-15-2009, 11:36 PM
reclean the carb again , make sure all the little jet holes and air passages are totally clean , and force a small piece of wire through all of them to make sure that they are clear. Also make sure you don't have an air leak anywhere , turn it on and spray carb cleaner around the intake boot , if it revs up while spraying the fluid you have a leak (address the leak, will help with idle). Also put on a new air filter and just to eliminate that problem.

04-15-2009, 11:36 PM
Thanks for the info, I have the factory service manual so I will go after the CDI setup. Anything inparticular I should be looking for?

04-15-2009, 11:38 PM
It runs like crap with or without the airfilter in place. Also, it seems like the throttle plunger is sticking becuase I can rev it up and let off the throttle, it runs ok for a second or two and then the idle decreases and then stalls.

04-15-2009, 11:43 PM
Thanks for the info, I have the factory service manual so I will go after the CDI setup. Anything inparticular I should be looking for?

Try turning the rotor, it should move some and catch. If it spins all the way aroun the pin fell out behind it. Also look for brocken springs on either side of the rotor. While you have it open check the timing by, running the piton up to TDC and see if the line on the rotor lines up with the one on the pick-up.

If all is good there pull the carb again and run a stran of wire through the jets to clean em out. Also remove the fuel valve from the tank and take it apart and clean it.

04-15-2009, 11:52 PM
I checked the pulse generator, move the flywheel to the F mark and the alignment mark on the pulse generator rotor is off slightly. I asume when the F mark is lined up with the timing mark the marks on the rotor and pickup should be lined up? Also, there was some oil in the bottom of the pulse generator when I removed the cover.

04-16-2009, 02:23 AM
there's a T on the flywheel as well. the T is for the timing to "T"dc which is where you check it from. the F is for firing which if you used a timing light, the line should match up.

i'm thinking, replace the plug, check yuor grounds and get a carb rebuild kit. cleaning has never been successful for me. i have always ended up just rebuilding the carb in the end. for $16-$22 shipped from ebay, it's cheap.

forgot tto add: ensure the fuel mixture screw and idle screw settings are correct. mixture should be 1 and 1/4 to 1 and 1/2 turns out only if I remember correctly for ytour carb.

04-16-2009, 04:46 PM
and force a small piece of wire through all of them to make sure that they are clear.

EGADS!!! :eek:

Don't do that! You can really bugger them up shoving things in there. Let it soak and use compressed air to clean out the passages.