View Full Version : Pics from Glamis this past weekend

04-08-2009, 12:29 AM
Finally made it back out to Glamis this past weekend. You guys like dune pics, right? :D

My 350x sporting it's new desert seat courtesy of www.cosmicquads.com (Thanks Tammy and Rob!). I LOVE the new seat. That trike is so fricken comfortable now. I probably spent more time riding the X this weekend than I have in all the time I've owned it combined.

My R sporting some new goodies as well. Progressive front and rear springs, rebuilt rear shock, Westcoast +2 swinger, NASA preload adjusting fork caps. All performed awesome. I think I might be running a little too much preload on the rear but all in all, everything felt great on it.

Here's fla 2-stroke roosting some southwestern sand. Check out the one wheel action a couple pics down.

More pics in next post.

04-08-2009, 12:30 AM
3razors back on 3 wheels again!

Caught a little nosedive action.

Doesn't get much better.

04-08-2009, 12:31 AM
Patrick decided to do some roosting... without his bike! :lmao:


About an hour later he's almost back to the top. :lmao:


Uh oh... Here comes dad sneaking up from behind...




Great riding all weekend.

04-08-2009, 01:51 AM
Top notch pictures and some great action shots. Nice work:beer

04-08-2009, 03:43 AM
dude, getting a little too hot for me now, but if you remember, drop a pm to me next season and let me know when your headed out. I am getting kinda tired of being the only trike out there. I will meet you at Mother G ;)

This was at dumont a couple of weeks ago

My son and I

My brother's 400ex and my bike

Great pics dude, I can't imagine the kind of looks you guys get, cause people stare at mine all the time. But to see a bunch, they must be flabergasted

04-08-2009, 04:34 AM
Wow, great pics man! No pics of the 350x riding?

Cant wait till i go to the Oregon dunes next month :)

04-08-2009, 06:24 AM
Great pics as always Dammit!

Bryan Raffa
04-08-2009, 07:54 AM
thanks for sharing!!!! your seat looks comfy:cool:

04-08-2009, 08:18 AM
That is just so not fair - you are out in the sand shredding in shorts and a T-shirt - meanwhile we are getting snowed on - still!!!!

Color me envious! Great pics thou and nice new 350X hi-Flite type Seat cover!. nice 350X period

04-08-2009, 11:09 AM
Wow, great pics man! No pics of the 350x riding?

There's more coming. These are the pics I took. fla2stroke took a crapload and I think he even got some video of the 350x eating my nice pair of jeans. :lol:

fla 2-stroke
04-08-2009, 12:47 PM
great time as always in the sand.chevyharley was a great host as always.dammit and 3 razors were great guides.the temps were perfect.my son is hooked on the dunes(dad too)cant wait for the next trip in nov/dec.I hope to get syko to drive out with me next time.

fla 2-stroke
04-08-2009, 12:56 PM
couple more

Russell 350X
04-08-2009, 03:56 PM
Nice!! I want to go to Glamis sooooo damn bad!

04-08-2009, 07:10 PM
Awesome pics, looks like a great time. When i grow up i want to head out west just to ride all of the areas i see pictures of, for now i'm stuck here in the snow (i think it might be gone for a while) with Tim...

04-08-2009, 07:15 PM
great time as always in the sand.chevyharley was a great host as always.dammit and 3 razors were great guides.the temps were perfect.my son is hooked on the dunes(dad too)cant wait for the next trip in nov/dec.I hope to get syko to drive out with me next time.

me and billy have discussed this and thats one of our plans as to drive out there and bring a truck load of FIVE OHH OHH'S with us to ride!!:naughty:

04-08-2009, 08:37 PM
Great pics man!
Glad you liked the seat.

I am so sad:cry:

Man...We are gonna get out there...One of these days.I passed on the last chance,and I am kicking myself right in the ass for it.:mad:

04-08-2009, 10:32 PM
Glamis is certaintly the sand toy capitol of the world. Unfortunately they have shut down so much of it, alot was lost. The treehuggers are at it again, trying to close down the entire place, and they have made some huge successes in the last year. I highly suggest you make your plans solid and get out there. It is a wonderul place to ride from anyskill level, and it seems to go on for ever. This is the first place I ever rode, and the last place I would like to ride before I die. Glamis does rock!

04-09-2009, 11:22 AM
Great pics man!
Glad you liked the seat.

I am so sad:cry:

Man...We are gonna get out there...One of these days.I passed on the last chance,and I am kicking myself right in the ass for it.:mad:

Sprock and those guys are aleady planning another trip in a few months. :D

Mr. Clean
04-09-2009, 11:48 AM

Dammit doing what he does best...


Me on my R,note how soft the sand is on the face of that dune.




Ahhhhh...Heaven on earth I tell ya



Patrick getting some sweet air

Two 350x’s and 3razors in the background

Does it get any better???


Mr. Clean
04-09-2009, 11:52 AM
Father/son at the sand drags, Dad won this one....but Patrick can ride for 13 years old.



3razors and Dammit




Dammit pretty much wheelies from the time he unloads to when we pack up. All of his front tires have no wear on them.





Couple of me playing around





Mr. Clean
04-09-2009, 11:58 AM












04-09-2009, 12:01 PM
azz holes....

Mr. Clean
04-09-2009, 12:06 PM
azz holes....


Hey when you drive out here with Billy, make sure you throw Yamahondaman in the bed of your truck!! :beer

04-09-2009, 12:12 PM
I might drag that old man out there! maybe some sand will jog his memory!

Tri-Z 250
04-09-2009, 12:20 PM
The treehuggers are at it again, trying to close down the entire place, and they have made some huge successes in the last year.

I haven't seen 1 Tree in any of those pictures:wondering What possible harm is being done to the sand? Sorry I don't get their point in keeping people out of an enviorment that without Air Conditioning most humans wouldn't live in.

04-09-2009, 12:56 PM
They're fighting to protect a weed and a bug. Seriously. People spend millions of dollars a year trying to kill weeds. They're pretty tough. And those freaking beetles, you can't kill them unless you throw them in the fire.

Technically you're even required to run a spark arrestor at this place if you can believe that. I've never seen them enforce it though and nobody runs them.

tri-Z ripper
04-09-2009, 01:43 PM
All to protect what will eventually be turned into glass! Amazing Sand needs to be

protected! of all places the most unhospitable place does not need to be protected it

protects itself! DRY HOT DEATH! But i must say AWESOME pictures it looks amazing

did you see the sand hill from the thread my local spot in CT that's all we have is

little stuff like that!

04-09-2009, 11:30 PM
I haven't seen 1 Tree in any of those pictures:wondering What possible harm is being done to the sand? Sorry I don't get their point in keeping people out of an enviorment that without Air Conditioning most humans wouldn't live in.

Supposedly there is a "parson's Milk weed" plant that is on the endanged species list for plants. They are using that to try and close the place down. Unfortunate really, cause the people trying to do it, have BIG money and it is a battle we are loosing ground on quickly. They have already succeeded in eliminating trikes, any ATV designed for children under 12, and the latest is the surrounding desserts of Johnson Valley and areas of Ocotillo. Once they succeed in that, Glamis will be next. They have already closed so much of it, most places I rode as a child, I can not ride in again. Even the railroad has put up a fence to make it harder for people who camp on the back side of the washes to get their rigs in and out.

In no way am I a political guy, but God Dammit, I love this place and I certaintly want my children and grandchildren to enjoy it! "sigh":cry:

04-09-2009, 11:31 PM
Oh, I forgot! Great pictures dude, I wish I had someone who could shoot pic's half as good as you guys ;)

tri-Z ripper
04-10-2009, 12:42 AM
well unfortunatly they dont see it as even if they shut it down there are still the people that will go out there no matter what! If it is legal at least most people will pay for registration or what have you helping the state make money! so weather its ticketing or regestration i know i wont stop riding!

04-10-2009, 12:48 AM
well unfortunatly they dont see it as even if they shut it down there are still the people that will go out there no matter what! If it is legal at least most people will pay for registration or what have you helping the state make money! so weather its ticketing or regestration i know i wont stop riding!

Currently passes are $25 per week & $90 per season if you buy off site.
$40 & $120 if you buy when you arrive.

The rangers have gotten really strict in past years, and confiscating (hope that is spelled correctly :) ) is very normal if you are caught without up to date registration, or DUI. They do arrest you for DUI as well.

It is really something not to mess with.:rolleyes:

04-10-2009, 02:25 AM
Two thumbs up..way up! But that riding gear is WACK!!

04-10-2009, 02:56 AM
Supposedly there is a "parson's Milk weed" plant that is on the endanged species list for plants. They are using that to try and close the place down.sigh":cry:

Well.....all ya'll out there pull all this weed up. Make it extinct already so the enviroh's will shut up.:twisted:

:D :D j/k

04-10-2009, 10:11 AM
Well.....all ya'll out there pull all this weed up. Make it extinct already so the enviroh's will shut up.:twisted:

:D :D j/k

Funny thing is, I read somewhere recently that the stupid weed is dying in the restricted areas and flourishing in the open areas that people ride in. The bikes are probably spreading the weeds around by churning them up. So, of course, their next plan of attack will be to say that this weed is bad and we're causing it to expand or something. Idiots. :lol:

04-11-2009, 01:02 AM
Funny thing is, I read somewhere recently that the stupid weed is dying in the restricted areas and flourishing in the open areas that people ride in. The bikes are probably spreading the weeds around by churning them up. So, of course, their next plan of attack will be to say that this weed is bad and we're causing it to expand or something. Idiots. :lol:

That is so true! I read the same thing, I can't remember where, I beleive it was on ASA. But like Dammit says, it has nothing to do with saving a plant. They simply do not want us riding our bikes, period!

Check this out http://www.stopthrillcraft.org/

04-11-2009, 08:53 AM
Sprock and those guys are aleady planning another trip in a few months. :D
Apparently early December.
However last I heard, They were undecided if they would go back to Glamis, Or St. Anthony Dunes.
Either way, I was talking with Garageboy,and it seems as though He wants to make the trip with us, as well as some of the other OTC.
We were trying to find a way to get our machines out there as too.Instead of having to borrow other rides.Plus we want to strecth our legs on the KX 580 and Drag Z..:naughty:
Plus I would really like to feel the Shee out there in the powder..Something about a enclosed trailer and like 12 bikes, For 5 people.:w00t:

But man that is a long drive to have to haul those trikes out. I would like to take 2 weeks vacation and do some sight seeing out there too, as well as see Vegas and the Grand Canyon.
Dont know if driving out would leave enough time to do the extras.
But hey, riding is the main goal.:lol: