View Full Version : Put the 87 200x through the paces

03-23-2009, 02:20 PM
We spent the weekend at a off road park. I brought the 200x since that is all i have together right now. I was really worried. First off, i have only ridden it about 30 minutes since purchasing it and i am very paranoid about the oem plastics. We arrived there at 7:00 pm and set up camp. The girls went to sleep around 9:00 so my brother in law and i decided to go for a little night run. At first i was being really easy on it but the little 200x handled the trails great. My brother in law was on a polaris 250 and i stayed on his tale the whole time. We ran for about 3 hours straight. Then went to sleep. the next morning i woke up feeling extremly confident about my riding abilities and the 200x. We waited for a few more friends saturday morning and then took off. In most spots i could hang right with everyone else. There was a few spots i fell behind but that was mostly by choice and i am quite a bit older than the pups i was with. After about 5 hours of very hard riding we decided to go check out the MX track. To my surprise the attendant said i could take the 200x on the track...... That was a mistake. After about half a lap, i realized that me and the bike was not up for this challenge. I had dirtbikes flying over head, me being a nervous wreck. So i got off the track and waited for the rest of my group to finish. I was exhausted and ready for a nap. We decided to take one 3 mile trail then head back to camp. So i got on the top of the hill and then rolled the x. I am not sure why, i was going about 5 mph, nothing on the trail...... My brother in law said i must of fell asleep at the wheel. no damage, except my pride. But the 200x did very well, everyone was impressed especially me. I did blow my fork seals though so i will need to replace those and today i can barely walk. I have figured i did 12 hours worth of riding in 24 hours.

03-23-2009, 02:43 PM
Barry, your not the young puddle jumper you used to be!

03-23-2009, 03:42 PM
Glad you got to beat on it a bit.

Get yourself some nice OEM seals and maybe some thicker oil.....

The 2nd gen 200X handles very well IMO....

03-23-2009, 06:12 PM
What kind of seals were in those forks? I put aftermarket in mine, haven't had trouble yet- but haven't beat on it either.

03-23-2009, 06:18 PM
They where factory, 22 yo seals did not like the jumps much and neither did my back!