View Full Version : Rust out of a tank?

03-21-2009, 03:01 PM
Ive read all those theads and seen a few pics of this Evapo-rust stuff and Im pretty impressed and want to try it, however, nobody sells the stuff up here. So Im looking for something to get the rust out of my 70 tank. My dad keeps telling me to pour some Coke in and let it sit, but I read up on it, and it seems to do nothing or make it rust worse. The tank is pretty much the last thing on the 70 to make it a rider. What have you guys used that produced good results?

-Nick :TrikesOwn

03-21-2009, 03:26 PM
i used clr and some small rocks. let it sit then shake it sit shake sit shake sit shake

then turn upside down get rocks out and put a little gas it it and shake it then dump and did that once more then i let it dry out and now its clean no rust but still dont look perfect inside but atleast my gas isnt still colored like a mud puddle

03-21-2009, 03:33 PM
Ive had just about everything in this tank, shaken it quite a few times. Nuts, bolts, screws, rocks, this tanks had it thru it. Im at the point where I just need something to eat away the rust thats in it.

Ive seen suggetions of Phosphoric Acid?

-Nick :TrikesOwn

03-21-2009, 04:04 PM
I used muriatic acid on my 250sx tank, then some mineral spirits to clean out the acid.. Just take the petcock and cap off and for the love of god dont breathe it.

Then when you can get something to coat it, do it again, then coat it. As long as you keep gas in it, it wont rust again.

03-21-2009, 04:10 PM
clr calcium lime and rust remover

03-21-2009, 04:15 PM
if i were you i wouldnt even mess with it i would just buy a new one from ebay

03-21-2009, 06:55 PM
[QUOTE=Twilight;724432]I used muriatic acid on my 250sx tank, then some mineral spirits to clean out the acid.. Just take the petcock and cap off and for the love of god dont breathe it.


You got that right. We used to use that stuff at work. It'll literally burn the inside of your nose.

03-21-2009, 09:12 PM
www.evaporust.com you can order it direct. It's 21 bux exactly what I paid at tractor supply. Then you have the shipping. IMO worth every penny, I have been amazed at the rust this stuff eats. I've never done a tank though, just bolts and springs etc.


03-21-2009, 10:05 PM
Eventually I want to get a nice size cooler and fill it with Evapo-rust, that would be big enough for most parts and tanks. I read that vinegar works alright and since its the only stuff I have at the house right now, I have the tank filled with that. For now I think itll work, eventually I do want to Evapo-rust this tank though. Ill see how much rust is gone from the vinegar in the morning.

-Nick :TrikesOwn

03-21-2009, 10:21 PM
Have you heard if electrolisis. I mix 1 cup of Arm & Hammer laundry soda to a tank full of water. Use a 10amp battery charger. Hook up positive to a small rod, 1/2 in.dia and 9in. long. Black taped a bottle cap to the end of the rod,as NOT to touch tank. Insert rod inside tank.Ground the NEG to the tank. Turn on battery charger 10amp. and the rust will cling to the rod. Do this for about 15min. at a time. 2 times should work. Works good.The tank will look like new. I would use Por15 or KBS tank liner. Don't use Kreem. Beets

03-21-2009, 11:59 PM
have a question,what does the Arm & Hammer laundry soda do.

03-22-2009, 12:14 AM
bump for KBS lining systems, worked good 4 me

03-22-2009, 02:02 AM
have a question,what does the Arm & Hammer laundry soda do.

the laundry soda or baking soda acts like a medium for the electric current. It helps build up the resistance in the water i believe. Ive seen it done on horse power on spike tv.


03-22-2009, 02:35 AM
Wow, I gotta say this tank just totally blew my mind. I had the vinegar sitting in it all day, and it seemed to have gotten off all the rust it was going to, so I flushed it out with water and then gas. The vinegar took off all the light to medium rust, just the heavy stuff remained. After shaking it around with gas in it for a few minutes, a loud CLUNK came from the inside. Thinking it mightve been the inlet tube inside came loose or something, I flipped the tank upside down to find out wtf made that noise. After shaking it for a few moments, an effing massive nut just barely small enough to fit through the gas cap hole comes flying out!! :eek Apparantly it was rusted to the inside of the tank and all that soaking broke it loose. I wonder what other crap is hiding in there?!?!

And while were on the topic of finding weird crap in tanks, I had a snowmachine once that had a good sized rock, a file, and a nice assortment of nuts and bolts inside it. HTH does this stuff actually get inside there???

-Nick :TrikesOwn

03-22-2009, 12:22 PM
And while were on the topic of finding weird crap in tanks, I had a snowmachine once that had a good sized rock, a file, and a nice assortment of nuts and bolts inside it. HTH does this stuff actually get inside there???

-Nick :TrikesOwn[/QUOTE]

a idiot:rolleyes: or a child is probly the culprit:lol: :w00t: