View Full Version : Anybody Else In The Military?

03-14-2009, 04:36 AM
good morning, ive been dreaming of riding my trike latley but cant since its back in n. carolina and im in hawaii stationed w the uscg. the dirbiking is great out here but singletrack equals no trikes. anybody else on the board doin time?
sk2 shader

03-14-2009, 04:58 AM
hey im former military,stationed in hawaii.there used to be good riding over by hickom afb

03-14-2009, 05:53 AM
lol that must suck how is the $10 per 1 gallon of milk going? lol

Name Brand
03-14-2009, 05:54 AM
15T (Blackhawk mechanic, Crew Chief) with the AKARNG currently deployed to Kosovo. That puts me about 5300 miles from home, and my trikes.

Crewing Blackhawks is kinda cool too, I guess...

03-14-2009, 07:50 AM
Radar section leader, Get to enjoy my trikes for a couple more months and then off to Iraq.

03-14-2009, 09:20 AM
I did 6 years and got out in 1986! LOL I"m Old! I went to Beirut in 82-83 as part of the multinational peacekeeping forces. Sadly I had to carry caskets twice, First when they blew up the American Embassy and Second when terrorits blew up the Marine Barracks with a truck bomb. I also got to see a Battleship fire the first Broadside "In Anger" since the Vietnam war. My ship was also the "First Ship of the Line" to carry a Coast Guard Flag while we were busting boats for drugs down around Cuba. A few interesting stories connected with that too. My hats' off to anyone in the Military past or present. Thanks for doing all that you have done and keep up the great work!!!

200x Basket
03-14-2009, 02:23 PM
i did 4 years on the USS Tucson in pearl harbor. fun times

03-14-2009, 08:04 PM
I'm going on 8 years in the navy and finishing up my last deployment right now before I roll to shore duty. I work on the structural and hydraulic systems on the MH-60S (navy version of the army blackhawk helicopter).

03-14-2009, 08:36 PM
Well not in the military but have been working for the Dept of Defense for 11 years now as a Sysm Admin. Currently "deployed" lol at Navy Personal Command in millington TN.

03-15-2009, 01:20 AM
nice to see other military members out there!! being stationed away from your trike is the pits, only get to ride it once a year for 5 years now. cool to see some have been stationed out here in hawaii, its a diferent world out here but it does have great singletrack!

03-15-2009, 09:49 AM
Did a few years in the army, one tour in Iraq. I miss the hell out of it.

03-15-2009, 12:16 PM
spend 8 yrs in the marins. 91-99. first gulf war, helped in somilia, rowanda, and was stationed on the uss bellowwood (sp?).

03-15-2009, 12:51 PM
Six years and counting active-duty in the Army (15D20 Powertrain Mechanic). I got back from "The Surge" last August, and it looks like I'll be part of the next surge into Afghanistan. At least it will be a change of scenery. :lol:

BTW, I miss all of my toys since they're halfway across the country from me. :(
