View Full Version : 1986 200x

03-09-2009, 11:37 PM
i'm butting a set of new rocker arms and a new timming chain and gear on my 1986 200x honda and i need to no how to set the timming on it

03-09-2009, 11:44 PM
Welcome to 3WW :D and DC....

Your best bet is to USE A SERVICE MANUAL....

Or risk half arse or incorrect information found in people's individuall responses.

Seriously, it's not an easy task (at least for most people) so get a manual and then people (such as myself) can help with the specifics. There are just way too many things involved in that repair. Right off the bat the crank nut is LH thread and because people don't know that, 75% of the cranks out there have damaged threads. Download or buy a 40$ manual with all the specs and torques and start from there.

There are numerous sources of online free service manuals avaliable, you just have to find them :D. If you have the $$ for the parts, find the time and materials to to do it one time and do it right......

03-10-2009, 12:25 AM
from personal experience if your asking how to time nobody can explain how to set your timing and as for the manual it does not help at all!
i tried to set my timing by asking on here and talking to my buddy it did not work so then i had buddy come down and help and even after he timed it he made a little mistake by putting the fire timing on backwards so be careful and keep all the peices organized

03-10-2009, 12:33 AM
Start here

03-10-2009, 05:04 PM
Were talking valve timing and not ignition timing here.....

Valve timing (if you want to get into basics) is simply:

Piston at TDC on it's compression stroke and the cam will have both lobes exactly on center and opposite the rocker arms. Both arms will have a tiny bit of play and the lobes will be down and away from touching the rocker arms which open the valves. I've timed many motors with just that bit of info......

The Service manual shows you exactly where the valve timing marks are found that show the piston at TDC and the lobes down. It's very easy, but without having a full awareness of how stuff works in there, you'll need the manual to point out torque values, clearances, orings that should be checked, tolerances and on and on....