View Full Version : Crashed last night.....but ok.

03-05-2009, 08:55 AM
Well I was ripping up a ice oval last night I made, and I was full bore into the turn, and my wheel caught the outside snow bank. Launched me pretty dam far. I came down on the trike, and bounced to the ground. The wheels were still spinning at like 60mph, and the studs grabbed my leg, and wrapped it around. Torn up my pants, and my leg a little. I landed in the snow, so I am not really hurt. Ruined my new carhartts. I bought the double denim ones, and the double saved my leg a bit. It ripped both the double part and the single part. I think I wound up 50ft from the track.

03-05-2009, 08:58 AM
ow! Least you had taken precautions though, could have been worse!

03-05-2009, 09:02 AM
You got away with one there. I'd hate to think what those screws could do if they really caught ya!

glad your OK.. how'd the R fair?

03-05-2009, 09:09 AM
The R is fine, as far as I know. I got right up, and did a few more laps, then went home to get the snow out of every crevis of my body, lol.
Got to get back on the horse ya know.

Bryan Raffa
03-05-2009, 09:17 AM
OUCH... Glad your OK! Try plowing too the inside of the track next time..

I understand sometimes you cant ..because theres just so much snow

03-05-2009, 09:18 AM
glad your okay. may ditch the carharts for some chains saw chaps?

03-05-2009, 09:39 AM
glad your okay. may ditch the carharts for some chains saw chaps?

I Was thinking steel armor, like the kind knights used to wear.

I was really amazing at how those studs felt grabbing my leg, it felt like a meat grinder or something. The wheels were still moving pretty dam fast, and they really grab the clothes.

But seriously, I was thinking of some kind of armor, or chain saw chaps, but you need to move, and not feel constrained. I was looking at a lot of the clothes and protective gear in Dennis Kirk catalog. These studs are no joke.

Raffa, I did plow a certain amount to the inside, but there was too much snow. I even lifted the blade up, and knocked down the top part, because what happened, was just what I was afraid of. The problem is that the snow drifts on the lake, and it was like 12-18 inches in the drift. I was lucky to even plow a track. That turn was tighter than I wanted, and I really didn't have enough room, but I figured it was me alone. IF I go back out, I am going to make it wider, or bring my snow blower to move the heavy stuff, but right now, looks like the weather is not going to be our friend, and this season might be at an end.

I can't believe I am not more sore than I am. I feel pretty good.

03-05-2009, 09:56 AM
i gotta find a cheap lil snowblower to make the track next year thats a good idea never tought abotu it

03-05-2009, 09:57 AM
glad to see your alright there buddy, coulda definitly turned out alot worse.

03-05-2009, 10:04 AM
The R is fine, as far as I know. I got right up, and did a few more laps, then went home to get the snow out of every crevis of my body, lol.
Got to get back on the horse ya know.

Yeah buddy beat that thing up a little bit :beer Glad you are ok

03-05-2009, 10:09 AM
Chain saw chaps should be a good idea. They sell for less than 100$ and are insulated, perfect for the cold day on the ice. Glad you got back home walking... A set of nerf bar would also be a good idea.

03-05-2009, 11:17 AM
Man, that could/should have been real bad you realy lucked out, ive been grabbed by the studs on my 70 going slow and they are like cat claws on a damn drill pull you right in.. Glad you and your bike are ok.. Ya know ive read somewheres those damn 3 wheelers are dangerous...

03-05-2009, 11:32 AM
Good thing you had your gear on.

03-05-2009, 05:25 PM
glad to see your alright there buddy, coulda definitly turned out alot worse.

Thanks brapp! Hey I can't wait to come out to your place and ride. Get a good flat track going, that should be fun.

You know, there is a thousand things that go through your mind as you crash. It's like before you die, and your whole life flashes before you. I thought I would share what went through my mind, and maybe some of you can relate.

I'll start from the straight, but after the crash, there was all of 2 seconds, and I thought of so many things.

I was going down the straight, probably too fast. I should have let up, but I thought I would go straight and hit the snow bank at a pretty good clip, and thought I would crash, so I pitched it sideways, grabbed a thumb full of throttle, and hoped for the best.
-- About a quarter way through the turn, it looked like I wasn't going to make it, but thought I could just skim the snow bank and keep going. I did it a few laps back, and it wasn't so bad. Boy was I wrong. I hit that thing 4th gear wide open (mach 1.4). My right rear caught it, and I have to be honest, I am not sure what happened for the next 1/10 of a second, but I was no longer holding on to the handle bars, and was probably soaring through the air. It really threw me.
-- I came down on the bike, not one bit in control. The bike threw me to the left, and I started to go off like superman, to the left. All I was thinking was, crap*, don't let me tumble with the bike. I really had no idea what position I was in. My left foot was still sort of on the left peg, as my body slammed to the ground. IT was deep snow!! I thought to myself, boy was that soft, and this won't be so bad. Then my foot went between the fender, and the peg, and hit the rear wheels which were still spinning at mach speed. It felt as if my foot landed on a table saw blade, that is 10 inches wide. If you've ever got a piece of lose clothing caught up in a machine, like a glove in a drill, you sort of know what I felt. Except that it was my entire leg.
-- My leg did an entire revolution around, until the pants ripped, and the bike let me go. I was like Holy sh1t! That set my body (which was horizontal and bouncing off the snow) into a spin. I guess I tumbled a few times. You can't really count that when it happens. Years of slalom water skiing experience has taught me how to fall, and that probably helped. I came to a halt, and the bike continued on another 25 feet. I was probably 50 ft from the track, and the bike another 25.
-- Then I felt it. The studs on the wheels are poison tipped. They freakin burn. But I pretty much stood up immediately, and I knew I was ok, except for the cool breeze, and burning sensation on my leg. I got back on, and did 2 laps, then packed up to go home, as I was full of snow, and the sun had already set.

I was going to back out today with the 4 wheeler, and check out the scene of the crime, but I am tired, been in a crawl space all day. I was going to measure the marks, lol.

All in all, I don't mind crashing. I Actually kind of like it, as long as I don't get hurt, or too hurt. I just don't know how much more my 43 year old body can take. I really don't want to break anything, cause I own my own business, and I would be screwd. But hey, I'd rather get hurt doing what I love, than be run over by grandma who thought her car was in reverse, and then drove through the cumberland farms! That's just plain old American thinking. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Lesson learned:
Always wear safety gear, and I do.
Never ride alone, and I wasn't.
Get better pants?
Put a kill switch tether on the bike.
Plow the track bigger, even if it takes me all day. Nice wide turns is the shiznit.
Thank God..... again...

200x Basket
03-05-2009, 08:40 PM
sounds like you got off easy!! :)

glad you are fine.