View Full Version : Kasey made it in D/W

03-01-2009, 05:16 AM
There is a nice group shot on page 96 in Dirt Wheels of the the Sand Wizzards club with a nice write about them.. Front and center of the pic is Kaseys SWEET suspended 70.. Congrats bud.. Looks like a great club to join..

Buster Brown
03-01-2009, 07:09 PM
:w00t: Yep, TCP made it in as well! Congrats, to all!! DW, does show the love to the three wheeling crowd. Most of them grew up with trikes like us, and probably love the send-ins. :beer

03-01-2009, 07:26 PM
Please scan some pics and the article. The only place around here that carries Dirt Wheels is Walmart. Everytime i go there i need to take out a second mortagage