View Full Version : wrecked the kxt500r. bad, pics inside

200x Basket
02-27-2009, 10:27 AM
i have been building a new kx500 powered three wheeler to sand drag. Thursday i bled the brakes and went for a little ride. i was in 3rd putting along blipping the throttle when it stuck wide open. the bike went into a instant wheely and was heading at a barbed wire fence about 100' away. i was barely hanging on do 50mph or so. with about 1 second between the fence and myself. I bailed off.

Next thing i know i hit something solid and heard the three wheeler screaming at WOT. it went through 4 strands fo barb wire, jumped over another fence and then went back though it. i seen it doing back flipps in the air before it finally fell on its side and died. not sure if the motor blew or if it ran out of gas.

the forks are bent, frame bent, grab bar bent, pipe smashed, pegs bent, master cylinder busted, front wheel bent and the caliper is busted, new cables are trashed and more.

i barrel rolled, flipped, and skipped for 75' or so and hit the fence. I have a huge bruise on my leg and lots of rash. my hands and wrist hurt from flapping on the ground and my fingers are swollen.

my 3 year daughter seen the whole thing. she rode her power wheels jeep about 100 yards out to me. and said "Daddy that was cool!!! your 3 wheeler was riding by itself and flying through the air!!!

i asked her to go get mommy for daddy. i was hurting. :help:

here are some pics

where it went though
where i stopped
i set it up for this pic
the 2nd fence it jumped and then went back through
some of the damage

my help getting it back to the shop

02-27-2009, 10:32 AM
Oh man! Soooo sorry to hear about and see that. Hopefully your injuries aren't too severe. Get better soon. Any idea why it stuck open? Are you planning to fix it back up?

02-27-2009, 10:33 AM
Ouch man, That thing is a mess. It's good that you didn't get hurt any worse though, machines can be fixed you cant.

02-27-2009, 10:39 AM
Glad you made it out safe for the most part. Hope you were wearing a helmet.

When you rebuild....


02-27-2009, 10:49 AM
Damn glad you made it out as good as you did! Barb wire is no joke. One of my friends went into a fence on a quad when we were in first grade. 20 years later you can still see scars on his face.


02-27-2009, 12:09 PM
i'm glad you're ok.

tri-Z ripper
02-27-2009, 12:56 PM
Nice wreck!!

02-27-2009, 01:08 PM
It's sick and it's sad, but at least you aren't tweaked any worse than you are.

Just gotta wonder: Was it the Kawasaki motor rejecting the(inferior...lol) Honda parts(j/k), or were the Honda parts scared of the power of GREEN?


200x Basket
02-27-2009, 01:10 PM
not sure but it was the fastest honda that i have ever been on!!

02-27-2009, 01:12 PM
Damn bro sorry to hear that. You gonna rebuild her or not?

02-27-2009, 01:46 PM
Sorry to hear about your trike Basket!!

Glad you had a decent get off, you were smart enough to let go. Imagine if that thing dragged you through the barbed wire!!!!!!!!!!

Thats what happened to me with my 250R and everyone said, "why didn't you just pull in the clutch or hit the kill switch". I don't think people understand how fast that chit happens........

02-27-2009, 02:27 PM
Thats what happened to me with my 250R and everyone said, "why didn't you just pull in the clutch or hit the kill switch". I don't think people understand how fast that chit happens........

OMG! You are sooooo right, DC. I had that happen to me on my 250R during a race, coming out of a woops section and ended up snapping off a 6" round fence post with it. I got the same questions and all I can say is I just locked up. There was no thought making ability whatsoever when that happened.

200x Basket
02-27-2009, 02:39 PM
i had one thought. bail before the fence!!! there was no way to stop in time and i was in a huge powere wheely on +6" swinger. i was toast.

02-27-2009, 03:24 PM
2nd, machines can be fixed, you can't. Glad your ok. Those things happens so fast that not many people have the needed split second reaction time to bail or ride it out. It's great you had the reaction, it saved your life. I have never been able to understand why a machine goes faster than it ever has before right as your going to crash. The comment you said to your daughter yanks on my heart strings because I watched my wife and son flip the 87 polaris quad on top of them. It was like your worst fear come true. Still makes me all extremely nervous to watch her ride the quad. I usually tell her to ride with me. Once again glad your ok and rebuild that beast!

02-27-2009, 03:29 PM
Oh and "huge powere wheely on +6" swinger", thats a honda's power for you shens

02-27-2009, 03:46 PM
What are your plans Basket, are you gonna rebuild it or what??

Any thoughts on what made the throttle stick??

Honestly, I crashed so hard it's what made me stop riding 2 strokes............

200x Basket
02-27-2009, 04:31 PM
i am not sure on the rebuild. if the frame is toast then i will not rebuild. if its just a little tweak in the subframe then i will fix it.

i still have to see what all is busted. i know i need forks, pegs, cables, front brake system, front rim, grab bar (may fix that one), and who knows what else.

it may not look like it but there are many many hours of custom fab work on that frame. new engine cradle and braces, should rezzy mount lowered. kxt plastic mounts, seat clamp reworked, and more. i dont feel like doing it all over again

Russell 350X
02-27-2009, 05:23 PM
Dude, that sucks. Glad to see that you are only minorly bruised, not broken and in a hospital bed. Like said before, it can be fixed, you can't! Hopefully the frame isnt FUBAR. You gonna do anything different second time around (if there is one?)


The Goat
02-27-2009, 06:17 PM
Damn chris, hope you're alright, take it easy for a few days.

Try to get some meprozine from your doctor, it'll zone you out long enough for you to heal.

I told you that bike was scary looking.

200x Basket
02-27-2009, 06:42 PM
no pain pills for me. well i did take 3 advil

02-27-2009, 07:03 PM
Dude that could have been so much worse. glad to see you made it out just what you did. Sorry to see the trike in the shape it is in but hey better than you in that shape... Hope it all works out for you.

02-27-2009, 07:45 PM
Man that sucks! It could have turned out alot worse though, good thing your ok.

02-27-2009, 07:58 PM
All I can say is wow! you're lucky to have done what you did.. It could've been alot worse for sure, sorry the bike got pretty much trashed also

Tecate 50
02-27-2009, 08:02 PM
Glad your ok dude......if you dont fix it, Im looking for a pipe for my 500 tecate!

02-27-2009, 08:05 PM
I wish you and your trike a speedy and successful recovery. I hope that frame with all the fab work can be made right again. It looks like you personally came out of the mishap in fairly good shape considering.

200x Basket
02-27-2009, 09:01 PM
well i figured out the problem. for some reason when you got WOT the slide sticks at the top of the carb. you can turn the carb cap and it falls back down. i have never seen anything like it before.

the rear subframe is about 3/8" up on the left side and both forks are bent.

i think i can fix the frame so i will rebuild.

i need some parts so if you have anything that you are tripping over let me know.

left peg
both forks
grab bar
39mm carb

i am off on monday and will start the tear down. it will be painted when i put it back together!!!!!!!!!!

02-27-2009, 10:26 PM
Damn dude...glad you're okay.....

02-27-2009, 10:30 PM
Wow that bad news i dont have much to say, but when you're going that fast its good to know you had enough sense to realize you could build another and let it ride itself out. Glad to hear you're ok, TC...

02-27-2009, 10:38 PM
It's no longer a labor of love, now it's personal! LOL You're dedicated when you give blood and do it all over again. Glad to see it wasn't any worse than it is and it's bad enough. I knew a guy that totally rebuilt a 110 and went out riding with just a little fuel leak on his carb. Needless to say it caught fire and even burnt up his new plastics and seat and tires and all that good stuff. He was so busy trying to put out the fire by throwing sand on it that he didn't even take the time to take the rear fenders off. He rebuilt it though and bought the new parts for it again. He's a member on here and his name won't be mentioned to protect the guilty. LOL
Best of luck getting it back together. Get that carb checked out. Definitely get one of those tether switches, it should be a requirement for the drags anyway. Heck, anyone that rides a trike hard should have a tether switch. A tether switch kept my Tiger 500 from blowing up when the throttle stuck open on it one time! A great investment for the money. Hope you're feeling a little less sore.

02-27-2009, 11:18 PM
Sorry to hear about your bike and glad that you are okay. I have two little ones myself about the same age as your daughter and I could totally visualize the "daddy that was cool" comment.

02-27-2009, 11:34 PM
Glad to see your O.K. Could've been a lot worse with that barbwire. Throttle cable broke when I was a kid and took out my dads metal shed. Thought he was gonna beat me when he saw the shed. He said, he didn't like that shed anyways. Gotta new wood one! Heal fast, ride hard!!

02-27-2009, 11:38 PM
damn dude that sucks. i was about to stuff a kx500 motor in my tecate, now i'm thinking twice about it.. i bout an old yamaha dt100 from a friend that sat in the back yard for years. got it running started ripping around the mini track and the damn throttle stuck in 3rd mid way up a jump and fliiped me on my head.. i can only imagine a 500cc powered trike...

02-28-2009, 02:52 PM
Heck, anyone that rides a trike hard should have a tether switch. A great investment for the money. QUOTE]

Amen, and +1 on that!

Besides being safer and somewhat of an insurance policy in a similar situation, they just plain look "racey".

200x Basket
03-09-2009, 11:15 PM

the cause of the stuck throttle was a PJ carb cap on a PWK carb. it will fit BUT the pwk slide will stick tight in the pj cap. the previous owner hooked me up right!!

anyway right now the Mutt is torn down and on the shelf. no plans to rebuild right now. i may look for a tecate roller to cram the kx500 engine into.

my right wrist and left leg are still pretty bad. i have about 25% motion in the right wrist and the leg is just painful.