View Full Version : honda 250sx problem

07-12-2003, 10:58 PM
I was reading through old posts and found out that my gas cap is not venting properly, thus causing my trike to act like it is running out of gas. My question is how do I fix my cap? Can I rebuild it, or what do I have to do? thanks in advance.

07-13-2003, 08:47 AM
I don't know if the cap comes apart at all, either with tabs you can unbend or screws but I'd try compressed air and carb cleaner or something similar there must be some junk in there.

07-13-2003, 05:02 PM
Drill a hole in it. :twisted:

07-13-2003, 05:17 PM
Drill a hole in it. :twisted:
He's right - who cares about a dam one way valve just let some air in there.

Hate to steal this post but.... Hey BBECHTEL16 how does your SX run with those mods? I threw on a COBRA and I'm lean so I wondered how your jetting was with that mad crazy piston and stuff?? I keep wanting to ask you but forgot till I saw your post.

07-13-2003, 05:25 PM
The caps can be taken apart and cleaned. I have fixed a couple over the years. You need to carefully un-bent the outer part slightly out most the way around. When it's cleaned just re-bend the outer part back in.

07-15-2003, 08:42 PM
Drill a hole in it. :twisted:
He's right - who cares about a dam one way valve just let some air in there.

Hate to steal this post but.... Hey BBECHTEL16 how does your SX run with those mods? I threw on a COBRA and I'm lean so I wondered how your jetting was with that mad crazy piston and stuff?? I keep wanting to ask you but forgot till I saw your post.

Actually I haven't changed it at all. The silencer was on it when I bought it. But my carb is all screwed up. I don't have a choke cable and I was going to put one in until I realized it would screw up my jetting cause air passes through the dinky hole and it makes it run crazy rich when I cover it up. So I decided to just leave it go for now since I never tuned a carb before and it runs good now. The problems I have though is a crazy fast idle one its warmed up, it won't idle when cold, its hard to start, and the throttle response sucks. Once I get money I think I'm gonna go with a 350X crab (unless there's another carb I should know about) and tune from there.

07-17-2003, 07:49 PM
hey guys it was the cap, now I just have to figure out how to clean it and make it work properly. Thanks for the help!!!!

07-24-2003, 04:01 PM
I've heard you can turn the little "on off selector" on the cap to off and drill a hole above the word on so that when you turn the selctor to the on postion it covers the hole yet letting air in,

if that dosent make sense ill try to rexplain