View Full Version : All info after 07-09-03 Erased

Billy Golightly
07-12-2003, 05:36 PM
This includes PM's, New Topics, Replies, attachments, and anything else. I'm sorry for the inconvience but I (HondaATC) done a real number on the board which deleted EVERYTHING on accident...I swear if I had a brain I'd take it out and play with it. Please re-post any topics you might have made, and re-post and classifieds, along with re-sending Private messages. Again I'm really sorry, but it was either revert back to the 9th or have nothing at all. Yes, I know I'm stupid, Yes, I'll make sure I watch what I'm doing a little more carefully.
Billy Golightly (HondaATC)
And the rest of the 3WW Team
(Glad Howdy doesn't know about this yet )

07-12-2003, 06:37 PM
atleast you told us, and took the responsibility! :)

07-12-2003, 08:45 PM
does this also mean that we will lose all the post numbers under our names too???

07-12-2003, 08:57 PM
Nah we dont, but even if we do, what's the big deal?

07-13-2003, 05:03 PM
yah i know i lost a few post. I was up to 160 and now Im down to 147.