View Full Version : Should i Buy????

02-19-2009, 05:21 PM
Ok first off I am sorry to say there are no pics :( Didnt have the camera. Here is the story. Its a 1980 model 185s. The guy wants 150 but told me he would take 125, not a penny less. Story is that an older guy had it for years and it started smoking so he did a top end. I can see the yellow goop so i know it was apart at least. He said it then sat for a year. Currently its sitting outside. The fenders are not cracked. Looks to be orig. tires...weather craked. Carb on it but needs cleaned to run. Fuel tank off. Seat is thrashed. So i didnt hear it run or i didnt move it. (frozen to ground). Going to need some work i guess. Worth it or save money and buy one that i know runs?

02-19-2009, 05:31 PM
Is it a 1980 185 or an 81-83 185s? It's most likely worth it either way in parts if nothing else. I sold the seat pan from a $50 81 185s for $75 lol.


02-19-2009, 05:38 PM
It has a round headlight and the frame sticker says its 1980 model.

02-19-2009, 05:53 PM

You've already got the slow poke/sport/utility model.

Move on to a 350X, 250R or 200X ( me likey the 86/87 myself!! :D)

02-19-2009, 06:05 PM
It was for the girl....so she could have something to ride at TF since i only have the sx. Its all there but i just dont want another money pit. I want something she can ride and not have to get towed back. But i dont have money coming out my wazoo

02-19-2009, 06:28 PM
It all runs down to the $$ and the room to store it. I am completely full at this point, so full that I disassembled a complete 200X and boxed it away.

It needed restoring anyhow, but I just couldn't keep it in the 16x20 building. I'm about ready to do the same thing to the 250SX because I rarely ride it :(

02-19-2009, 06:43 PM
DONT YOU TOUCH THAT SX!!!:banned: :banned: Give it to me instead....seriously...send it my way :) I got lots of room for it lol. Your right. She can always ride the sx and i can save my cash for a 350x. Which is what i REALLY want. She will just have to watch at Trikefest i guess:wondering

02-19-2009, 08:51 PM
the 185 is a cheap bike to fix. you coudl buy it, part it and use the $ to get a 83+ modeld triek with front shocks at least. she will thank you for that. trust me. the solid fronts are a pia to ride and are harsh on the body.

02-19-2009, 11:08 PM
Thanks for the imput bro but DC told me just what i needed to hear. Its a not so common trike at a great price but its not what i REALLY WANT. P.s. it does have front suspension.??? maybe an upgrade:confused:


02-19-2009, 11:12 PM
That trike would have not had suspension. It must have been added.


02-19-2009, 11:18 PM
Thats what i figured....its a cool looking trike, the fenders are two pieces versus one. its got a trunk and all. Its all there just needs tlc. Not bad shape though minus the tires. Just to slow i guess and not big enough. (macho thing)