View Full Version : 225 carb question. With pics

02-19-2009, 04:00 AM
This is a 225dx carburetor. I bought a old carb with no jets or anything in it. Just the carb body itself. Then bought a new carb kit for it. My question is will the needle seat ( i think its the seat) Pressed into place? It doesnt look right sitting like that. I just figured id ask first. Im still in high school and want to learn so i can do this on my own. Thank you.

MO dx
02-19-2009, 08:37 AM
There is a little plate and screw that hold it in they are missing in your pic.

02-22-2009, 06:36 AM
I got the carb rebuilt. Now i need a little help with the adjustments. Can someone tell me how many turns the pilot screw needs? After the rebuild its running good, but its pouring gas out of the bottom of the bowl like my old carb did. The float is new and seems to be adjusted right. I could be wrong though. Its it possible it could be the needle to far down? I cant figure this one out.