View Full Version : 250ES exhaust pipe Diameter: OD &/or ID

Billy Golightly
07-08-2003, 08:22 PM
My freind is coming over tomorrow and I'm either going to rig something up from a muffler I have out of my pile, or we're going to make a straight pipe for it so that he won't keep burning his fenders. I've tried calling him back to go measure the size of the exhaust but I guess he hasn't got my message. So....Any of you guys who might have a 250ES header pipe laying around, could you by any chance measure the Inner Diameter, and the Outer? I've got some tubing to maybe make a pipe but I don't think I've got the right size. I wanted to check tonight before we had to run to town and get some though.

Billy Golightly
07-08-2003, 08:36 PM
Nevermind, he just called me. It sounds like from what he told me on the phone, its like inch and an eighth ID and a little over inch and a half OD. So I'll prolly just get a peice of pipe tomorow just to be on the safe side if we can't adapt something I've got in my junk pile.