View Full Version : Dirtwheels Article-cut And Paste!!!

02-10-2009, 01:35 PM
OK heres the final draft:
feel free to edit it in any way or just write your own, im just trying to have dirtwheels get a huge volume of emails requesting a 3wheeler shootout!!

Dear Dirtwheels,
First off great mag! In honor of our current atvs history and your long time loyal readers a 3 wheeler issue seems appropriate. Todays current atvs couldnt have turned out the way they did without their predecessors that were missing a wheel. Many of your readers are still out riding these 3 wheelers and would not have it any other way. How about testing some of todays current atvs against yesterdays top atcs such as a: high performance atc250r vs trx450r, sport 200x vs 300ex and utility big red vs rancher shootouts? I think the results may suprise everyone!!

Sincerely: 3wheeler world member(your name)
you have permission to edit

if you can email 2 copies to them, tell everyone on the other sites like trikeopolis, trikeheaven and 3wheeler org too if you can!!! im confident well see results at some point soon!!:beer

02-10-2009, 01:37 PM
whoops heres the link!!

02-10-2009, 03:41 PM
I sent mine in!

02-10-2009, 05:08 PM
I sent mine, just had to do a little editing to include Yamaha and Kawasaki

02-10-2009, 06:06 PM
sent one today and i will send another tomorrow ..............................

great thinking:Bounce :Bounce :Bounce :Bounce :Bounce :Bounce

02-10-2009, 07:18 PM
I'm a little confused. :confused: Do I send pics of my trikes? Or are we just sending them the text to put the bug in their ear and the pics come later?

02-10-2009, 07:46 PM
i can see it now ,,, a real world test with a 250r and a 450r ... the only place the 250r isn't going to look bad might be a drag strip,,,, they are 2 totally different machines,,, and a mix will certianly show you that,,,, bad idea!!!

02-10-2009, 09:24 PM
Sent mine in too...

Love the mag, and have been a reader for along time. With the creation of the "three-wheeled Spyder Roadster" I think it is time to give credit where credit is due. Truley the ATV world would have never been the way it is today without the old 3 wheeled ATV's. Thats a fact! I think you all should do a past presnt and future. (Yes thats right they can't hold us back!) I ride my Honda ATC's all the time. I have also toaught my children to ride ATC's (I am a honda guy) and each is always on my back to go riding. With the way technology has changed over the last 10yrs the old ATC 250r are being modified (lighlty) to tear some serious, um, butt. Most new ATV's have to be super modded to hold up to a nicley tuned 250r or tecate. Check out Youtube for the races. 3 Wheelin in still alive and well. Most if not all ATV riders that had 3 wheelers back in the 80's still ride them today and most like me refuse to ride a 4 wheeler or 2 wheeler. There is absolutely nothng more fun to do then tear it up on a old school 3 wheeler. I think it is high time the new generations be taught a lesson on the real ATV's. I purpose a challenge to the Dirt Wheels team to post an artical challenging them to a 3 wheeler event. Request highly modified race trikes to stock dialy runners to have a head to head with the newest atv's. This would very likely be the MOST SAUGHT AFTER Artical/Event in the mags history. Old school vs New School! That is my challenge to Dirt Wheels.

On a different subject I run a small website that hosts the actual 3 wheeled atv accident reports. This website I update every month with new records. These reports are direct from the Consumer Product Safety Commission or the devil as I like to call them. Most records are of drug, alcohol and no riding gear based accidents. Sadly the 3 wheelers are to blame for those accidents. Hmm, don't sound right to me. Anyway if you have a wild hair and need something to do might want to read the reports. Some are sad and others will make you chuckle. Let me just share one with you. This is an actual report: VICTIM WAS OUTDOORS PLAYING WITH FRIEND & FAMILY MEMBERS. SHE WAS |RUNNING WHEN SHE TURNED A CORNER SHE RAN INTO THE ATV. VICTIM, WAS |KNOCKED OUT FOR APPROX. 5 MIN. AND SPENT 1 NIGHT IN HOSP. UNDER |OBSERVATION.

If you do visit the 3wheelerworld.com forums lok up the thread: Another WTF banned 3 wheeler? and you will get to read someof the reports.

Thanks again and hope to see more 3 wheeler articals in your Awesome mag!

02-10-2009, 10:14 PM
thanks for sending them in!! the more they get the better chance of seeing a shootout, and who cares if they win!! just seeing a new article would be great! and they already win with price and weight right off the bat!

02-11-2009, 12:37 AM
Great idea. Hope you don't mind, but I just drafted my own "call out" and sent it to Dirt Wheels. I spent my youth(early-mid '80s) in their mag, and I just asked them for a little something back. I even offered to ride whatever 3-wheeler they included/featured in a future article....if they have nobody on staff capable and confident to ride a true wheeler.

02-11-2009, 01:00 AM
i can see it now ,,, a real world test with a 250r and a 450r ... the only place the 250r isn't going to look bad might be a drag strip,,,, they are 2 totally different machines,,, and a mix will certianly show you that,,,, bad idea!!!

yeah, but it would be cool just to see :Bounce

02-11-2009, 01:55 AM
we need to start a petition or something and have evryone do an online signature thing so we all don't have to write to them. as you can see i'm terible at typing..lol or send dirt wheels a link to this thread... i would love to see a issue that had three wheelers in it...

02-11-2009, 01:57 AM
i would ride my 250r on the trail against a 450r and probably whoop him... possibly on a mx track..

02-11-2009, 09:52 AM
sorry guys but it's never going to happen....DW's did a 25 year review of all mags and bikes back in 05...that's is as good as it's going to get.....why would they do a test on BANNED bikes that you can't buy anymore????plus i'm not sure DW riders would get insurance to do such a thing anyway......

02-11-2009, 02:44 PM
i can see it now ,,, a real world test with a 250r and a 450r ... the only place the 250r isn't going to look bad might be a drag strip,,,, they are 2 totally different machines,,, and a mix will certianly show you that,,,, bad idea!!!

I completely agree. A shootout would only prove the shortcomings of the 3wheeler. Especially compared to the new yfz450R, but really any 450 quad. The technology and rideability of modern machines is amazing. If you don't believe me, then you owe it to yourself to ride a modern 450. Everyone knows that riding a trike in the same way you ride a quad would get you hurt quickly! It would be the same as comparing a trike to a bike imo. I ride and own bikes, trikes and quads and i love them all......... but a shootout would not be good publicity. However we can keep sending in pics of our beloved trikes.:beer

02-11-2009, 03:07 PM
Trailrider - you have tons of spelling and grammer errors in your letter- I hope you edited before you sent it.

02-12-2009, 12:19 AM
i think its all the rider not the atv. i ride dirtbikes primarily and have raced and rode 4wheelers just as long. i proved 3wheelers are capable when somebody stole my atv and out of pity the trackowner let me race my trike since its all i had. bet he never thought hed be handing me a trophy! 3 wheelers kick ass there right between a dirtbike and 4whlr and handle great if your not "new"!

02-12-2009, 12:25 AM
sorry guys but it's never going to happen....DW's did a 25 year review of all mags and bikes back in 05...that's is as good as it's going to get.....why would they do a test on BANNED bikes that you can't buy anymore????plus i'm not sure DW riders would get insurance to do such a thing anyway......


02-12-2009, 09:21 AM
Having DW do anything in there mag as a tribute to 3wheelers would be awesome . A comparison would be interesting as far as 250r,tri-z and tecate3 against modern race quads . I truly beleive that no matter what the results of the comparison the true trike owners arent going to start selling their machines because some "modern" quads out performed them . the non beleivers should stick to 4 wheels .

02-12-2009, 10:26 AM
I've never had any trouble keeping up with quads in the woods, on the hills, etc...., (if I wasn't flat out leaving them behind), so it's hard for me to figure where some in this thread are coming from when they say(well....infer) that a shootout would just expose 3-wheelers for inferior machines.

I'm not going to judge anyone else's riding ability if I haven't ridden with them, but who here is riding a Tecate, R, Z, or X models and getting shown up by most quads on the trail and/or in the pit?

In my experience, a 3-wheeler's design deficiencies are made up for by it's advantages in the hands of a good rider. The only guy in my ride area that can out climb me is on a well modded TRX 250R, but I can outride him in other areas. So, in this case it doesn't come down to what we're riding, but instead how loose the nuts that connects the footpegs and the handlebars are.

02-12-2009, 07:11 PM
I completely agree. A shootout would only prove the shortcomings of the 3wheeler. Especially compared to the new yfz450R, but really any 450 quad. The technology and rideability of modern machines is amazing. If you don't believe me, then you owe it to yourself to ride a modern 450. Everyone knows that riding a trike in the same way you ride a quad would get you hurt quickly! It would be the same as comparing a trike to a bike imo. I ride and own bikes, trikes and quads and i love them all......... but a shootout would not be good publicity. However we can keep sending in pics of our beloved trikes.:beer

i beg to differ, i feel more comfortable and way faster on my old trikes compared to my friends brand new 400's 450's i think the extra front wheel give them more to get caught on and flipped the machine over.. just my opinion. i also feel safer gettin big air on my trikes

02-12-2009, 07:14 PM
i may race my trike at our local indoor mx track here soon i'll let you know how it goes...

02-12-2009, 07:33 PM
Especially compared to the new yfz450R, but really any 450 quad. The technology and rideability of modern machines is amazing.

http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/images/smilies/runaround.gif http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/images/smilies/dunno.gif http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/images/smilies/bs.gif

02-12-2009, 08:59 PM
Well then, lets see it! Some of you guys are crazy if you think your going to git more air, and ride a track faster than the quads and bikes.:confused: You're going to race, or you have!:acr Well i have, and do! Yes the OTC group actually races! And by far the best trike racer i've ever seen was 3legg. Ask around. Some of you are way over your head and need to face reality. Todays atv suspension is sooooo far ahead of anything made in the 80's that there's no point in even talking about the other reasons. Some of you really need to go to gatherings like TF, OTC races and other big events to show me and some others how it's done. I love 3wheelers, and own more than most, and they actually run! So bring some of your rides to say Oaklahoma in April and lets see some of that BIG air! I'll have video in hand. But i'll go out on a limb and say right now........ I'll git more air on my trailbike (WR450) than you on a trike. What say you?:naughty:

02-12-2009, 09:43 PM
i wasn't talking about 2 wheeler. i know ther faster and can get more air than a trike..

02-12-2009, 10:19 PM
i think the point got across by all you discussing which is better, wouldnt it be great to see our discussions results in a mag!! send your letter in!! hopefully it will work. as far as technology goes yeah trikes are old, but on a trail you can only go so fast anyways my stone age rigid trike only gets beat when its slow top speed comes in, other than that its leading the pack!

02-12-2009, 10:22 PM
(WR450) than you on a trike. What say you?:naughty:
http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/images/smilies/worshippy.gif Your my hero! :lol: (I say) we should get back to the topic of this thread. Don't want it turning into a jumping competition :lol:

02-13-2009, 08:32 AM
who said anyhting about bikes anyway . Their is no 3 or 4 wheeler touching a dirtbike anyway you look at it . thats simple common sense ...

I ride with guys that have all types of machines from bikes to 3 and 4 wheelers . The guy that always shows everyone up rides a 85 ATC250r , hill climbing , jumping , you name it he rips it .If your a B#lls to the walls rider you only need a machine capable of so much .

02-13-2009, 09:33 AM
I dont think we need a shootout. We already know how cool our trikes are and I doubt the mags wana piss off any of the big companies with saying one of their trikes from 1986 was faster than one of their comparable quads in 2009. but any pics or coverage of trikes in a current magazine would be cool with me

02-14-2009, 02:26 PM
thanks for yalls support on this subject, if someting does happen to make it in dirtwheels please post a thread or message me in case i miss the mag due to work.

02-15-2009, 05:27 PM
I doubt the mags wana piss off any of the big companies...
You just hit the nail on the head. No magazine is going to risk jeopardizing one of their primary revenue streams, especially in this economy.

...but any pics or coverage of trikes in a current magazine would be cool with me

Something like THIS (http://www.3wheeler.org/vb/showpost.php?p=209315&postcount=26) maybe?

02-16-2009, 08:21 PM
ADW3, where did you find these articles? they seem to be recent.

03-01-2009, 02:39 PM
Hey Hawaii what ever happened with this, I am just curious but have your heard anything or seen anything in the magazine.

03-01-2009, 03:07 PM
ADW3, where did you find these articles? they seem to be recent.
That is from the Oct. '07 issue of Quad Magazine.

Make sure to pick up the April '09 issue of DW when it hits the stands later this week. You might find something of interest in there. ;)