View Full Version : Anyone have 85 transmission manual on computer?

07-07-2003, 06:08 PM
I just got my transmission, and i've been looking around on the internet for the part in the manual about it and it seems ive found every part but that one. If someone wouldnt mind going throught the trouble, sending me the pages or a site that has this stuff that be great to save $20. Thanks.

07-07-2003, 09:30 PM
bikebandit .com has a decent break down of the innards of alot of machines.
what part you thinking your missing ??? heck, maybe i got it on my bench (lol) but was trying to be very carefull to keep those parts intact.



07-07-2003, 10:16 PM
Im trying to find the part in the manual that explains how to replace my old transmission with the new one i just bought from you. lol

07-07-2003, 11:04 PM
wyltk55,,, you are gonna need a manual ! it will be the best 20 - 30 bucks you spend on your trike. heck, look at all the money your saving by doing this your self ( at least 200 - 300 in shop rates)
i could mail you the 16 pages on sub-tranny removel but that really ain't good enough cuz ya gotta a bunch of other sections that are extreamly critical to get to that tranny and then to get re- assembled correctly.
i don't mean to sound rude or anything of the sort,,,, just good advice as far as i see it.


07-07-2003, 11:26 PM
yeah i guess ill stop being cheap and get one, thanks for the advise

07-08-2003, 07:00 PM
yeah get the manual. i just pulled the tranny on my 200x, and it's alot easier looking at each CLEAR picture in the book and making sure u have everything. I just got my 200x parts manual on cd rom, but i haven't looked at it yet. o btw, i paid $40 for my honda manual off of ebay, i think the guy had a couple of them brand new if your interested.