View Full Version : Ice Racing at Raffa's "09" New undiscoverd vid and pic's!
Bryan Raffa
02-02-2009, 09:27 AM
Last Weekend in febuary saterday the 28th and sunday march 1st.. So write it down!
the track has begun to take shape!!!:Bounce
02-02-2009, 10:59 AM
MAN that look's COLD !!! just think we only had two day's of Frost so far! :w00t:
02-02-2009, 12:39 PM
MAN that look's COLD !!! just think we only had two day's of Frost so far! :w00t:
I hear the WARM weather is good for your bone and joint care :lol:
02-02-2009, 12:43 PM
hey raffa that looks alot bigger so i am gonanhave to do a little bit of sprocket changing i see. and let me knwo i think i am gonan stud dup the silla unles si get my toy this weekend i'll let you all know and cant wait i am stoked!!!!!!
02-02-2009, 02:54 PM
If i dont come up with a parts bottom end for my 250R soon I wont have enough time to put my R together. But between my brother and me we have got some air cooled R stuff that could make for a very cool ice racer.. So either way there will be a Freaks 250R there just dont know witch generation yet..
I bid on a headlight for my nephews R this morn,, ya now the one I mangled the first night at Brapps house.. LOL.... I was fine all weekend at brapps but I'll tell ya,, the aches and pains are setting in now..
02-02-2009, 09:26 PM
hey raffa make that track as wide as a 4 lane freeway!!!!!! i am kickin it up to a 16 tooth front and were gonan let it eat!!!!!
02-02-2009, 09:31 PM
I wouldn't miss this one for the world!!!! Not sure how much riding I'll be able to do. being busted up and all... :rolleyes:
I'll bring the thunderstick! :naughty:
02-02-2009, 10:05 PM
Someone get some video. I'm really getting into all the ice racing vids.
02-03-2009, 09:49 AM
do you even get ice in alabama there plowboy?????
and raffa i think w emight be cuttin it close with the wether man. its suposed to warm up prety good over the next few weeks.
02-03-2009, 01:22 PM
I am planning on it. I don't know if I will have a tow vehicle or not but I will be there even if it is just with the camera.
tri-Z ripper
02-03-2009, 05:47 PM
i wont miss this at all ill be there!!
02-03-2009, 08:31 PM
jessy and i will be there too and i am workign on studdign the zilla and got a few secrets for the atc250r!!!!!!
Bryan Raffa
02-03-2009, 08:51 PM
was out there today for about 20 real hard laps... smooth as glass and 10" thick and a foot in a few spots..took a steel coal shovel around , and knocked all the high spots off... all I can say is stay away from the outside Rail.. its hard as a rock..I went over it today and about DIED!:( REAL NICE..ya know..3rd gear corners.. TURN 2 HAS ME SPOOKED THO!!..:eek:
02-03-2009, 09:51 PM
do you even get ice in alabama there plowboy?????
No....that's one of the reasons I'm digging the pics and vids so much. We haven't had ice here thick enough to ride on since the '80s, but I know some people in Michigan that I'd like to go see during the winter.
02-03-2009, 10:53 PM
damn raffa you shoulda mad eit 4 lane freeway around the lake man give the corners enough room and you wont go over them lol
Russell 350X
02-03-2009, 11:03 PM
Lookin good, can't wait! Gotta get the Z ready....
Bryan Raffa
02-04-2009, 09:29 AM
damn raffa you shoulda mad eit 4 lane freeway around the lake man give the corners enough room and you wont go over them lol
SHOULD HAVE, COULD OF,, WOULD HAVE But I did not make the track... the neighbor did when I was at your house for the weekend..I came home and it was all ready built..:mad:
02-04-2009, 09:46 AM
what's wrong with turn 2? is it as tight as the teardrop track from last year? I guess you could always plow another one next to it if the one thats there aint gonna work too well.
02-04-2009, 10:13 AM
Getting into the Tecate this weekend. Im thinking its a loose plug cap but then thats the easiest thing. In reality its probably the stator/flywheel/CDI/ rider combo.:rolleyes:
Im glad to see I wasnt the only one that got hurt a little at Brapps. My tip over was embarassing as I was practically not even moving and way out of any kind of decent riding position.To be honest, I think my leg is a little cracked. Sucker is all swelled up, hurts like heck and feels weird. It doesnt help that I have to walk 10-15 blocks to get to and from work. Drinking and that night ride with all the kicking the X over didnt help. But heck I didnt know that untill the next day and that was a fun ride.:naughty:
02-04-2009, 06:19 PM
SHOULD HAVE, COULD OF,, WOULD HAVE But I did not make the track... the neighbor did when I was at your house for the weekend..I came home and it was all ready built..:mad:
By the time this thing happens there will have been plenty of time for that track to change. Besides, we can always beat in a new track.
02-04-2009, 07:47 PM
yeah if there is any ice left lol
02-05-2009, 08:52 AM
yeah if there is any ice left lol
the weatherguy here says it's gonna be in the 50's by next week with a warming trend over the next two weeks. I'm gettin nervous!!! :lol: I'd hate to have to wait to use my ice setup till next year. :eek:
Are those guys racing at greenwood lake still? what's the ice conditions there?
keep us posted mr. raffa. I just need a day or two notice to head up. even if it's just to hang out with you guys. :w00t:
Bryan Raffa
02-05-2009, 09:17 AM
as long as it stays freezeing at night.. were golden ,,, weather says HERE only one day of 45 degrees......snow melts and freezes smooth!!
I give you a ice report today... its real cold out right now!...
02-05-2009, 09:57 AM
What is your address Raffa? I want to Mapquest it and see if I can make this ride/race.
02-05-2009, 10:29 AM
What is your address Raffa? I want to Mapquest it and see if I can make this ride/race.
That means I have to get a 200X ready too...:beer
Bryan Raffa
02-05-2009, 10:36 AM
That means I have to get a 200X ready too...:beer
:naughty: not shure if ricks racerX is together yet....that would be a cool match up...too bad mine's not together yet...:wondering
PM sent Rick..
02-05-2009, 10:54 AM
That means I have to get a 200X ready too...:beer
Sorry Freak. Either the 250R or 350X would be there. Raffa is correct. The RacerX is still in pieces.
Thanks Bryan.
02-05-2009, 11:11 AM
Looks like a six hour haul. Are we looking for a Friday to Sunday turnout or just Saturday to Sunday? Just trying to plan ahead for either a Friday afternoon depart or real early Saturday morning depart. What are the accomidations? Floor? Hotel? What about food plans? Nearby restaurants? I'll gladly pitch in for grub. I'm assuming b.y.o.b. Is there a place near for beer? Sorry for all the ????????????'s Bryan. I've been reading all the threads for these Ice racing get togather's the last few years and I've always wanted to come out for one. Just want to get all my ducks in a row and be prepared. I'm not 100% as of yet if I'll be there but I want to plan ahead.
02-05-2009, 11:15 AM
Damn, I just saw that this weekend is also the same weekend as our OTC indoor races at Summit. I don't plan on racing in the indoors but I like to be there for support. Now I'm 50/50. I still have plenty of time to plan so I'll let you know 100% if I'm in or out by the weekend of the 21st.
02-05-2009, 06:26 PM
Are those guys racing at greenwood lake still? what's the ice conditions there?
We were out there the past 3 weekends. This past weekend the ice was fantastic on Saturday but it warmed up into the 40's on Sunday and the ice was so-so. It was still fine for doing some racing but not as good as it was the day before. This coming weekend there is supposed to be a sanctioned ice race event on Sunday. They were out there with a Jeep on Wednesday plowing out the oval for it. Hopefully the unseasonably warm weather won't ruin it. I'll be out on Greenwood Lake every Sunday (and some Saturdays) until the lake turns to crap.
02-05-2009, 08:38 PM
man oh man i wish i didnt have to wait for parts to get here!!!!!!
Bryan Raffa
02-05-2009, 11:04 PM
we were out on the ice with the truck... lmao...
rick if you dawn are comeing out I have a bed for you can come out friday and stay till sun or monday..what ever fits into your plans..FOOD,,, $30 will take care of everything...YES BYOB,,, store close!!!
yes restaurants close also applebees ECT...all tho your food will be taken care of ..actually got someone getting up at 3am to make pulled pork..that is out of this world ..pretty mutch..;) the olady has breakfast each day also..:naughty:
check out the guy behind the olady way in the back his f250 watchin his tip ups ,,,wile sitting in the truck:naughty: :lol: shens
oh and the porch will be opened up this year so johnR or chrisD get the fold out bed... everyone else is on the floor.. so bring you blankets or sleeping bags
02-06-2009, 11:14 AM
man you guys ar ekillin me
02-06-2009, 12:39 PM
man you guys ar ekillin me
lets go up for some practice laps!!! :D
YOU'D NEVER GET ME OUT THERE IN A TRUCK!!! MAN,, that's gotta be hairy!!!
they catchin' any fish outta there?
tri-Z ripper
02-06-2009, 08:29 PM
Cant wait to see everyone its been a year since ive seen brian and at least 6 months since ive seen josh nate chris al and such ill be there on a thumper most likely! Also anyone looking to commute to raffas from my neck of the woods let me know drove myself last year no problem will again but company would be great!
Bryan Raffa
02-08-2009, 06:00 PM
all the snow melted all 9" of it and left the lake wet with about 3" of standing water on it ... that was yesterday... today its all froze smooth:naughty: I Hope it melts some more:w00t:
02-08-2009, 06:02 PM
That's why I never let some warm weather/rain this time of year get me down. Chances are that it'll get cold again and all that annoying snow will be out of your way finally.
tri-Z ripper
02-09-2009, 02:56 PM
looks great even those ice walls of death! grip it and rip and dont pull a nate in the corner! lol
02-09-2009, 06:58 PM
if ti comes down to it i'll bring somethign stupid to rid ebut wellbe there i know the 110 floatslol
02-09-2009, 07:44 PM
Well Bryan, I told ya I'd let ya know by the 21st. It seems I'm not going to be able to make it. Mainly because after pricing a set of tires and such for studs I just don't have the $$$. I will deffinately plan on getting some stuff together this year for the next season. I will make it to one of these darn races sooner or later. Thanks very much for the offer of hospitality. Maybe take ya up on it next year.
02-10-2009, 12:25 AM
Where are you located exactly? I might make a trip.
02-10-2009, 01:15 AM
looks great even those ice walls of death! grip it and rip and dont pull a nate in the corner! lol
Doesnt look like I'll have the Z there, maybe the Red though. Still waiting on my cylinder
Bryan Raffa
02-10-2009, 12:35 PM
Where are you located exactly? I might make a trip.
ZIP.. 14435 conesus lake
02-11-2009, 11:36 PM
Woa, 5 hours. I always wanted to check out that area. I want to go, but don't know if it is realistic.
02-12-2009, 12:35 AM
It's abit over 4 from my house... and well worth the drive. escpecially if its the whole weekend.
you got any ice left up there? it felt like spring today around here. it the 60's.....
02-12-2009, 07:54 AM
Where's a good place to stay, in case I want to make reservations?
02-12-2009, 03:30 PM
Raffa & BJ, Brapp and I will both be there, and if all works out it looks like we are HOPEFULLY coming up kidless this year. Let me know if you need anything or want us to bring anything too.
02-13-2009, 03:11 PM
Welp,, looks like I am out. :cry: NO money for this trip.
Anyone need some ice tires? I can probably get these to brapp to bring with him (as long as I'm paid 18x11x10 titan fast trekkers on black ITP rims (honda 4x110 bolt pattern) I also have enough cold cutters I'll throw in to do a front tire.
just throwin that out there incase some one is intrested.
02-13-2009, 04:05 PM
Im not sure if I am going to make the trip either.. Ive got no time to use at work.. I can swing taking some unpaid time off but im having a hard time justifing it, that would mean id have to take my out of my trike parts funding to cover the time missed in my paycheck... My buddy Dave with the Butt Force 650 wants to make a day trip out of it but me and my brother were thinking of making it a weekend thing this year, i think i may have missed out only doing one day last year..
02-13-2009, 04:33 PM
Yeah I'm out as well. New home, new bills, lower extra money
Basides I's hate to embarass Raffa on his home turf :shiftyeyes:
02-13-2009, 05:26 PM
My Tecate Hates me. I need to figure it out. I would like to come and I asked Mike if he was going. If he is I can bring the Tecate and the 200X. If not I can only fit one Trike in the truck.
02-13-2009, 05:46 PM
Im not sure if I am going to make the trip either.. Ive got no time to use at work.. I can swing taking some unpaid time off but im having a hard time justifing it, that would mean id have to take my out of my trike parts funding to cover the time missed in my paycheck... My buddy Dave with the Butt Force 650 wants to make a day trip out of it but me and my brother were thinking of making it a weekend thing this year, i think i may have missed out only doing one day last year..
Hmmm miss out for a day so miss out completely?
02-13-2009, 06:10 PM
Hmmm miss out for a day so miss out completely?
Oh-boy, the trike addiction is setting in like mad.. Goes to Brapps then buys a trike when he gets home and now is a board member.. I bet your alreay looking for your next trike, and forgot all about your 4 wheeled butt force.. You no good trike junkie.. Next thing you know you'll be getting devoriced and moving in my
We gonna get started on your auto x next week? You get all the ebay links i sent ya?
02-13-2009, 06:19 PM
Oh-boy, the trike addiction is setting in like mad.. Goes to Brapps then buys a trike when he gets home and now is a board member.. I bet your alreay looking for your next trike, and forgot all about your 4 wheeled butt force.. You no good trike junkie.. Next thing you know you'll be getting devoriced and moving in my
Oh,, ice tires are sold. so scratch my post above.
Thanks russell. you just made my car payment for this month!!! :beer
Anyone close to Derrick Adams coming to raffas ride??? I can help w/ gas if you got room for a little toy i just picked up!!
MIK6 / Mike
02-13-2009, 07:11 PM
Anyone close to Derrick Adams coming to raffas ride??? I can help w/ gas if you got room for a little toy i just picked up!!
MIK6 / Mike
Mike ive been figuring out what im gonna do with my Briggs powered trike collection and ive got it figured for the most part.. Im not gonna use that 8hp i got from ya, so if you want it back youve got dibs on it. You can take it when ever and we'll spuare up on it when you go back to work.. If not i'll list it for sale..
02-13-2009, 09:24 PM
Mike ive been figuring out what im gonna do with my Briggs powered trike collection and ive got it figured for the most part.. Im not gonna use that 8hp i got from ya, so if you want it back youve got dibs on it. You can take it when ever and we'll spuare up on it when you go back to work.. If not i'll list it for sale..
Oh , boy freaks is at it again !!what are you building now . now where back to not going again . man your worse than than my old lady . :p just playing , im not sure what im doing yet either . :beer will be involved either way . welcome aboard dave . you got that thing studded for raffes yet??:beer lol
Bryan Raffa
02-13-2009, 09:25 PM
chris and Nate sucks too hear that ,,, Ill catch up with you guys sunday and give you a report on the ice ..been busy..
02-13-2009, 09:25 PM
Hmmm miss out for a day so miss out completely?
yeah let um have it .
Bryan Raffa
02-13-2009, 09:29 PM
Where's a good place to stay, in case I want to make reservations?
J J Leisure Restaurant & Motel
6001 Big Tree Rd
Lakeville, Livingston County, NY 14480-9720
Phone: 585-346-2120
Bryan Raffa
02-13-2009, 09:31 PM
Oh,, ice tires are sold. so scratch my post above.
Thanks russell. you just made my car payment for this month!!! :beer
02-13-2009, 09:38 PM
I'm still in, haven't bought studs jet though. I have been spending a lot on the trikes lately so buying studs I will only use once or twice a year is a tuff thing to justify.
Russell 350X
02-14-2009, 01:40 AM
What? lol. :beer I'm planning on being there, depends on my work schedule if I can take that weekend off call or not, should be able to, but we'll see.
02-14-2009, 05:00 PM
its ok raffa i plan on beign there just need to se eif i can get a green thign going i might brign that but the r was screamin that night pa patucky!
02-14-2009, 09:30 PM
its ok raffa i plan on beign there just need to se eif i can get a green thign going i might brign that but the r was screamin that night pa patucky!
LOOK!!!!!! Ass Brapp corner wheelie!!!! LOL:beer :beer :beer
Bryan Raffa
02-15-2009, 08:49 AM
Heres where were at... 10 1/2 inches in corner one:Bounce
with all the rain we had, it washed out where the crick is but has froze again..
Looking good GUYS!!!!! Getting close.:beer
02-15-2009, 08:50 AM
LOOK!!!!!! Ass Brapp corner wheelie!!!! LOL:beer :beer :beer
That was a good time watchin raffaman and brapp rippin around that bull ring that night a few weeks back. is that honda a 295? I think it needs some ground effects like the yami. :wondering :D
Are ANY of the 330R's gonna be there this year?
sucks nuts I'm gonna miss this, I've been looking forward to it since the drive home last year. Looks like you might need a barge to get the bikes on the ice in front of the house there. :eek: supposed to stay cold for a while now tho.
02-15-2009, 03:33 PM
oh trust me i am in the proces sof makign a lowering link for the rear just need to find tiem to get to the millign machine.
02-15-2009, 07:06 PM
tri-Z ripper
02-16-2009, 08:48 AM
Deepa if you wanna go i want someone to carpool with me you interested?
02-16-2009, 12:06 PM
come on ladies lets do it up !!!!
02-16-2009, 09:30 PM
oh trust me i am in the proces sof makign a lowering link for the rear just need to find tiem to get to the millign machine.
For the rear of the Tecate? They have one from the factory.
02-17-2009, 10:22 AM
yeah thats a tecate i have the 450r linkage and swingarm int he 250r trike.
02-17-2009, 04:58 PM
Well I just got my Tax money so it looks like im gonna get that Stator and try to get the Tecate ready for the ice fest. Did it last weekend with turbo tax. I think I can have her ready if I can get the parts before the weekend. It will be close.
Bryan Raffa
02-17-2009, 08:19 PM
Well I just got my Tax money so it looks like im gonna get that Stator and try to get the Tecate ready for the ice fest. Did it last weekend with turbo tax. I think I can have her ready if I can get the parts before the weekend. It will be close.
sounds great.... if not borrow the stator from mik6!:w00t:
Bryan Raffa
02-17-2009, 08:25 PM
really??? that would be cool... how far of drive is that?
JohnR,, is it looking good for you that weekend?
ChrisD.. I need to get ahold of you too
02-17-2009, 08:59 PM
really??? that would be cool... how far of drive is that?
JohnR,, is it looking good for you that weekend?
ChrisD.. I need to get ahold of you too
7 hours, 420 miles...not more more than josh at all...
just need to stud my front tire and im set.
the r was pinging in NH sunday....went up to a 200 loved it for sure...
How do you gear your trikes raffa? stock is 13/39...i have a 15 and a 34 sitting around, and a 14 is easy to get...the chain length will F me though
02-17-2009, 09:19 PM
I'm going to do my best. Chris hasn't been around the board too much lately. I know he has been up here quite a few times this winter so he might be pushing his luck as far as bailing on the wife for another weekend. I know its hectic for him with work too. Drop him a PM, if he doesn't reply let me know and I'll give him a call. I'm working on getting mine and Chris' friend Mike to come up with us that weekend with his 250R. Also, riverrat lives about 5 minutes from me so if the three of us can ride up together in my truck it'll make it an affordable ride for all of us. I'm going to try calling Mike tonight or tomorrow to see if he thinks he can make it. I know he had some problems with his R this weekend out on the lake. We think the head gasket might be on its way out. He's got a really big piston in it so he needs a special gasket that he has to order. Unfortunately, none of the ones in the standard sets fit so the brand new ones I have laying around don't help him any.
I'm assuming I should bring up the 4x4 quad for plowing again this year? LMK.
Bryan Raffa
02-17-2009, 09:21 PM
I gear high and still could go more.. I got a 40 but dont wanna pull the hook on the chain
Bryan Raffa
02-17-2009, 09:31 PM
I'm going to do my best. Chris hasn't been around the board too much lately. I know he has been up here quite a few times this winter so he might be pushing his luck as far as bailing on the wife for another weekend. I know its hectic for him with work too. Drop him a PM, if he doesn't reply let me know and I'll give him a call. I'm working on getting mine and Chris' friend Mike to come up with us that weekend with his 250R. Also, riverrat lives about 5 minutes from me so if the three of us can ride up together in my truck it'll make it an affordable ride for all of us. I'm going to try calling Mike tonight or tomorrow to see if he thinks he can make it. I know he had some problems with his R this weekend out on the lake. We think the head gasket might be on its way out. He's got a really big piston in it so he needs a special gasket that he has to order. Unfortunately, none of the ones in the standard sets fit so the brand new ones I have laying around don't help him any.
I'm assuming I should bring up the 4x4 quad for plowing again this year? LMK.
sounds good, bringing riverrat with ya is cool ..Ill find a spot he can curl up .. bring sleeping bags and pillows.. I'll plan on you plus 2 people
02-17-2009, 09:39 PM
I run the 15/33 on my R almost all the time. I try to keep a 14/35 and 13 in the toolbox just in case for some strange reason I need it but you'd need a ridiculously small track to run the whole thing in 1st or 2nd gear even with a 15/33. The only time I'll change it is if its lugging a little in the corner and not taching out down the straightaway. Then I'd probably try going up to my 35 in the back to see if that would get me that little extra grunt in the corner and more RPM down the straight. I try to run one gear around the whole track whenever possible, shifting is just a distraction when you're giving it 110% around a flat track. Chris does the same thing but with more success since he slides his bike more he can carry more wheel speed through the turns to keep his revs up. I'm more of the "dive in hard, grab a ton of front brake, and try to keep it moving forward rather than sideways" type of person. Keep in mind that we're both running a 330cc kit so we can get away with running a gear combo that might not fly with a 250cc motor.
Russell 350X
02-17-2009, 10:13 PM
Sounds like I might be bringing 2 more people with me, one for sure, let me know if thats ok Raffa, dont want to over crowd the house:beer
Bryan Raffa
02-17-2009, 10:20 PM
Sounds like I might be bringing 2 more people with me, one for sure, let me know if thats ok Raffa, dont want to over crowd the house:beer
overnight? pretty mutch floor
Russell 350X
02-17-2009, 10:47 PM
overnight? pretty mutch floor
Thats fine, these clowns will sleep
02-17-2009, 11:18 PM
its ok raffa do jessy and i get to stay in bed with you and bj lol j/k
its ok raffa do jessy and i get to stay in bed with you and bj lol j/k
I hope its cool w/ them, throw me in the middle of the 4 of you guys!! LMFAO
Hope you got a BIG bed!!
MIK6 / Mike
02-18-2009, 09:47 PM
Well I got everything ordered and hope to have it running and dropped by next weekend. If not maybe someone can help me there? Mike if all goes to hell could I use your stuff? Would really like to get some seat time on it and see how this sprocket combo works. I got a 14/40 going on now. Supposed to be a good setup but I havnt been able to find out.
Mike you going out to Raffas? Hit me up.
Fox when are you going? Looking forward to the weekend of the Ice Fest.:beer
Raffa got a spot for this cripple? Im skinny but do flop around like a fish out of water sometimes:lol:
Bryan Raffa
02-18-2009, 10:50 PM
Tonight after work... (¤t=short.flv)
02-19-2009, 07:40 AM
Right now my plan is to be there Saturday trikeless. I might load up the trike if I can get the van but it would be studdless so I don't know if it would be worth it.
02-19-2009, 12:52 PM
hey fox what kinda trike u got some sheet metal tires that help u go pretty godo if you need em let m eknow thier 350x bolt patern i ahev front nd back.
02-19-2009, 01:39 PM
Tonight after work... (¤t=short.flv)
Ummmm, wheres your helmet? dont ya think ya should have it on.. let him have it BJ.. lol
02-19-2009, 06:44 PM
hey fox what kinda trike u got some sheet metal tires that help u go pretty godo if you need em let m eknow thier 350x bolt patern i ahev front nd back.
I would be bringing the 350X.
Do you still want that 250R blue plastic?
02-19-2009, 07:46 PM
I'm cautiously optimistic about making it up. It looks like ChrisD is out as per my phone conversation with him tonight. I talked to my buddy Mike tonight, he's also got a really nice 250R and he is interested but has to check his calender for that weekend. He lives down by the NJ shore now but he's coming up here tonight to put his woods 250R back together after 3 years in pieces and hopes to have it running sometime tomorrow. Hopefully I get home in time for its re-birth. If all goes well it'll be me, Mike, my cousin Joe and maybe riverrat. I'm planning on bringing my 4x4 up with a plow to clear the track but if someone will be there with something like that then please let me know. It'll make my life a bit easier if I can leave that at home.
Is the lake safe enough that we might be able to actually cruise around on it some Bryan?
02-19-2009, 07:55 PM
Right now my plan is to be there Saturday trikeless.
Don't leave it at home. Even if its not studded you can have a good time out there.
Bryan Raffa
02-19-2009, 09:28 PM
john leave the 4x4 home.. I got the plow and freaks have a big red/ plow...and if need be I can get bruces big red with a plow....
and john Im think yes on the ventureing ..the lake is plenty solid
Bryan Raffa
02-20-2009, 09:33 PM
hey guys, its bj. just some stuff i want to put out there. we would like to try and have everyone here by noon, on sat. so we can get the races going.(git it ragg). i also was wondering, if anyone was showing up on friday night? this is what i came up with. $10.00 for sat includes lunch and dinner. $15.00(total)overnight.(hot breakfast in am.) we will have coffee, water, lemonade. other than that, bring your own drinks. if you are overnight, can you please bring pillow and blanket for yourself. i have everything in case you want a shower. if you want bring something 1 bag of chips or somthing for the snack table.( in case anyone has the munchies.) other than that, i can't wait, its gonna be a blast.:p :beer
02-20-2009, 10:53 PM
Yous makin pulled pork??? :drool: LOL
I may drive the car up to spectate. still undecided on that. Money has been real tight lately ya know...
For some odd reason,,, I like hangin out with you guys tho? :D
02-21-2009, 01:00 AM
john leave the 4x4 home.. I got the plow and freaks have a big red/ plow...and if need be I can get bruces big red with a plow....
and john Im think yes on the ventureing ..the lake is plenty solid
raffa , i think we're coming up for saterdays events:beer ,and i believe we will be bikeless . we'll see how it goes not sure yet .
Bryan Raffa
02-21-2009, 09:01 AM
raffa , i think we're coming up for saterdays events:beer ,and i believe we will be bikeless . we'll see how it goes not sure yet .
how the hell can you guys be bikeless??? bring the air cooled R,,you guys can finnish distroying that..:lol:
I should have the black DR fixed.. just waiting on 2 clutch gaskets that were $30! should be here wed....
02-21-2009, 11:49 AM
geeezzzzz yu guys are killin me i wann ride!!!!!!!!!!
02-21-2009, 12:03 PM
SHITE!!! I've been off work for the last couple weekends and I have to work weekends starting the 28th!!!
02-21-2009, 08:36 PM
how the hell can you guys be bikeless??? bring the air cooled R,,you guys can finnish distroying that..:lol:
I should have the black DR fixed.. just waiting on 2 clutch gaskets that were $30! should be here wed....
lmfao ... my kid won't let it out of his sight after what happened at brapps . i gotta talk to matt some more and figure out a plan . i'll keep ya posted . i'm still freaken laughing . :beer . can't wait .
02-21-2009, 09:25 PM
just pullthe balancer and run the damn thing it will rev alot quicker thet way lol
Bryan Raffa
02-22-2009, 08:13 PM
SHITE!!! I've been off work for the last couple weekends and I have to work weekends starting the 28th!!!
that SUCKS...:(
was out there most of the day..did another sprocket change and a little jetting .. the ice is absolutely perfect! smooth and hard enough for ice skates. No snow anywhere!:drool:
Brapp you got a keihin 195,200,205 jets?
So Who's Coming?
Bruce...Im looking forward too finally getting the 300R iceracer finnished up!..Come on dude run the Nasa axle/w the durablue hubs..:naughty: bring that stuff I'll swap it :cool:
atvnut and creature remember.... better not forgot..
chris200x... dude get in the car and drive up! I'll set you up fishing!
Russell 350X
02-22-2009, 09:12 PM
A buddy and myself will be there saturday, not 100% sure if we are staying for sunday also, depends on my work schedule. Got the Z all ready and the X needs the front brake pads r&r'd and she'll be set.
02-22-2009, 09:45 PM
i'm stoked and ready to run!!!!!!! lets do it up!
02-22-2009, 10:07 PM
i'm stoked and ready to run!!!!!!! lets do it up!
Hey I can read your post! :beer
I'm in and will probably be bringing Joe (slow200s) with me. I will bring the 350x but I don't have any studded tires. We will be out for Saturday, any guess as to when we should get there?
Freak if you want to bring your 350x and still need that throttle fixed I have a spare cable and thumb throttle I can bring.
Bryan Raffa
02-22-2009, 10:13 PM
[QUOTE=thefox;712398]Hey I can read your post! :beer
We will be out for Saturday, any guess as to when we should get there?/QUOTE]
:lol: as soon as possible :beer
02-22-2009, 10:20 PM
[QUOTE=thefox;712398]Hey I can read your post! :beer
We will be out for Saturday, any guess as to when we should get there?/QUOTE]
:lol: as soon as possible :beer
I guess it depends on what goes on Friday night then. :beer :beer
lol for the PA ride we packed the afternoon before and got on the road early, we should be there at 9:30 or so Saturday.
Bryan Raffa
02-23-2009, 08:33 AM
hey guys, its bj. just some stuff i want to put out there. we would like to try and have everyone here by noon, on sat. so we can get the races going.(git it ragg). i also was wondering, if anyone was showing up on friday night? this is what i came up with. $10.00 for sat includes lunch and dinner. $15.00(total)overnight.(hot breakfast in am.) we will have coffee, water, lemonade. other than that, bring your own drinks. if you are overnight, can you please bring pillow and blanket for yourself. i have everything in case you want a shower. if you want bring something 1 bag of chips or somthing for the snack table.( in case anyone has the munchies.) other than that, i can't wait, its gonna be a blast.:p :beer
here are some details.
02-23-2009, 10:20 AM
Sound's like you guy's are gonna have a good time getting out on the ice and tearing it up over at Raffa's this year.Maybe one of these year's I can plan on making it out there and showing ya all how it's done :beer - well at least the socializing thing anyway's!!!Lot's of pic's and video guy's-and be safe and have a good time,wish I could be there !!
Bryan Raffa
02-23-2009, 10:35 AM
PULLED PORK SATERDAY..:beer :w00t: :welcome: :lol: THANKS RODGER!
LONG LIVE SANCHEZ RACING............Bahahahhahah:lol:
02-23-2009, 10:37 AM
Lol!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool:
02-23-2009, 10:40 AM
damnit raffa your makin me hungry lol
02-23-2009, 05:34 PM
Brapp you got a keihin 195,200,205 jets?
I've got Keihin jets from the mid 140's up to the 220's. I never needed the ones bigger than 200 and even with my 330 kit I'm using something in the 195 range. I'm working thing's out with riverrat and one or two other people. I'll be dropping you a PM later Bryan. I'm going to put in for Saturday off and I don't see any reason why I won't get it. I'm planning on getting up there Friday night so that I don't have to drag myself out of bed at 5am Saturday morning.
Bryan Raffa
02-23-2009, 07:21 PM
I've got Keihin jets from the mid 140's up to the 220's. I never needed the ones bigger than 200 and even with my 330 kit I'm using something in the 195 range. I'm working thing's out with riverrat and one or two other people. I'll be dropping you a PM later Bryan. I'm going to put in for Saturday off and I don't see any reason why I won't get it. I'm planning on getting up there Friday night so that I don't have to drag myself out of bed at 5am Saturday morning.
that sounds verry good
will there be video of this event?! I wanna see how Bruce does on the aircooled 'vintage ice racer' !!
Bryan Raffa
02-23-2009, 08:41 PM
take a ride around the track:naughty: (¤t=2009_0425weekend0011.flv)
Russell 350X
02-23-2009, 08:47 PM
That tracks AWSOME! I can't wait to go rip on that!:drool:
Russell 350X
02-23-2009, 09:51 PM
Anyone bringing the mini's?
02-23-2009, 10:06 PM
Both of my 70's are giving me fits. I don't need the aggravation.
02-24-2009, 10:48 AM
Creature and Iill have an atc 70.....
02-24-2009, 02:38 PM
nah man the 70 is stayin hoem this year unles ssomeoen goes with us i am just bringign truck and what ever will fit in the bed thats it.
02-24-2009, 09:28 PM
Hey, anybody have a rear shock adjuster wench that fits a 350x? Could you bring it?
Bryan Raffa
02-24-2009, 09:40 PM
Hey, anybody have a rear shock adjuster wench that fits a 350x? Could you bring it?
bruce probley .. he will be over tomorrow
02-24-2009, 09:56 PM
Well looks like me and my 2 boys are coming with JohnR.
I love the videos of the track, and can't wait for a fun weekend. w00t
02-25-2009, 08:18 AM
Wish we all didnt live so far apart.......
88 Turbo Coupe
02-25-2009, 08:47 PM
I'd like to stop by and see how my Tiger 250 and Captain Morgan like the ice track. Maybe get a few vids of the 250 on the ice? I never seen a Tiger on the ice before.
02-25-2009, 08:58 PM
Where in NJ are you coming from? I will probably have some room on the trailer for another machine.
88 Turbo Coupe
02-25-2009, 09:20 PM
Well I was planning on towing my 20' trailer with a bunch of other rides. Do you know where Ramsey is? Maybe Morgan and I can follow you?
88 Turbo Coupe
02-25-2009, 09:34 PM
When, where, and what time are you leaving?
02-25-2009, 09:38 PM
Ramsey is only about 25 minutes from here. I'm in Greenwood Lake. I'm planning on leaving here between 6 and 7 Friday evening but there's a chance that I might not be able to leave until Saturday morning. I have a car in my enclosed trailer for the winter so I'm taking an open one.
Bryan Raffa
02-25-2009, 10:44 PM
I'd like to stop by and see how my Tiger 250 and Captain Morgan like the ice track. Maybe get a few vids of the 250 on the ice? I never seen a Tiger on the ice before.
come to think of it I have never seen a tiger on the ice before...:drool:
more than welcome turbo.. you and john figure something out .. let me know :beer you got studs for that turbo?
come to think of it I have never seen a tiger on the ice before...:drool:
more than welcome turbo.. you and john figure something out .. let me know :beer you got studs for that turbo?
Raffa, make sure to get some video of Bruce (300RinNY) tearing it up on his ice racer ok?!! :beer
88 Turbo Coupe
02-26-2009, 04:59 AM
come to think of it I have never seen a tiger on the ice before...:drool:
more than welcome turbo.. you and john figure something out .. let me know :beer you got studs for that turbo?
New Blue lables, Chen Chings, and MF screws. I had it here on the lake and it's hard to keep the FE on the ice. :w00t:
02-26-2009, 11:33 AM
ohhhhhhhh i am thinkin i shoudl have re coincidered what i am bringin. but i'llbe there regardless!
02-26-2009, 03:14 PM
Well there Brapp nice to see that you are going, Shouldn't you be saying that we are going to be there? LOL
02-26-2009, 04:57 PM
aside from takign a spill down the steps today things are goign along well and shoudl be there tomarow evenign into night.
02-26-2009, 05:01 PM
aside from takign a spill down the steps today things are goign along well and shoudl be there tomarow evenign into night.
did ya break any ribs? :D
02-26-2009, 07:31 PM
Alright. ChrisD is up in the air about going. We need to start bombarding him with PM's to get him to go. :twisted:
Riverrat and I are planning on leaving here around 6pm Friday and being up there by 11pm.
02-26-2009, 07:35 PM
awesome lets do itup and bombard chris d with pms lol
i am decided to bring a few bikes, 350x as last year, my 250r, and lt500 and if i have enouch screws left over i may brign the kx500
02-26-2009, 07:48 PM
Dammit! I wanna go so bad... Being off work all month and only getting half my pay has takin it's toll. Plus I'm getting laid off tomorrow (YAY!!:crazy: ) I just can't swing it.
Raffaman,, I expect race reports all throughout the weekend! :beer Don't make me wait till sunday night for pics! :cry: :cry: :cry:
How's the ice holdin up?
Russell 350X
02-26-2009, 07:51 PM
Loading them up on the trailor tomarrow night.....finishing up machines tonight, should be all good! Can't friggin wait!
Bruce is really anxious to get on his 300R. I think that machine is gunna R-I-P!!
02-26-2009, 08:09 PM
Its looking like rain for Friday. I hope it freezes over by Saturday morning.
02-26-2009, 09:09 PM
Bruce is really anxious to get on his 300R. I think that machine is gunna R-I-P!!
I think your more excited then he is! :lol:
tri-Z ripper
02-26-2009, 09:28 PM
Im still on the fence as well!! here the being unemployed chris i have the X ready to go minus screws! was hoping to hear from someone in this area to join me in the trip so i dont have to pay full both ways! well she shall see i will either leave late tomoorow night be there saturday morning or not be there at all!! Chris its all your fault! jk if i dont make it i will be bummed, but not broke.
02-26-2009, 09:35 PM
Im still on the fence as well!! here the being unemployed chris i have the X ready to go minus screws! was hoping to hear from someone in this area to join me in the trip so i dont have to pay full both ways! well she shall see i will either leave late tomoorow night be there saturday morning or not be there at all!! Chris its all your fault! jk if i dont make it i will be bummed, but not broke.
LOL!!!! we sure had a good time last year! :beer If I didn't break my ribs @ brapps I woulda had the cash to make this trip. I even spent 300 bucks on wheels and screws just for this... I'm sure Russ will get some use outta them tho. :welcome:
Bryan Raffa
02-26-2009, 09:45 PM
Its looking like rain for Friday. I hope it freezes over by Saturday morning.
Low of 18! friday night,,only in the 20's saterday! low in the teen again saterday .. gotta love it wnen you dont havre to plow & mother nature is gonna zambonie for us!:w00t:
I think your more excited then he is! :lol:
Probably!! I talk to Bruce daily and I know he's excited to finally get seat time on that 300R. I hope the old girl holds up well to the abuse and does well.
Bryan Raffa
02-26-2009, 09:50 PM
[QUOTE=tri-Z ripper;714288]Im still on the fence as well!! here the being unemployed chris i have the X ready to go minus screws! was hoping to hear from someone in this area to join me in the trip so i dont have to pay full both ways! well she shall see i will either leave late tomoorow night be there saturday morning or not be there at all!! Chris its all your fault! jk if i dont make it i will be bummed, but not broke.[/QUOTE
if ya can let me know on here if you not comeing,, thanks bro
Russell 350X
02-26-2009, 09:51 PM
Low of 18! friday night,,only in the 20's saterday! low in the teen again saterday .. gotta love it wnen you dont havre to plow & mother nature is gonna zambonie for us!:w00t:
I'll bring my Craftsmen 19.2V with both batterys and the charger...........:Bounce
02-26-2009, 10:15 PM
was hoping to hear from someone in this area to join me in the trip so i dont have to pay full both ways!
If I didn't already have a truck full of people I'd say take the ride down here and we can head out together. Hopefully you make it up.
I've got all my stuff packed and waiting to go in the truck.
I'm going to bring my cordless drill just in case and a bunch of highway cones so we can mark the track.
The only thing I'm on the fence about is whether to bring the 350X or the 4x4 quad as a backup vehicle. If we decide to do a night cruise I'll need one of them since the ignition on the 330R axed the lighting coil.
Ill have my 9.2 w/ me too!! 2 batteries and that air pump. Ill need to bleed the rear brakes on the T3 when I get there. Friend has my truck in the AM, no way to get it set before.
I threw together 2 crock pots of beef stew for the table / counter. I know the girls did a ton of work at brapps, just trying to help them out a bit!! THANKS AGAIN GIRLS!!
FOX.. Ill throw the parts in the truck for you.
MIK6 / Mike
tri-Z ripper
02-27-2009, 05:53 PM
Sorry Raffa i will not be making it up this time around! Im sure im missing out on an awesome weekend!
02-27-2009, 07:18 PM
raffa, as it stands now we got 4 coming with no bikes ,a bunch of beer and camera's .maybe some crowd pleasers if i can find any . are they aloud ? whats the weather looking like out there ? its raining like a ***** here .and has been raining all day .
Russell 350X
02-27-2009, 07:27 PM
raffa, as it stands now we got 4 coming with no bikes.
I'll be bringing the Z and the X, you and your bro are more than welcome to take em for a rip:beer
02-27-2009, 07:35 PM
yea ,thats what im taking about .:w00t: :w00t: :beer you bring the mini trike???:lol: we should be there about 9am ish.
Russell 350X
02-27-2009, 07:37 PM
yea ,thats what im taking about .:w00t: :w00t: :beer you bring the mini trike???:lol: we should be there about 9am ish.
Mabey....not sure yet but I'm deffinetly bringing the Zinger.
02-27-2009, 10:01 PM
yeah , someones gotta show raffa how to ride a zinger anyway.:lol:
02-27-2009, 10:08 PM
We were supposed to go up tonight but some stuff came up at home. Everything is still a go for tomorrow though. See all of you around 11am.
02-27-2009, 11:08 PM
The trailer loaded for tomorrow. I have the 350x on there and will be borrowing some tires from Brapp, it will be available for others to ride as well because I’m sure I won’t be on it the whole time. I driving up solo, joe isn’t able to make it.
I should be there by 10am
02-27-2009, 11:20 PM
Raffa, PM me your address, I know where you live but I'm not sure of the exact house.... otherwise I will just be driving around looking for all the trikes.
02-28-2009, 12:02 AM
Raffa, PM me your address, I know where you live but I'm not sure of the exact house.... otherwise I will just be driving around looking for all the trikes.
they will be out on the lake , you won't see them from the road . :lol: see you there . :beer
02-28-2009, 12:04 AM
Sorry Raffa i will not be making it up this time around! Im sure im missing out on an awesome weekend!
that sucks . looking forward to seeing and talking to ya again ..
Bryan Raffa
02-28-2009, 01:41 AM
raffa, as it stands now we got 4 coming with no bikes ,a bunch of beer and camera's .maybe some crowd pleasers if i can find any . are they aloud ? whats the weather looking like out there ? its raining like a ***** here .and has been raining all day .
MIK6,BraPPalaPa,Jess, are here..been workin on bruces 300r and got the DR going ....
60 at Noon
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Cloudy21 ° feels like 9 °
15 Low
10 % Right Now12:46
21 ° CloudyFeels Like 9°
Relative Humidity 75%
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Visibility 5.00 Miles
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snowing right now and DAM COLD.... Were Racing...
Lake is SOOOOOOOOOoooooOooOoooooOOoOOooooo SMooOOoooooOth...
02-28-2009, 01:43 AM
you suck..... :D
keep those updates comin son...
Bryan Raffa
02-28-2009, 02:30 AM
you suck..... :D
keep those updates comin son...
ahh just chillin gettin ready for bed,,, 2 ,more hours and we LIGHT THE SMOKER!!! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
you should have drove up..
freaks long as they dont leave the ground .....OR GO BANG!!! your good....:rolleyes:
Bring EM....:twisted:
that 300 is gonna be bad...shens
02-28-2009, 03:02 AM
Cool ... see you guys in a few hours!!!
02-28-2009, 05:48 AM
Like before a NASCAR race, they do the national anthem and a prayer, so God bless America, and we ask the Lord to put a bubble of protection around all those traveling to and from Raffa's, and to all who are riding this weekend. May we all have a fun safe time.
w00t w00t amen
Gentlemen, start your 3wheelers.....
:acr :acr :acr :acr :acr
02-28-2009, 06:04 AM
Like before a NASCAR race, they do the national anthem and a prayer, so God bless America, and we ask the Lord to put a bubble of protection around all those traveling to and from Raffa's, and to all who are riding this weekend. May we all have a fun safe time.
w00t w00t amen
Gentlemen, start your 3wheelers.....
:acr :acr :acr :acr :acr
amen , brother .be there in a while . :w00t: :w00t: :Bounce :Bounce :beer
02-28-2009, 07:19 AM
We're on our way out the door!
02-28-2009, 07:35 AM
Once I finish these waffles I’m out too!
02-28-2009, 11:33 AM
PA ride - drive two hours to turn around because the van started misfiring. (turns out it was spark plug #5)
Raffa's ride - drive 10 minutes and get a flat tire.... spare was flat too (slow leak and I have the air tank so I'm ok, right?)..... then the battery dies while I am changing the tire (yeah I left the lights on).
I guess the only thing to do is laugh......
02-28-2009, 12:53 PM
can anyone pm raffa's phone # or address? i need to get up there to get some parts and just realized i dont have his info anymore. thanks
tri-Z ripper
02-28-2009, 02:15 PM
Wow raffa has an improved shed to work in fits more then one! lol wish i could have made it! instead riding with the new england crew alot shorter drive!!
any updates? Hows the 300R running?
02-28-2009, 10:37 PM
home ..wicked time , thanks guys and girls . i'll work on getting those vidios converted over to dvds . after i watch them:lol: :beer
02-28-2009, 11:05 PM
killer or autoxer, did freaks get those clutch covers? i forgot to tell him where i put them.
Bryan Raffa
02-28-2009, 11:22 PM
killer or autoxer, did freaks get those clutch covers? i forgot to tell him where i put them.
NOPE I got them, and there MINE...:lol: :lol:
Bryan Raffa
02-28-2009, 11:23 PM
any updates? Hows the 300R running?
Runs Good.. NO 3rd gear tho....:cry:
88TC has some nasty rides! 300R with the bassani, the other is the full Mugen360 pipe and all, the new 84? he has I know nothing about (yet) and well - his Tigers. (have no personal interest in tigers)
But he really has some sweet airfoolers!!
Too bad Bruce had such nad luck with his!! 3rd gear gone just like that. He outta slap the 155 main jet in her right away tomorrow ... I dunno why he is running ruch a small main on a 300r out on the cold ice?
Bryan Raffa
02-28-2009, 11:28 PM
Good night....:beer
02-28-2009, 11:29 PM
NOPE I got them, and there MINE...:lol: :lol:
what the hell are you gonna do with them? lol they came from you in the first place!!! thanks for havin us raffa, just wish i wasnt so cold!! PARTY ON!!!!!:naughty: :beer :beer :beer
Runs Good.. NO 3rd gear tho....:cry:
Hah! You replied just as I was writing mine. Yeah, me and Bruce were talking at length about the 300R over at airfoolers forum when he got home. I think he should bump his main jet up to the 155 he has first thing tomorrow and see how it runs.
That DG headpipe is probably the biggest bottleneck in his system now. If he had a nice Bassani or Mugen pipe to go with that 300R - mmmmmm :w00t:
OUCH! Someone bump 88TC's Tiger?!
Bryan Raffa
02-28-2009, 11:37 PM
one more,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GOOD NIGHT!!!!:lol: :w00t:
Bryan Raffa
02-28-2009, 11:40 PM
OUCH! Someone bump 88TC's Tiger?!
Hit A Cone....:( :( :( :( :( :(
Hit A Cone....:( :( :( :( :( :(
awww hell. Crappy luck. That sucks. :mad:
02-28-2009, 11:44 PM
What are you, mike, and russ chuggin??? old english 400? :drool: HAHAA!!! It's lookin like I missed a good one!
I was out riding a quad all day.... :eek: :rolleyes:
03-01-2009, 01:11 AM
Guys....I have been thinking about you guys all day....aaahhhhh!!! I just couldn't make it... I am going for an MRI on Monday morning at 6AM. They may have to remove my gall blatter. I hope not. I was going to say screw it and come up there, but considering that last Friday, I was in the hospital, I listened to my wife and stayed home. I am off to California Tuesday night for a week if I am OK. My bikes are on the trailer and were ready to go. AAAaaahhhhh!!!!!
It looks like you had a great time....
Cheers guys!!! I hope to be there next year!!!
Give us details. Who was the fastest? Did you run any heats? Post some videos!!!
03-01-2009, 04:10 AM
what the hell are you gonna do with them? lol they came from you in the first place!!! thanks for havin us raffa, just wish i wasnt so cold!! PARTY ON!!!!!:naughty: :beer :beer :beer
Not to sure what he is going to do with them, but ive got a bunch of Tri-Z fork gaurds and fenders that are going to hit ebay soon and a sticker collection that would fill a dump truck... LOL... Yeah i got'em, thanks Zilla...
03-01-2009, 04:18 AM
Raffa and BJ, thanks I had a great tme AGAIN.. All the girls thanks, the food was great.. Raffa dont worry you stash is safe, and id never mess with a mans sticker's..
03-01-2009, 10:04 AM
Thanks Bj and Raffa, wish we could have stayed longer , it was fun.
03-01-2009, 10:31 AM
:pics: :pics: :pics: Xowner :shiftyeyes:
Shame about those tiger fenders. I think vealmonkey or blue27 was having repos made...
Russell 350X
03-01-2009, 06:42 PM
Just made it home, barley with the S-10 with a trailer and 5 bikes lol, 5th gear to the floor, 65mph down hill........10mpg lol poor truck.
Thanks for the great time Raffa and BJ! Awsome riding, awsome friends, and awsome food! Can't wait for next year!
03-01-2009, 06:46 PM
killer or autoxer, did freaks get those clutch covers? i forgot to tell him where i put them.
Yes we got them!! Thank you guys so much everything was great. Had a little trouble on the way home I think there may have been some corn in the rotors on the car ......... but we made it..... guess thats what we get for not bringing a truck full of wheelers!!!!:beer
Russell 350X
03-01-2009, 07:20 PM
4 pics I got before the camera died.
03-01-2009, 07:35 PM
They look like the same four pics!!! :lol:
JohnR's 330 is definitly siiiick!
So where there more guys than last year? You guys better start postin up,, I need a fix!!! :shiftyeyes: Xowner
03-01-2009, 08:46 PM
I need a fix!!! :shiftyeyes: Xowner
LOL... Thats how i came up with my screen name this is Freaks Fix
Another huge thanks to brappette and BJs girl friends for helping out w/ the food and taking good care of all the guys there.
I was a spectator on sat, BUT... I had a blast out on the ice today!! T3 went down just as the pict of russ riding it was taken. A quick torque to the head and base bolts this am and it fired rite back up and ran awsome!! It needs more tuning but was a blast to play on!!! I can see myself as a regular to raffas when the ice is thick enuff!!
ICE = FUN!!!
MIK6 / Mike
88 Turbo Coupe
03-01-2009, 09:01 PM
Hey Brian and BJ, Thanks for all the hospitality! I had a super time with some super people! If you ever need help with anything let me know. (and that goes for everyone else too) Thanks again,
03-01-2009, 09:04 PM
i am glad captian cobble struck again and made that sprocket and case saver work and wo waht an awsome time. noone got hurt and brap broke everyhtign i touched once again ! thank mik-6 for lettign me run a real tecate, and sorry again russ for blowign up the zinger! and john r for definitly teachign me a thing or 2 at 90+mph and next year i wanna see you doign 90 mph wheelies!lol and guys get them videos up!!!!!
03-01-2009, 09:06 PM
i am glad captian cobble struck again and made that sprocket and case saver work and wo waht an awsome time. noone got hurt and brap broke everyhtign i touched once again ! thank mik-6 for lettign me run a real tecate, and sorry again russ for blowign up the zinger! and john r for definitly teachign me a thing or 2 at 90+mph and next year i wanna see you doign 90 mph wheelies!lol and guys get them videos up!!!!!
OK capt'n cobble... what did you break now? :D
:pics: Dammit
03-01-2009, 09:09 PM
i blew up russ's zinger, lt500 has horrible vibaration issue it sdidnt have before, and tried ot break russes tail bone and held mik-6 300 tecate 5th gea rpinned around a corner nuff said lol i had a blast
88 Turbo Coupe
03-01-2009, 09:44 PM
88TC has some nasty rides! 300R with the bassani, the other is the full Mugen360 pipe and all, the new 84? he has I know nothing about (yet) and well - his Tigers. (have no personal interest in tigers)
But he really has some sweet airfoolers!!
Too bad Bruce had such nad luck with his!! 3rd gear gone just like that. He outta slap the 155 main jet in her right away tomorrow ... I dunno why he is running ruch a small main on a 300r out on the cold ice?
I had my all original low hour 87 SX there too. Not to nasty but nice. lol
03-01-2009, 10:28 PM
JohnR and and me and the kids made it home fine. We are pretty wiped out from having so much fun. The kids slept the whole way back.
I want to thank Raffa and family and friends for all their hospitality. They made us feel like family. The food was awesome, it hit the spot, and kept us going.
It's the most fun you can have with your pants on.
I have some pics and video, need some time to get them up, as I use to use my laptop, but I got the blue screen of death, so I will have to figure out how to get them on this machine.
If anyone has video of the road race, please post that, that was awesome. I can't believe I didn't grenade my machine!! I can barely lift my arms, LOL.
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 08:02 AM
someone left there camcorder on my table,,Brapp you left a red flannel and your long camo gloves..
riverrat,,I'm sore too..and probley take the day off... hahahaha..
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 08:30 AM
AssBrapp.. on MIK6's Tecate:Bounce
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 08:35 AM
RiVeRRat...Haveing fun
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 08:46 AM
:pics: :pics: :pics: :pics: :pics: :pics:
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 08:54 AM
[QUOTE=ChrisD;715329]Guys....I have been thinking about you guys all day....aaahhhhh!!! I just couldn't make it... I am going for an MRI on Monday morning at 6AM. They may have to remove my gall blatter.
ChrisD.. good luck today with that...I'll be thinking about you..
JohnR.. if you hear from him let me know how he's doin..;)
03-02-2009, 09:17 AM
Thanks Bryan and BJ! Good Time! Great people! Incredible vintage racers!
03-02-2009, 09:54 AM
bryan loves corn
03-02-2009, 10:09 AM
Thanks so much to Bryan, BJ, Brapette, and all of the ladies who fed us and kept us company. It was 9:30 last night by the time I finally got done delivering rat's trikes to his house and threw some tarps over mine to keep the snow off of them so I can deal with putting them away today.
I had a great time and look forward to doing it again next year. I've got to get a new set of rear tires for next year, mine are whooped and I was getting no bite at all.
Was it freaks that took all that video of us racing and me playing with the snowmobile? I'd love to get DVD quality footage of that stuff. Whoever has video please let me know, I'll be happy to pay for the shipping and the DVD or CD that its on plus a few dollars for your time. Unfortunately, I failed to bring a camera and never took the time to get the video camera out of the bag. In fact, I left the whole thing at Raffa's.
Thanks Mik6, I had a blast on that Tecate and its given me the itch to at least freshen up the top end on mine so I can use it until I get the time to give it the proper restoration it deserves.
I hope Chris is able to make it next year as well.
Thanks to all the rest of you that I met, its events like this that prove its not as much about the trikes as it is about the people that ride them.
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 10:35 AM
getting some snow there. lol....heres a picture right now ,,,,Not even a trace we were out there... got a dusting last night.. and HIGH winds right now..30+mph winds..barly see across the lake...
absolutely a god send on the weather! Friday..60* weather with hard rain,,1-2 inches of water on the ice..LOW of 18 Friday SUN, cold both days .. then back to march weather.shens
I'll do it again for those who are serious:D
03-02-2009, 10:36 AM
OUCH! Someone bump 88TC's Tiger?!
Every time I got near that thing on the track the only thought in my head was "don't crack into that thing". Thank God I wasn't the one that damaged the fenders.
Every time I got near that thing on the track the only thought in my head was "don't crack into that thing". Thank God I wasn't the one that damaged the fenders.
I could imagine!! That is a sad sigh to see though. BUT - hat's off to my man, 88TC for having the balls to bring something that rare out to play.
I think 88TC has said it best -you gotta ride em' to love em' !!
I'm so envious of you guys - looked and sounds like SO much fun. I have zero 'trike' buddies in my community. When I ride I'm like the lone outlaw or something. Cherish weekends like you just had guys, really cherish them. I hope you all have many, many more!!
03-02-2009, 11:48 AM
trust me ther ewill be. possibly one weekend a month i willbe holding a ride or organising a ride. lets do it up guys.
03-02-2009, 12:16 PM
Cool pics guys... but I still ain't satisfied :(
where's the vids... :D
Anyone runnin for the shoreline? was the ice cracking or popping? LOL I remeber that one night last year it sounded like fireworks going off!
tri-Z ripper
03-02-2009, 01:05 PM
Looks like an awesome time! glad you guys had a blast we did as well up in NH even though i broke my thumb throttle!! but someone for an odd reason had a spare and save the day!! great pics wish i could have made it to both!!
03-02-2009, 01:07 PM
The ice was making a bunch of noise on Saturday night and Sunday. Its always fun watching the "ice newbies" get freaked out by it. :lol:
I want videos too!!!
03-02-2009, 01:15 PM
i want wheelie and drag videos!
03-02-2009, 01:18 PM
Top end insanity for the win!!
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 01:46 PM
Top end insanity for the win!!
ya... where's the 90MPH wheelie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:crazy: YAMAHONDAMAN
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 03:56 PM (¤t=09.flv)
03-02-2009, 05:27 PM
BJ and Raffa, thanks again for a wonderul and awesome weekend. It was great to get away for once. By the way the gloves our Brapp's but not the flannel. Not sure on that one, sorry.
Bj food was great again.
Thanks also to Mik6 for the beef stew, Buddy you are on the list for food for Pennsylucky 2010!!!!
03-02-2009, 05:36 PM
Thanks Bryan! C'mon the rest of you have some video to post!!
Triple B!
03-02-2009, 05:50 PM
Hello raffa and BJ !!! Just wanna say thanks again for the hospitality on saturday, the food was awesome and so was the ice! other than when I fell down, Lmao....
Met alot of great people, learned a few things and had alot fun!
Can't wait till we can get together like that again this coming season!
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 06:42 PM
Hello raffa and BJ !!! Just wanna say thanks again for the hospitality on saturday, the food was awesome and so was the ice! other than when I fell down, Lmao....
Met alot of great people, learned a few things and had alot fun!
Can't wait till we can get together like that again this coming season!
:welcome: hell ya 1st POST!!!! anytime.. and welcome to the site:TrikesOwn
03-02-2009, 06:48 PM
I was just thinkin.. all those trikes in that vid are 300cc's and over huh? looks too fast for my blood!YAMAHONDAMAN
03-02-2009, 08:38 PM
Whaddaya mean? You got a 350 don't ya? If it ain't enough take a look at Powroll's site. You can get a 393 kit for under $350 and for another $290 you can make a 430cc monster. :crazy:
03-02-2009, 08:47 PM
300cc pingers I meant....
I think I'll stick to my lil ole tree fiddy 4 smoker! :D
03-02-2009, 08:55 PM
I knew what you meant but I was just trying to get you to step up your game. :)
Russell 350X
03-02-2009, 09:01 PM
So....who else has pics and vid?? lol
03-02-2009, 09:09 PM
So....who else has pics and vid?? lol
you guys really slacked on the pics and vids this year. :cry: :banned: Too much boozin and BS'n eh? :naughty:
begging for more pics and video!!
You guys outta compile all the raw video footage and make a DVD to circulate instead of or alongside of youtube. So much quality is lost with youtube - I wanna see the high quality original vids! :)
03-02-2009, 09:18 PM
Someone (I think it was freaks) video taped one of the races from start to finish but it was only 5 laps. I'm just as out of shape as the next guy but you all need to pick it up a little. None of you wanted to do a 10 or 15 lap feature. The 5 lap sprints are fun and all but that doesn't give you enough time to see who has some endurance.
Russell 350X
03-02-2009, 09:32 PM
Someone (I think it was freaks) video taped one of the races from start to finish but it was only 5 laps. I'm just as out of shape as the next guy but you all need to pick it up a little. None of you wanted to do a 10 or 15 lap feature. The 5 lap sprints are fun and all but that doesn't give you enough time to see who has some endurance.
lol I dont think my out of shape ass would handle 15
03-02-2009, 09:37 PM
i wa sup for it but i knwo the ice cicles woudl ahev been hangin of fmy chin lol
If one of you guys can put together a full length, good quality dvd of the races and trikes and riding contact me - I'll buy a copy.
03-02-2009, 09:52 PM
Damn Russ! You just turned 21 and you can't hang onto that wheeler for 10 or 15 laps? C'mon! What are you gonna do when you're old like me?
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 10:00 PM
Damn Russ! You just turned 21 and you can't hang onto that wheeler for 10 or 15 laps? C'mon! What are you gonna do when you're old like me?
was thinkin the same thing...dam kids:lol: :beer
Ill see what I can do about some vids..havent gone through all yet..tends too take about a 1/2 hour to do one
Russell 350X
03-02-2009, 10:18 PM
Damn Russ! You just turned 21 and you can't hang onto that wheeler for 10 or 15 laps? C'mon! What are you gonna do when you're old like me?
I guess thats a hint to get in shape for next year lol:beer
03-02-2009, 10:22 PM
Someone (I think it was freaks) video taped one of the races from start to finish but it was only 5 laps. I'm just as out of shape as the next guy but you all need to pick it up a little. None of you wanted to do a 10 or 15 lap feature. The 5 lap sprints are fun and all but that doesn't give you enough time to see who has some endurance.
I could have possibly done the road course for 10 laps, but not the oval, not the way I was riding anyway. Also not the way my trike was hooking up. I should have let you ride it, so you could see what I mean, maybe this week, or weekend, you can check it out, and help me tune the ride a bit more.
I could have road that tecate for 100 laps.
03-02-2009, 10:22 PM
Yeah but now that you're 21 you'll be doing the 12 ounce curls and those don't help you none. You gotta quit smoking, that's probably killing your ability to do more than a few laps but when I was 21 I smoked a pack of Newports a day and I could still do better than I can now.
03-02-2009, 10:24 PM
You're right rat. My bike is alot easier to ride now that the studs are worn out and it doesn't fight me at all, it just slides. Unfortunately with all that sliding it doesn't put any power to the ice to go forward, I had a hard time reeling in you guys on your 250's in the straightaway.
03-02-2009, 10:26 PM
So how bout some info on the track layout. was it 5th gear pinned the whole oval? I see some right hand turns in there too! you had a road coarse? how did it compare to the track layout from last year. It seemed (just from the few pics and one vid posted :banned: ) that there was alot tighter racing last year..
was there a nite time romp across the lake???? what about the drags??? who is king of the lake??? you guys are killen me here. LOL!!!!
Bryan Raffa
03-02-2009, 10:30 PM
me ,Brapp and mik6 (¤t=2009_0501RACEweekend0030.flv)
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