View Full Version : trizinger brokle my toe

02-01-2009, 11:53 PM
i was ridin my trizinger(it has no rer fenders and no brake cable) and i was useing my knees to steer cuz i was goofin off and it started to flip forward left so i put my right foot down to stop and it got sucked under and it rapped my foot around the axle and my big toe broke down at the joint. the worst part is my mom wont let me ride til its healed and even worse i jus go tmy new gear so im dieing to ride.
well iu guess there right when they say 15 year olds do dumb things

02-02-2009, 12:26 AM
Your lucky you didn't do worse. If you can break your toe on a zinger, imagine what you can break on the Trimoto! Please tell me you were wearing a helmet. I feel bad for you in a way, but also I hope you have learned frome this. Everytime someone cuts a corner or can't wait to ride something wether it is in it's proper running form or not, all too often something negative happens. It's bad enough when it damages the machine, even worse when it hurts the rider. Please be careful and don't become a negative statistic for the government. Give your toe a break and let it heal up completely before heading out to beat yourself up some more. LOL I don't want to read the thread about your mom banning you from riding. Everything will still be there when you are healed up and you don't want to do any worse damage to yourself that could take surgery to repair than you would be laid up for quite a while. Take this time to reflect in the error of your ways.

02-02-2009, 12:43 AM
haha, i was goin in a straight line, i ride everyday and i barely ever wreck, i've done way worse on my blaster but never broke any bones, but your right im not gonna ride my trizinger til i get a brake cable. i just didnt take the zinger seriously cuz its so small. i wasnt wearing proper foot wear either i was wearing skateboarding shoes instead of my boots

02-02-2009, 12:56 AM
there's a vid watch from 1:28-1:38 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBR0a9zX1C4 , the audio is muted cuz i had 2 nickelback songs on there and they were a violtaion of copyright or something like that