View Full Version : CPSC at it again!! Youth ATV's and dirtbikes to be banned!, along with a/m parts!!
02-01-2009, 07:32 AM
Thought you all might want to see this. The CPSC is banning the sales of new or used Honda TRX 90, CRF 50F, CRF 70F, or CRF 80F models and other makes and models of youth ATVs and dirtbikes will be banned after February 10, 2009, because of concern about low levels of lead that MAY exist in paint, engine casings, battery terminals, and tire valve stems. Accessories for these machines could be banned as well.
They are considering attemping to ban all aftermarket parts for these machines also. What pile of bullshit will they come up with next??? :banned:
-Nick :TrikesOwn
02-01-2009, 08:31 AM
These people need to get a life.
02-01-2009, 09:10 AM
it won't happen, there 100,000's of these sold alone in the united states, this is going to backlash, you cant ride them, you cant sell them, that means scrap. as for after market crap, this is a control issue. Agian this going to backlash, I don't want to be the guy in charge when it does. I have never heard of lead poisoning from riding an
02-01-2009, 10:48 AM
I guess I should start importing cheap banned youth atv and motocross in Canada...
02-01-2009, 12:03 PM
How many of use grew up in houses with lead pipes? Or rode our bicyles without helmets, and ran with scissors in our hands? I guess they'd rather have the kids grew up to be stupid couch potatoes that are hooked on kill'm video games than grew up knowing the risks in real life. What about the rays that tv's and computers put out?
02-01-2009, 04:05 PM
How many of use grew up in houses with lead pipes? Or rode our bicyles without helmets, and ran with scissors in our hands? I guess they'd rather have the kids grew up to be stupid couch potatoes that are hooked on kill'm video games than grew up knowing the risks in real life. What about the rays that tv's and computers put out?
:shiftyeyes: That's the plan...:shiftyeyes:
02-01-2009, 04:57 PM
ARE YOU trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro JOKING? If they do ban this, i will protest all hours of the day, anyone with me? someone gotta get a petition going.
02-01-2009, 06:18 PM
ARE YOU trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro JOKING? If they do ban this, i will protest all hours of the day, anyone with me? someone gotta get a petition going.
Hey Cody, the CPSC is for USA, not Canada.
02-01-2009, 11:07 PM
Hey Cody, the CPSC is for USA, not Canada.
SO? if others in different countries think its BS, then it truely must mean that LIBERALS SUCK!
02-02-2009, 09:38 PM
so you can't ride or sell it....lmao....Think of all the 25 cent machines with a dirt bike on it...
02-02-2009, 10:18 PM
i bet the goverment would be losing more tax dollars some thing they could not go with out
02-02-2009, 10:54 PM
Aren't battery terminals supposed to be made out of lead?????
02-02-2009, 10:58 PM
Aren't battery terminals supposed to be made out of lead?????
Yeah....but they don't taste as good as the old schoolhouse paint did.
02-03-2009, 09:28 PM
wow, 7 days to take your kids riding for the last
02-06-2009, 08:27 PM
wow! if lead is the excuse, they better take all the cars and trucks on the road away too. the last time I checked everyone of them have lead battery post. just think about those "green nazi's"....the electric cars are even more of a threat since they have so many batteries...
Soon it is going to be illegal to be alive.. if you die, they will probably give you a fine.
02-12-2009, 06:44 AM
So they're gonna ban these smaller cc bikes? that means these kids are gonna be riding adult sized bikes now.... yeah that's a great idea! :w00t: :rolleyes:
Most fatalities with youth riders is cause by the atv rolling on top of them and them not being able to get the bike off of themselves. I think I remember reading that somewhere?
I think the whole lead thing is just an excuse....
02-12-2009, 01:51 PM
wanna try and do something about this from the cpsc,, put your address and name and click send.
02-12-2009, 02:15 PM
wow! if lead is the excuse, they better take all the cars and trucks on the road away too. the last time I checked everyone of them have lead battery post. just think about those "green nazi's"....the electric cars are even more of a threat since they have so many batteries...
Soon it is going to be illegal to be alive.. if you die, they will probably give you a fine.
Trust me there are worse things in batteries than lead. I used to work on forklift batteries for a living. (I was laid off) They can blow up if shorted, and the gases in the cells are EXTREMELY flammable. And another thing, I thought lead was only known to California to cause health problems?
02-14-2009, 06:43 AM
UPDATE!! As of February 10th you can no longer buy these machines!! Dealers are also not allowed to sell any accessories for children either (helmets, goggles, etc) Call up your local dealers if you think it is a joke, because I can tell you it isnt.
I havent been keeping up reading on this as much as I should be, but for those of you who dont venture over to .org, these links were posted up over there.
And also it appears that they are not allowing kids under 13 to race any longer:
This can have a major detrimental effect on the ATV industry, as stated in the article, that kids start riding around 10-12, and look forward to getting thier next/bigger ATV. Since what would be their first ATV is now not allowed to be sold, many kids will not be drawn into the sport who wouldve been if these smaller ATVs and motorcycles were for sale.
This is all starting to be very depressing.
-Nick :TrikesOwn
02-14-2009, 06:47 PM
I guess we will be breaking the law. My 10 year old will keep riding his 250ex. My 8 year old will keep riding her LT80. When my 18 month old reaches 4 he will get a quad also. There are millions of small atv's out there and millions of people that have no clue about this new rule.
As for helmets and such they make adult extra small that will fit most kids, anyways that what my big headed boy had to get, youth was always to small.
Blown 331
02-16-2009, 04:25 PM
Did you guys see the link on Yamah's site for the TT50R? This is so messed up. I hope this doesn't affect parts availability for my Honda 70s. Kids don't ride them anyway, I love those things!
02-16-2009, 11:06 PM
Go to any of the big 4's websites and all the youth and kids motorcycles and ATV's have been removed:shiftyeyes: If you look at the Canadian version of the site everything is still available at the moment up here. I agree with Chris200X, all people will do is buy the smallest available machine and put the kids on it even if it's too big.
02-17-2009, 01:44 AM
And it is believed that all mini class riders under 13 will be prohibited to race any track. Think of the lost revenue from all of this to the already struggling tracks. I guess the government doesn't want us to spend any quality family time with our kids. THEY know a better way........ This country really is going down fast! And it is very very sad.
02-17-2009, 12:12 PM
So, the next Travis Pastrana and Jeremy McGrath will now be sitting inside playing X-Box all summer??!!
I can't even begin to express how I feel about this....
02-17-2009, 12:42 PM
this is horrible coinciderign my little girl is ben onher l50 for almsot a year now ad she is only 3 lol but its shoudl beup to the parents not the goornment.
02-17-2009, 02:12 PM
Well plain and simple this is'nt good.Everybody does understand that this whole banning of just the litte 50's & 70's all that MINI stuff will effect the trike market also.Part's are gonna dry up quick on that stuff and/or the market's gonna skyrocket I bet ,if I read those link's correctly.
02-18-2009, 06:24 AM
Couldn't they just rename the 50 and 70cc bikes as "adult pit bikes" and sell them with no restrictors and other such tomfoolery attached?
The whole situation is confusing, in the short time I've been away seems like a lot of stuff has been going downhill in the states. Hope you guys find a way out of the situation, that seems like a huge bummer.
Stay strong.
02-18-2009, 11:43 AM
lol, just went by g'i'joes or Joes, and all of there baja 70cc dirt bikes where up front on sale for $499 while it was $900....
02-19-2009, 04:12 AM
There's a bigger problem here though guys. This is only the beginning for these fun police. They will take the little bikes and move on to trying the same thing with the big bikes. Their intentions are complete banning of anything fun, even though ATV riding is one of the most joyful family sports there is. They do this, meanwhile they drive thier V8 SUVs that get 8 miles to the gallon.
02-19-2009, 05:18 AM
Try and buy as many crated Honda 90cc kids ATV's as you can - in 10 years they'll be as rare as crated ATC 70's and be worth an absolute fortune!
02-19-2009, 01:56 PM
This really pi$$es me off. By the time I'm ready to have kids there won't be any youth bikes left! I hope this is only a temporary thing...
02-24-2009, 04:40 PM
I just talked to a lady at the CPSC about this banning of some of the new bikes, etc for the young kids. It is true, but she said that they can be sold if the dealer checks the paint to see that the lead level is below the number set. I have no idea what is involved in the checking but would be suprprised is any dealers are set up to do that.
02-24-2009, 08:19 PM
What about parts? Why would they need to ban the sale of parts too?
02-24-2009, 08:48 PM
Tell her to check the lead content in the back seat of a Toyota Prius hybrid. Nothin' like sittin your infant on top of 300lbs of lead.............:confused: Lets face it, no rational person who is in their right mind could even think up this kind of stuff.
02-24-2009, 08:54 PM
Next they will take our guns.
wheelie king
02-24-2009, 08:56 PM
Next they will take our guns.
Or perhaps die trying.shens
Welcome to big government. I pray for my 4 year old who will forever have to pay for the "change"
02-26-2009, 01:48 AM
This suject is being discussed on other non ATV baords as well.
In case you cannot open it, here are soem highlights.
Yes, it's the CPSC and not the Federal Law that is doing this. Our local Representatives were on TV explaining that the law is clear, the components MUST pose a reasonable danger of injestion by the user and contain lead - clearly there is no danger of children chewing on schrader valves or shift levers.
These are the same people that took three wheelers away from us.
3 wheelers killed, maimed and injured hundreds if not thousands of children because they were improperly supervised, trained or simply riding units that were way out of their experience level. Personally, I think that was the right decision at the time.
The problem is not "bad" parents, but with three wheels the kids FEEL safer and more secure than they really are. With a "bike", you either balance or don't get out of the starting gate.
How the hell can you say it was the right decision? It was far from the right decision. I guess you believe guns kill injure and maim thousands of people also. Do you not blame the person holding the gun at the time? I still ride and love three wheelers. It has nothing to do with their design. It has everything to do with some one getting on a machine they do not know how to operate. How in the hell can you blame a machine for the riders lack of responsibility?
Oh and by the way, kids are still getting hurt on quads and bikes for the same reasons. They are not properly trained or they are riding something well past their skill level. It has NOTHING do to with the machine itself.
This is my son. He is four now but was three at the time of these photographs. There he is riding with proper adult supervision and being trained properly as well. Plus, he is on a machine with in his skill level. Not to mention the fact that he is wearing proper safety gear and riding in an area he can negotiate at his present skill level. That is what should happen when ever a child throws a leg over ANY ATV. Had this happened more often when trikes came out, we would be seeing the 2010 Tri-Z’s, 250R’s, and Tecates coming out soon.
I posted photographs of my son on his Zinger. People still do not get it. You cannot blame a machine for the errors of the operator.
03-10-2009, 08:06 PM
Update: I finally got a chance to talk to my local dealer. He's always been a small engine shop, making his money over the years selling mowers, chain saws, etc. In the last two years he's done well selling Chinese ATV's and dirt bikes. I've been very supportive, sending him as much business as I can. This guy's different because he's not a fly-by-night operation and he really supports what he sells. But I digress. The point is I was worried about all the inventory he had that I didn't think he'd be able to sell. He showed me a letter from the CPSC that says there's a one year stay on the enforcement of this new law. Machines manufactured after April 2009 will not be exempt from the law, presumably becuase the manufacturers have had time to fix the problems. Everything prior to that can still be sold under the stay.
Here's the funny thing: the way they're fixing this is the manufacturer is sending out all new stickers to put on the ATV's and dirt bikes saying nobody under 16 can ride them. I went to the Iowa Deer Classic over the weekend and there was an ATV dealer there called Lueken ATV's from Sullivan MO. They were doing essentially the same thing: they had 110cc quads with "no riders under 16" stickers. Apparently this is perfectly legal!
So the news is apparently improving on powersports for kids....
03-11-2009, 12:17 AM
That is great news. I just hope it was not a rumor when he told you about it.
04-28-2009, 01:37 AM
This website has some updated info about this.
04-28-2009, 02:30 AM
Thanks for posting that.
04-28-2009, 10:44 AM
Does that mean we'll have to put those stickers on our kid's Power Wheels too?
04-28-2009, 10:52 AM
I think I will.
04-28-2009, 02:14 PM
If I ever have kids they are going to be so GD spoiled... 50cc trike, 50cc dirt bikes, 50cc snowmobiles... not like stupid laws like this will kill the hobby... just make it more difficult to find parts.
04-29-2009, 04:14 PM
I just picked up some sprockets at my local motorsports place. The parts guy said Polaris and Eton are not affected by this ban. Their plastics passed the acceptable lead content, which is how the youth atv's got sucked into this to begin with. Nothing to do with batteries, valve stems, etc...
I can't see them risking selling these, if this wasn't true. I tried to find some info on it, but came up empty.
They have them advertised right on their web page (near the bottom).
04-29-2009, 09:13 PM
Here kid, try a bite of this fender. They are really good with ketchup and mayo.
04-30-2009, 02:03 AM
That would be funny if the turds in Washington did not beleive it to be possible.
04-30-2009, 04:31 PM
Here's a quote from an email I received from my local Honda dealer.
"The CPSC is still holding out in the BAN AGAINST YOUTH MODEL POWERSPORTS PRODUCTS. While this is unfortunate, at Hayden Honda Powerhouse, we have decided to help where we can, because we know you want to ride. In accordance with a new Honda Policy, all TRX90, CRF70, and CRF80 dirtbikes can now be sold, but are restricted for use by individuals over the age of 12. We know the law is dumb, but we know you just want to ride! "
Buy em up boys.
04-30-2009, 04:43 PM
Update: I finally got a chance to talk to my local dealer. He's always been a small engine shop, making his money over the years selling mowers, chain saws, etc. In the last two years he's done well selling Chinese ATV's and dirt bikes. I've been very supportive, sending him as much business as I can. This guy's different because he's not a fly-by-night operation and he really supports what he sells. But I digress. The point is I was worried about all the inventory he had that I didn't think he'd be able to sell. He showed me a letter from the CPSC that says there's a one year stay on the enforcement of this new law. Machines manufactured after April 2009 will not be exempt from the law, presumably becuase the manufacturers have had time to fix the problems. Everything prior to that can still be sold under the stay.
Here's the funny thing: the way they're fixing this is the manufacturer is sending out all new stickers to put on the ATV's and dirt bikes saying nobody under 16 can ride them. I went to the Iowa Deer Classic over the weekend and there was an ATV dealer there called Lueken ATV's from Sullivan MO. They were doing essentially the same thing: they had 110cc quads with "no riders under 16" stickers. Apparently this is perfectly legal!
So the news is apparently improving on powersports for kids....
Gonna get my little man a fake ID!!!!
05-01-2009, 02:17 AM
Here's a quote from an email I received from my local Honda dealer.
"The CPSC is still holding out in the BAN AGAINST YOUTH MODEL POWERSPORTS PRODUCTS. While this is unfortunate, at Hayden Honda Powerhouse, we have decided to help where we can, because we know you want to ride. In accordance with a new Honda Policy, all TRX90, CRF70, and CRF80 dirtbikes can now be sold, but are restricted for use by individuals over the age of 12. We know the law is dumb, but we know you just want to ride! "
Buy em up boys.
I love it.
05-01-2009, 09:23 AM
So what happens if you let a small child ride one of these bikes that has a new warning label? Is it like tearing the label off your mattress? Pretty soon you won't be able to buy a 50 till you're 50.
05-01-2009, 09:33 AM
I wonder if it is one of those laws they do not enforce. Kind of like the states in the bible belt have a no oral sex law, but no gos to jail over it.
05-01-2009, 09:57 AM
I wonder why there was no ban on bicycles or tricyles?
05-01-2009, 10:21 AM
05-01-2009, 11:57 AM
My daughter's 110cc quad says no one under 16 may ride, and she started on it at 8. I'm not taking her off of it. They can kiss my butt.
05-01-2009, 11:58 AM
Agreed ^^^^^^^^^^^^
05-01-2009, 12:47 PM
I wonder if they are enforcing the rule at Silver Lake or ATV parks.
05-02-2009, 04:10 PM
i hate the government,back off you loser all these bast--ds.the next election fire every encumbant<both sides>take back our country before your kids dont have what we had:banned:
05-02-2009, 06:55 PM
You really should learn how to express your feelings Harry...:lol:
05-02-2009, 07:13 PM
hahaha hhahahha hahahaha.thats funny.time to watch the PATRIOT again.think ill go live in a cabin in the mountains.leave me alone.:wondering
05-03-2009, 01:35 AM
I am getting to that point myself.
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