View Full Version : 200x rear axle removal question

01-31-2009, 08:52 PM
Newbie here asking for help. I recently purchased a 1986 200x and after getting it home I discovered that the rear axle bearings need to be replaced. I got new bearings and seals and decided to take it apart today and get it fixed, but I can't break the axle nut loose. I was able to get the axle lock nut loose but I can't budge the axle nut. Any advice before I attempt to cut it off? Here is a link to pics of my 200x and a pic of the axle nut that is giving me all the trouble.



The Goat
01-31-2009, 09:45 PM
heat and kroil...not together. lol

01-31-2009, 09:48 PM
is the nut by chance left handed threads? i havent really looked at one haha just trying to help.

01-31-2009, 09:51 PM
there is probably some rust holding it on. Put the bike on its side(toward right side), get some pb balster. Spray that in it, wait 2 hours, spray more, a few more hours and spray more. By then the nut should come off rather easy. If it doesn't, heat it up and try to loossen it off, if not-let it cool, pb blaster, 5-6 hours later, heat it again and try to loossen it. Beware, that the brake hub right be rusted on too!!! Your not done yet, it might be a battle to get that off also. You might have to repeat the process for the brake hub. If your lock nut is rusted on, there is a good bet your swingarm bolt it seized also, its all too common for atv's.

01-31-2009, 09:53 PM
Don't cut it off. Get a manual. Take your time, do it right. Is it loose, to point, then tightens back up?

01-31-2009, 09:55 PM
Those are left handed threads.

Basically you want to thread the nuts toward the bearing carrier then remove the snap ring from the axle. Then then slide both lock nuts off the axle.

You should download a manual for it. Just do a search for manuals.

Decent X you got there.

:welcome: to the boards!

01-31-2009, 09:57 PM
Okay, I will give some more heat and pb blaster a try. I heated it a little with the torch but only for a few minutes. It does have left handed threads but to loosen it should go (I think) in the same direction as the inner lock nut. Thanks for the advice....I'll let you know how I make out.

01-31-2009, 10:04 PM
Sorry Goat....I had to google Kroil....sounds like good stuff I may give that a shot.

Seabass....thanks. I checked out the manual and I did manage to loosen the inner lock nut, but the outer one is really on there...I used some serious leverage on it and it wouldn't give.

Sounds like heat and kroil in my future.

01-31-2009, 10:04 PM
Okay, It does have left handed threads but to loosen it should go (I think) in the same direction as the inner lock nut.

That is correct.

Yeah don't cut yet.

Although I destroyed mine doing the same thing

Good luck! :beer

02-01-2009, 03:32 AM
Okay, thanks again to everyone for the advice. I was able to get a can of pb blaster tonight, so I followed deathman's advice and soaked it real good and let it sit for an hour and with a little more persuasion it broke loose. Just like you said, I'm not done yet...I am still working on getting the lock nut threads off and it looks like the brake hub will be just as much fun.