View Full Version : Carb Slide to high is it causing fowled plugs?

01-21-2009, 09:04 PM
Hi All,

I have 200s, which is fouling plugs after about 10 minutes of running. No blue smoke, so Im thinking its not oil foweled. Could it be that my slide is adjusted to high and that was is causing them to foul out. Any other ideas? How high should it sit at idel?


01-21-2009, 09:35 PM
If your slide were too high, the idle would be high and it would merely increase the RPM's but not affect the plug. The slide can only be high byt the cable be adjusted too tight or the idle screw being too far in but it wouldn't foul the plug anyhow.....

Have you taken the carb off, removed every jet and cleaned all the jets and passages spotless?? Is the air filter clean, not over oiled and are you running the stock airbox lid??

Years ago I thought cleaning a carb was spraying carb cleaner into it while running or into the fuel bowl. I never USE to take the jets out but it's certainly helped me know that I do it that way....

01-21-2009, 09:43 PM
I was having ideling problems with the first carb so I bought a brand new carb off of ebay and tried that one, however I think thats when it started fouling plugs (so maybe the jets are to high in it). So I just went through my whole old carb again, put a rebuild kit in and even put it in a carb bath. So Im going to throw that one back on there and see if I get better results. Tuned it to book settings.

On a side note: What does the pilot spring do? Just wondering.

01-21-2009, 09:54 PM
Allot of those chinese knockoff carbs that fit multiple motors, are not jetted correct for your particular model......

Can you simply swap your other jets into the new carb??

It's nice to have a new carb body with a tight slide and a good fuel valve seat ya know!!

01-21-2009, 11:46 PM
it coudl eb runnign too lean. if its' nto looking like all dark and oily or sooty, then it can be too lean causing that same issue. too rich or too lean is not good on a motor.

Tri-Z Pilot
01-22-2009, 02:16 AM
it coudl eb runnign too lean. if its' nto looking like all dark and oily or sooty, then it can be too lean causing that same issue. too rich or too lean is not good on a motor.

I dont think a lean condition would be fouling plugs. High concentrations of fuel is what usually fouls plugs.

01-22-2009, 09:10 AM
Yeah the plugs are definitly being cause by richness, they are al black carboned up. Im hoping its because of the jets on the ebay carb that I bought. I have some time tonight to switch out carbs. Does anybody know what the pilot spring does, I lost it and have to get a new one today. And just for my own personal knowledge

01-22-2009, 09:20 AM
the spring on the mixture screw on the outside of the bowl? if so, it holds the screw setting. i'd just borrow the spring from the new carb.

01-22-2009, 09:45 AM
Thanks, that makes sense. Still learning, even if I dont think to hard before hand.