View Full Version : change suspension on 250r

01-15-2009, 09:23 PM
I have a 81 250r. the suspension isnt all that great. can i put a diffrent one in there or would it be hard?


01-16-2009, 09:37 AM
i heard in here somepalce the 84 rear shock will bolt on and is a better design. i'm not 100% certain though as i am picking up my first 250r (81 as well) tomarrow.

01-16-2009, 10:35 AM
the 83-84 may bolt in but due to the fact that it came off a prolink design wont work well on the rear of the 81-82 plus its way to tall I beleive, there are fairly cheap shocks avail from progressive that my work, look in dennis kirk or contact them directly. Those shocks I mentioned would be single rate non resevior shocks though, but anything is better then a slinky!

01-17-2009, 11:00 AM
^ sweet man! that's good info! I'm goign ot have to repalce the rear on thos 81 i get later today as the guy says it's leakin some fluid. (unless they are rebuildable)

01-17-2009, 11:04 AM
they should be rebuildable contact slbt500 here on the boards hes rebuilding shocks I think.