View Full Version : My birthday present to myself

01-15-2009, 08:51 PM
Picked this up last night. It's rough but there's a couple parts on there that are just perfect for my 200x project (http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/showthread.php?t=89817&highlight=200x).

It's story: The guy a I bought it from acquired it in 1985 when it was only a few months old. He used to race flat track on it and the motor has alledgedly been pretty modded. Stroked, 11:1 piston, 28mm Mikuni carb, oil cooler, Supertrapp. I would assume it's got an aftermarket cam if it has all that but I won't know until I get in there. Supposedly been ported too.

The best part? Obviously the +2 Westcoast swinger, the Supertrapp and the Durablue axle. It was worth what I paid for those three things alone. If the motor is in good shape when I get into it, that's just a bonus. Sucks the case is broken from the chain coming off (am I the only one that maintains there chains and sprockets or what?! Man that drives me nuts!).

Anyway, here she is. I'll be tearing it down as soon as I have the time.


Blown 331
01-15-2009, 08:57 PM
Damn! All kinds of goodies on it. Congrats!

01-15-2009, 09:01 PM
Nice find. Happy Birthday!:beer
:D 1upfront is anal about his chains. They have to be clean waxed and adjusted just so.

01-15-2009, 09:06 PM
First off HAPPY BDAY!!!!

But you Friggen BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Out by your way you get all the friggen Westoasts, ST and Durablues!!

I NEVER see that stuff out here in the east coast. I am so friggen JEALOUS!!

Sweet score, look at the cylinder, who knows what else you have there!!

"Custom ATC" oil cooler.................. I'm gonna go slit my throat :lol:

EDIT - I thought you didn't have money for gas to even go on a ride lately!! How the hell did ya scrape up $$ for this puppy!! :D

01-15-2009, 09:19 PM
"Custom ATC" oil cooler.................. I'm gonna go slit my throat :lol:

EDIT - I thought you didn't have money for gas to even go on a ride lately!! How the hell did ya scrape up $$ for this puppy!! :D

Custom ATC was apparently the name of one of the race shops out here in the 80's. They built the motor.

The money thing, yeah. I'm pretty damn broke but for $344 I couldn't pass it up. The swinger alone is worth that much. I figure I have a lot of duplicate parts now so I can sell off the extras and recover some, maybe all, of what I spent on it. Plus, I'm missing the Trike Rally not just from low funds but for the fact that I have to work. The money I would spend on the trip plus the money I would most likely lose by taking the time off would be close to a grand. :mad:

01-15-2009, 09:22 PM

:eek: :cool:

That was a sweet azz score. Happy birthday gnarly dune twister.

01-15-2009, 09:29 PM
Sweet man happy B day
Love the oil cooled, it must be built.....

01-15-2009, 09:34 PM
So how did you guys come to the price of $344? That is quite an unusual price haha. I've been to the Custom Cylcle-atv shop in mesa its been around awhile and used to be called Custom ATC until a little while ago when they changed the name. Maybe "Wayne" still works there and would know a little more on the engine.

01-15-2009, 09:54 PM
So how did you guys come to the price of $344? That is quite an unusual price haha. I've been to the Custom Cylcle-atv shop in mesa its been around awhile and used to be called Custom ATC until a little while ago when they changed the name. Maybe "Wayne" still works there and would know a little more on the engine.

For those that don't know, this guy here is the reason my wallet is $344 lighter. You and your text messages. :lol: :lol:

No seriously, thanks for the tip.

We had agreed on $350 but then I spent six bucks on the way out there. :lol: :naughty:

01-15-2009, 10:01 PM
Nice score dude, Can't wait to see the progression

01-16-2009, 06:51 PM
Well I took it out for a ride around the neighborhood a couple times today. First time out the clutch was slipping super bad. Figured it was the cable because it felt pretty stiff and rubbery. Tried breaking it loose but gave up and went down to the corner atv shop and picked up a new one. Clutch problem fixed. Felt fine after that.

Then on the next two rides it died like it was running out of gas once it got warmed up. Won't start up again until you let it sit for a few minutes. Haven't played with that problem yet. Could be the cap not venting or bad fuel flow from some other problem. Didn't seem like a spark issue. It's got a Mikuni on it. I hate Mikunis. Anybody got a XR200 carb they'd want to trade? This one is a 28mm flat slide.

It seems to run pretty good despite it having what looks like a leaking head gasket. Compression isn't very good (possibly due to the bad head gasket). Starts easy though. Good throttle response.

The gearing on it is retarded. Stock 12/40 gearing with 18 inch tires? WTF. Probably tops out at a screaming 35mph like that. I'm in fifth and feels like I should have another two or three gears. With a stroker motor it should have 14/35 on it with those tires. :lol:

Pulls real hard to the right but that could be a few things. The frame is twisted and the front tire is completely wasted. The tread is peeling away from the core. :eek: Didn't feel like the axle was bent or anything. As long as that Durablue and the Westcoast are straight, I'm happy with it. :naughty:

01-16-2009, 08:45 PM
So far so good it sounds like. You mentioned the 28mm flatslide and I remembered reading about a test they did in 3Wheeling mag with that setup. I scanned it for some interesting reading or it could be of some help. Looks like the second page is hard to read I'll try and make it better.

01-16-2009, 08:56 PM
holey sweet parts i woudl do it up man good find

01-16-2009, 08:59 PM
Figured out the fuel flow problem. Turn it on reserve and it barely trickles out. Turn it to On and it flows just fine. Either it was put together backwards or the lower screen is clogged or something. No biggie as I wasn't going to use that tank and petcock anyway. Tank is fairly decent shape though.

So far so good it sounds like. You mentioned the 28mm flatslide and I remembered reading about a test they did in 3Wheeling mag with that setup. I scanned it for some interesting reading or it could be of some help. Looks like the second page is hard to read I'll try and make it better.

Dude I would love to read that. I can't really read either page though. If you could scan it at a high resolution that would be awesome.

01-16-2009, 09:05 PM
I cant figure it out as I'm horrible with pics on computers. Send me a pm with you email and I can send you them fullsize I think.

01-16-2009, 09:07 PM
I cant figure it out as I'm horrible with pics on computers. Send me a pm with you email and I can send you them fullsize I think.

Send them to dammit987 AT hotmail DOT com and I'll post them (in other words, don't flood his pm box asking for a copy people! lol).

Edit: it's alive (http://www.triketrash.com/200x/200x.mov)! :naughty:

01-16-2009, 09:37 PM
Took more pics when I was going over it this afternoon.

Here's the couple of small dings in the supertrapp header. No big deal really.

Westcoast with a brand new PRM skid plate mounted. Unfortuntely it's not a perfect fit. You can see the chain hits the front of the skid plate because the angle is off a little bit.

The rear skid plate mount has a nice big dent in it. I'll most likely have someone fix these mounts up before sending it to powdercoat. Have the rear one straightened out, make the front one a little longer to fix the skid plate angle and have them both strengthened up a bit. They don't look like they'd be able to take the Arizona rocks.

Did the 200x Westcoast swingers come with this shock mount?

Case damage. I'm hoping I can drill it out deeper so I can attach the case saver with a longer bolt and build that spot up with some JB Weld. Sand it down and paint it to hide the damage.

The Mikuni carb.

You can kinda see how badly twisted the sub frame is in this one.

I think the fork seals are bad. :lol:

This thing must have been sitting in one spot for a LONG time. It has the exact same damage on the other side of the tire.

01-16-2009, 09:50 PM
So when do you expect to have this done?

01-16-2009, 09:56 PM
Looks straight out of a dirtwheels hopup article. Very unique find. The upsidedown grabber tells ya its last ride was probably a race.

Classic old school right down to the mushrooms sticker...... pretty cool bday present.

01-16-2009, 09:59 PM
2012 probably. :lol:

It'll be done when it's done. I'm not in a hurry.

Things I still need to do;

Get the Westcoast fixed up and powdercoated.

Rebuild and powdercoat a set of forks (I have three sets to choose from, lol).

Fix up the Supertrapp. Hell if I can get the dings out I might even spring for some Jet Hot treatment.

Polish the lower triple and the supertrapp muffler and other odds and ends.

Find a good deal on some rear rims with no offset.

Get all three wheels powdercoated black.

Buy a new rear fender.

Get the custom decals made.

New chain/sprockets.

Go through the motor and freshen it up. Hopefully it doesn't need much.

Paint the motor.

Got a seat on the way from the Moshers.

Then I can put it all back together. :lol:

The Goat
01-16-2009, 10:05 PM
what kind of rear wheels are those?

enkei? douglas? what's the offset?

and are you interested in parting with them.

01-16-2009, 10:19 PM
what kind of rear wheels are those?

enkei? douglas? what's the offset?

and are you interested in parting with them.

They're just stock wheels with lawnmower tires on them. Same setup I used to run back in the day.


01-16-2009, 10:20 PM
Fix up the Supertrapp. Hell if I can get the dings out I might even spring for some Jet Hot treatment.

Build up the dents with some weld then grind them down.

01-16-2009, 10:48 PM
Wow that is a cool old skool piece, lots of great goodies on that beast. I like it, can't wait to see it done! Let us know what's inside that motor when you get it opened up.

01-17-2009, 09:24 AM
Thats awesome!! Sounds pretty mean in the video!

01-17-2009, 09:52 AM
are you going to straighten out the sub frame?

01-17-2009, 01:24 PM
I've used Pacific Crest for pipe repair.


01-17-2009, 01:45 PM
hell ya you got a nice deal. and happy birthday.
good luck on the x project

01-17-2009, 04:42 PM
are you going to straighten out the sub frame?

No. I have another frame. There's a link in the first post of this thread.

01-17-2009, 04:47 PM
What are there, 12 discs in that friggen ST?? :lol:

Did it have an airbox?? or one with a lid??

01-17-2009, 04:56 PM
At least 12 discs. Maybe more. I used to run 18 on my old one.

It doesn't even have an air filter at the moment. Let alone an airbox. :lol:

01-17-2009, 06:23 PM
Thats pretty sweet man. I love the first gen 200x, with old school parts. Brings ya back to the early days of sport triks.

Ive got one built up alittle.. Not sure whats done inside beside port work, but I will in a few months when I open her up.. But its got a Phase Five pipe, 28 mil round slide Keihin, lock hart oil cooler, old school super scoops not the new shiny ones. And ive got 18 Hoosiers that look KILLER on it, with some gearing done. I had a Dura Blue but it was too wide for where I ride, so I run 1 1/2 billet spacers. The Dura Blue was for a 81-82 R with the 4 bolt sprocket to eliminate the dumb rubber bushings and the slopy sprocket hub, i hate those.. Ive got a few different # plats I run on it, and a NOS set of fork gaurds to be put on at some time.

There is a guy on ebay selling BARP Big Als case savers for the 185 200 but they will work on the 200X with a 12 tooth and tweek it alittle

Id like to find a tank cover for it, a swinger, and a rear disk gaurd but dull finish.. And anything Phase Five, low pro fenders, gas tank..

When i did my oil cooler I mounted it up higher by the tripple trees to get it away from the exhaust. I picked up an old school bolt on cross bar that im gonna hang the cooler from.

Seadoo and Louis both have very cool old school 200X's..

01-17-2009, 06:26 PM
If you need a seat let me know, I think ive got 2-3 extras good pans and foam but will need a cover..

01-17-2009, 06:41 PM
Got a seat on the way already from the Moshers. :naughty: Still need a new rear fender though. :(

Any of you AZ guys been to Bob's lately? Have they been getting any blems? Last few times I went out there they didn't have any.