View Full Version : Snow? What fun!

12-23-2008, 10:06 AM
Been waiting for the snows to fall so I could see exactly how well my little 1980 185 would scoot in the stuff. I am really surprised how well it does. I live at 6500 ft altitude in Colorado and so far we have about eight to ten inches and more coming.

So far, so good. My driveway is a quarter mile long and I use the 185 to pack down a trail so the wife's Monte Carlo can make it to the gravel county road.

I have Wooly Booger rears and about three passes it looks like a military convoy went up my drive..

So, I have seen the surface area of the rears plow through deeps drifts, but in the deep stuff I could see the advantages of a ski up front.

Anyone have any cool home made ideas or pictures they could show off?

12-23-2008, 10:40 AM