View Full Version : Does anyone need anything transported between MD and CT?

Louis Mielke
12-05-2008, 11:27 PM
I need to make a trip up to CT and I was just putting this out there if anyone needs something transported in the next week or two I could help you out probably. I'm coming from Baltimore MD to Waterbury CT. Hopefully one of the days this coming week. If I can arrange it it would be either Monday or Friday and I need to make this a quick 1 day trip. 10hrs round trip and its gonna suck but I gota do it.

Just putting it out there. Just PM me. If its something small that will fit in my Toyota matrix thats cool and it can ride for free, if I gota pull it on the trailer that might need a charitable donation.

12-05-2008, 11:40 PM
you got a place to stay if you want to make it a 2 day trip...you know that

12-05-2008, 11:43 PM
i dont need nothgin hauled but if you run acrost my sanity please stop and pick it up fr me its been gone too long and i am startign to get worried, and your more than welcome to come hangout for a lil while if ya wanted.

Louis Mielke
12-06-2008, 12:22 AM
I really appreciate the offers guys but I just can't make it work for any layovers.
I'd like to leave early Monday morning and be back by noon. Gonna be tight if I can make it happen.