View Full Version : Almost had a 200X this weekend. GRRRR

12-01-2008, 07:23 PM
I've been wanting to add a 4 stroke to my growing collection of 2-stroke 3 wheelers for a while. I went home(Southeast Missouri) to visit this weekend and found a 200X sitting in a man's yard. I asked the guy If he would sell it and he said yes. But he had to check with his father first. I agreed to give him $450.00. After reaching this agreement his father got home minutes before the transaction and said no. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR He said he was gonna tune it up someday and ride it again. (yeah, right) I thought about pouring a little ether on a rag and taking it anyway. :twisted: Leaving the $450.00 on his temporarily incapacitated body of course. Thankfully, better judgment got the best of me. :(

12-01-2008, 07:53 PM
If you are riding 2-stokes now, a 200x isn't gonna impress you at all. If you want a 4-stroke what and find a 350x

12-01-2008, 10:22 PM
i have a friend who was going to sell me his old cr80 but instead said No after 2 weeks and said he was going to fix it a year later its still siting ridulous

big schott
12-01-2008, 11:55 PM
If you are riding 2-stokes now, a 200x isn't gonna impress you at all. If you want a 4-stroke what and find a 350x

I disagree, I have all three and I like them all for differant reasons. The 250R is fun if you realy want to giverhell and the 350X is fun with all the power. The 200X is fun for a quick ride or a long haul. It is light, easy to controle, and with my 215 pound ass I can through it around with ease.

If he is buying it for racing, DON'T but, if he wants a reliable fun screw around machine. GO FOR IT!!:beer