View Full Version : Wow just rewound my pull start

11-30-2008, 05:07 PM
I jst rewound my pull start for my 200s Now that was a little bit of a pain until I figured it out. My learning curve was abouot 2 hours! lol!

11-30-2008, 05:09 PM
After you do it a few hundred times it becomes instinct. LOL

11-30-2008, 05:21 PM
God, pull-start rewinds have to be the most trying and nerve-racking jobs ever. I hate doing that!

11-30-2008, 06:01 PM
This is the one I rebuilt wish it looked like the one in the picture took me 20min just to wash up! but now I know how to do it so my assy time should be cut in half next time.71285

11-30-2008, 07:03 PM
i don't evny your trouble at all. I had a 185s that we gave up on for a while. We took off the pull start and used a drill to start it. In the woods we would either pull start it or bump start it. We finally gave in and figured it out and lots of anger later....we figured it out.

Anyway, stay practiced at it because you will do it again.

11-30-2008, 07:38 PM
As long as the spring stays put it ain't bad.

11-30-2008, 08:14 PM
Had to do it one time on my ytm-200e. Wish it was the last time. It was a couple of years ago and I didn't know how a recoil was working. Trust me, after half a hour you know that the spring should stay in the groove.

11-30-2008, 08:24 PM
LOL! You Got That Right!

11-30-2008, 08:28 PM
weeeee! good times! ;)
yea i had to rewind my 200E, 200S, 185S (still working on the decompression cable part for the wifeypoo cause she's a wuss) and now i got 3 or 4 more to do with the pile of parts i got. :/ maybe i shoudl fixor them and sell them repaired and working to pay for parts i really need. rewind service for $40+ parts sound fair?

11-30-2008, 09:09 PM
haha i honestly have do it so many times now i can take one off...rewind it...and put it back on with no tools othere then a 8 millimeter socket and rachet and can do it in about 15 to 20 mins

11-30-2008, 09:12 PM
I have to rewind mine on my honda 200... God i am not looking forword to that lol

11-30-2008, 09:25 PM
Its not bad at all once you figure out the right way to do it and practice a litte. Including winding the spring, I'm guessing I could have mine together within 15 minutes on my 200s. What part are you guys having all the trouble with?

11-30-2008, 09:31 PM
The scar on my middle finger reminds how not to take the spring out. :(

11-30-2008, 09:49 PM
Yeah everytime I was holding it coiled up my nerves were high just waiting for it to shoot off somewhere. Next time i'm wearing saftey glasses.

11-30-2008, 10:01 PM
If first you hook the outside of the spring into the housing, then you just work around and around with the spring until its all in.

11-30-2008, 11:09 PM
i like to coil it up, and hook the outide on, then use a small price of cardboard and push oin the spring to hold it while i move my hand and slowly eas up letting the cardbard take the band lashes. it keeps me from getting cut and lets the coil stay as it should. then all I have to do is install the spool with sring srapped, put the string throught he hole first, and go . a slight turn and it's on, then i finish pulling the string through and tie a knot so it stays out and then test it. 95% of the time it worked fine. once in a while it slips off the outside and i have to go fix it. i also have to ensure it gets hooked on to the inside correctly as well. (spooler side)

11-30-2008, 11:16 PM
Alright, it's pretty funny, my history with pull cords (in general). Ill tell you guys. It started with an old 70's Sno-Jet, father had. I remember when i was about 13 years old father was rebuilding an old sno-jet to haul wood to burn in the furnace, and i was out in the shed watchin him rebuild it, and one thing he had to do was fix the pull cord. he was some pi$$ed, i didnt understand why!! last year, i got a 200S for $150, and when i got it, the pull cord consisted of some yellow rope (you know what im talkin about) and a mop handle, cut off with a hole drilled in it, for a handle. anyways, i tried to rebuild it, and father said "dont haul the reel out of the case unless you got to".. he musta known what he was talkin about.. anyways, i done it, the spring blew up and string went everywhere.. so i called dad haha. once again, just like old times, dad was pi$$ed lookin at this demon he had to face hahaha. he got it done, but it was wicked!! now i know, and now ill never want to look at again.. the pull cord. but on another note, ever notice how the pull cord assemblies on the 200S are so fragile they break up easy?

12-01-2008, 01:18 AM
Rebuilding pullstarters is a snap. A couple years ago at TF I showed a few people how to take a pull starter apart and then put it back together. They were shocked to see me take a working pullstarter completely apart. And then re-assemble it including installing the main spring in less than 2 minutes. The only tool I used during installation was pliers to install the "C" clip. I explained how to do it here on the forums before. Not to insult anyone, but if you find it hard to rebuild, then you should search for the thread ( 2-4 years ago ). Many users have used the method with minimal to no problems in under 5 minutes ( and NO injuries ).

12-01-2008, 09:15 AM
Howdy dowdy! ;)