View Full Version : Magura Hydraulic Clutch

88 Turbo Coupe
11-24-2008, 07:37 PM
Anyone install one on their air cooled R??

11-24-2008, 09:50 PM
Why would you consider spending that kind of $$ for a clutch system on a 250cc bike?

11-24-2008, 09:53 PM
Why would you consider spending that kind of $$ for a clutch system on a 250cc bike?

Have you SEEN his trikes?! They all get the top of the line stuff. 88TC doesn't seem to cut any corners with his trikes.

11-24-2008, 10:05 PM
Ok, so when did I question the quality of his bikes? I just wanted to know why someone would pay that kind of money for a clutch system that has no mechanical advantage over standard cable setups that can be had for a third or less of the cost. If it's just for "Look how much extra $$ I have!" factor, I'm good with that, so don't read too far into my question before thinking you need to stuff me about it again Saul.

11-24-2008, 10:23 PM
Ok, so when did I question the quality of his bikes? I just wanted to know why someone would pay that kind of money for a clutch system that has no mechanical advantage over standard cable setups that can be had for a third or less of the cost. If it's just for "Look how much extra $$ I have!" factor, I'm good with that, so don't read too far into my question before thinking you need to stuff me about it again Saul.

Haha, I didn't mean any insult there! And knowing 88TC it's NOT for 'look at me' me type ego boosts. But personally - I don't know his reasons for wanting one and I'm sure he'll answer that.

That said, if I owned his trikes - I'd want the best of everything on them - no matter the cost. :TrikesOwn

11-24-2008, 10:58 PM
I would like to know also. I would try the kit also if it works well.

Why would you use one? It's not about the money or proving you are cool because you can afford something that others can't, but a good question.

I run heavy duty CR 500 springs in my R because of the motor HP output and I have to tell you that you get some serious forearm pump after a short while. If a Magura clutch would help solve that, I am a buyer.

11-25-2008, 12:13 AM
Ok, so when did I question the quality of his bikes? I just wanted to know why someone would pay that kind of money for a clutch system that has no mechanical advantage over standard cable setups that can be had for a third or less of the cost. If it's just for "Look how much extra $$ I have!" factor, I'm good with that, so don't read too far into my question before thinking you need to stuff me about it again Saul.

The Mugen 360 kit had springs on it that are 40+ % stiffer than stock springs. Pull on that for a while and I can see the need for a hydraulic clutch. I think it's worth every penny of the $220.

And, I didn't read anything where Saul wasn't trying to stuff you.

88 Turbo Coupe
11-25-2008, 01:27 AM
I posted this same question about 2 years ago with no response. Sooo.. I left it alone and went onto other mods. Its not about "looks". It's about having the "edge".

11-25-2008, 12:08 PM
They advertise a 20% reduction in pull effort. On long rides or after some serious laps, that would be a very welcome relief. Good enough reason to me.

I've rode a few KTM bikes with the hydraulic clutch setup. The pull seems as smooth as butter.

11-25-2008, 12:14 PM
I posted this same question about 2 years ago with no response. Sooo.. I left it alone and went onto other mods. Its not about "looks". It's about having the "edge".

Ok, I guess this is where I get lost officially, but also on the point of hard pulling cable systems. Let's review a few things...

1) Clutch pull can be made ridiculously easy with a simple and cheap ($40) MSR Pro Raptor clutch perch and lever. I've ridden ATC500s with this lever and they pull as easy as stock 250s or easier. I had this lever on my 86R and it pulled like a 125...easily one finger pull.

2) You would be adding another system to the trike that would require a bleeding process, fluid stores and added weight.

3) Let's say you are out on the trail and the system goes south or you break a lever. How many camps or riding buddies are going to have replacement equipment available to get you back up and running so your day isn't ruined.

4) Hydraulic clutch systems remove any sense of tactile feel from your clutch operation. The pull "sensation" will never change, no matter what might be going on in the clutch itself. With the original cable system, you can easily sense problems and operational deficiencies with your fingers.

5) Finally, if you have spent any amount of time on a bike with a hydro clutch on it, the pull is NOT that much lighter than a well adjusted cable system. Think about it as if you would be pulling the front brake lever to the point of locking up the brakes for clutch action.

In the end it's all truly just my opinion, but I have researched the hydro systems quite extensively myself, and these are the pros/cons that I have decided upon about them.

11-25-2008, 12:27 PM
1) Sounds like a cheaper idea......good info.

2) Bleeding wouldn't be that often. Weight increase is extemely miniscule.

3) Kinda offest by the likelyhood that your riding buddies may not have an extra clutch cable should yours break. At TF, someone will probably have a cable....riding with people on what most folks are riding today, you're probably not going to have a cable or lever to use. Go ahead and get a replacement lever and have one just in case.

4) Well.....you're certainly not going to feel a mechanical cable fraying, stetching, or breaking with a hydraulic setup. Those are "feelings" I personally wouldn't miss:)

5) My experience has been a bit different with the lightness of the feel....but that's just my personal feelings and observations.

I don't work for Magura, so these are just my opinions as well. I say use whatever you want if it's within your budget. Everything does have it's pros and cons just like MM86R stated.

11-25-2008, 12:29 PM
Really I was ready to do this for my Tri-Z build. I even spoke with magura's tech line. I figured out that a new YZ250 setup would work great. Line length was good and all I had to do was machine a bushing for the actuator to properly sit in the tab on the cases. All and all an easy set up.

1. Rapor perch's are decent. But thats $40 you could be spending on the new system.

2. take a crap thats way more less added weight. I mean are we racing pro here?

3. lets say the likely hood of this happening is very slim. Just like well maintained brakes. There always there for you. I have work on a ton of these systems. They simply do not fail. Properly route the line, bleed and run. I mean unless you wreck and bust the master cylinder off the bars then your screwed.

4. This holds water. But can be done with hydro clutches as well.

5. Pull is alot lighter. And with hydro clutches your not going to be buying a cable for these monster 2 strokes every summer you ride. They dont wear out, they dont stretch.

ASV makes some super nice levers for the magura system to boot.

11-25-2008, 12:41 PM
One of the advantages to a hydraulic clutch set-up is they never need adjustment.

11-25-2008, 05:11 PM
I have that exact hydraulic system on my husqvarna and i love having the hydrualic clutch. its real smooth clutching and you never have to worry about a cable snapping. I recommend it if you have the funds.

88 Turbo Coupe
11-25-2008, 05:55 PM
I have a Hymec in the box. Lets see what happens.

11-25-2008, 06:07 PM
Ok, so when did I question the quality of his bikes? I just wanted to know why someone would pay that kind of money for a clutch system that has no mechanical advantage over standard cable setups that can be had for a third or less of the cost. If it's just for "Look how much extra $$ I have!" factor, I'm good with that, so don't read too far into my question before thinking you need to stuff me about it again Saul.


11-25-2008, 06:10 PM
I had one for my DVX and one for my DVX. I ended up not running them for reliability issues. I ended up replacing the slave and that was enough for me at 8-0 bucks. I may go back to one though.

The Goat
11-25-2008, 07:58 PM

No...more like members here need to lighten up and not take offense at every little thing said.

It's getting to be quite laughable.

I'm seeing more individuals who are here for no time at all, then begin to run their mouths to anyone and everyone...I at least kept mine shut for 6 months....even though I am a post whore.

A little tact goes a long way.

My opinion of the new clutch system...if you've got the dough, it might be well spent.

11-25-2008, 10:23 PM
Well, I guess that is a "no"... Too bad, I would love to know how they work. The only information I was able to get about them was from a racer I know that owns an ATV shop. He said that he tried them, but didn't like the feel of it and went back to cable.

Hopefully someone will chime in. I may just buy one to try it out.

The Goat
11-25-2008, 10:26 PM
I honestly think it would feel a lot like your brake...it's exactly the same thing really.

can it be adjusted or no? like...it's engagement point i mean?

11-25-2008, 10:33 PM
I'm seeing more individuals who are here for no time at all, then begin to run their mouths to anyone and everyone...I at least kept mine shut for 6 months....even though I am a post whore.

Not to go off topic - Just wondering if by any chance that was directed at me? Probably not I guess(hope) I mean, I haven't been here very long at all but I don't feel I've run my mouth off to anyone here. I'm always thankful to anyone who has given me advice and guidance.


88 Turbo Coupe
11-27-2008, 09:31 AM
You wont be able to use your oem on/off switch. The housing is to big and the lever hits it. Not by much. I took the one of my 85 and it fits. I don't like the nylon hose it has so I ordered the braided stainless steel line from Magura. IMO It won't take much to break the nylon. A big plus with the SS is that you can "cut to fit". The 46" hose is too long.

Billy Golightly
11-27-2008, 10:42 AM
I have one, and never got to use it because I bent the damn shaft in the slave cylinder causing it to leak the oil out of it before I could use it. I never could get the level of adjustment out of it I wanted, and I kept dickin with it till I broke it of course :lol: the little rod that needs replaced is probably super cheap, I just haven't gotten a hold of Magura to order one and this happened probably more then a year ago. I ordered the TRX250R kit and it physically fit the ATC without any problems. I also had an ASV 2 finger lever for it but It stuck out to far for my tastes.

88 Turbo Coupe
11-27-2008, 02:12 PM
So what do you use now?

Billy Golightly
11-27-2008, 06:01 PM
Before I made it a 500 I used just a regular motion pro cable and RTC lever. On the 500 now I use an OEM cable and the RTC lever. The RTC lever has 2 positions, a normal leverage ratio, and an easier leverage ratio. The easier ratio though decreases the length of pull in the lever, meaning the discs in the clutch aren't being pulled apart as far as it is with the harder setting. I use the easier setting so the clutch is more manageable, but it crawls if you've got it pulled in and rev it up unless you've got your foot on the brake.

11-28-2008, 01:28 PM
Before I made it a 500 I used just a regular motion pro cable and RTC lever. On the 500 now I use an OEM cable and the RTC lever. The RTC lever has 2 positions, a normal leverage ratio, and an easier leverage ratio. The easier ratio though decreases the length of pull in the lever, meaning the discs in the clutch aren't being pulled apart as far as it is with the harder setting. I use the easier setting so the clutch is more manageable, but it crawls if you've got it pulled in and rev it up unless you've got your foot on the brake.

This is exactly why I like the MSR Pro Raptor setup. It has a cam that changes the cable position when you change the pull point so the pull distance and cable position remain the same no matter what setting you use.

11-30-2008, 04:52 PM
I bought mine used for $100. I wouldn't spend $200. I bought mine for the maintenence free aspect;I got tired of taking the cable apart to lube it. I've had it for several years and I've never had to do anything to it. It did have a little different feel to it but I got used to it in one ride and now I wouldn't know the difference. There's only one downfall. I found out this summer that the lever breaks easily(at a designed in weak point) and costs over $40 to replace.

11-30-2008, 05:06 PM
the lack of feel is the reason i don't like them ......but like anything else i guess i could get used to it

88 Turbo Coupe
11-30-2008, 05:20 PM
This is exactly why I like the MSR Pro Raptor setup. It has a cam that changes the cable position when you change the pull point so the pull distance and cable position remain the same no matter what setting you use.

I used a MSR didn't like the lack of quality (you can have it if you want it). I use the adjustable Wirtz lever and has a much better feel. But I gotta try somthing different in the persuit of perfection!

Tri-Z Pilot
11-30-2008, 05:45 PM
This is turning into another 250R vs Tec3, etc. dispute. In the end half will like the hydro. half will not. If you are interested in this setup, I suggest you ride Ktm or something that already has one, or at the least just play with one the next time at the dealer to see if you want to go for it.

All and all the only fitment problems would be the clashing with handlebar intsruments, finding the right length hydro cable for your application (or cutting to fit), mounting to your pre existing clutch actuator perch on the case, then getting the the clutch pull you want out of it. Actually sounds pretty managable to me, whether or not to go through with it is your choice.