View Full Version : GLAD I DIDNT LISTEN!! Heres a few pics

11-18-2008, 02:17 AM
I came across this nice 85250es guy was asking 1500.00. Only saw one pic, has original tires, looks super clean in the pics, small ding in tank, and small burn in seat cover, owned by a now 67 year old. I got ahold of someone after a few days of trying, they say now it wont start they think its a carb problem, said they would take 1100.00 for it, or they will fix the carb and ask the 1500.00. I am going to go look at it this week to see how clean it really is! said he only used it to ride around his property, original owner. I dont really need another trike right now:lol: :lol: but if this is a REALLY good deal then I will prpbably go for it. I have an 85 250es already, but ive only rode it once for a few mins. and it hasnt ran since, (first one I bought, was kinda green and think i got robbed)paid 1100.00 for that one,more on that some other time. give me some input?

loaded the pic up what do ya think?

11-18-2008, 03:00 AM
I say don't waste your money on it. The economy sucks right now, use that money to fix up something you currently own and don't plan on parting with. Or just put the money in savings. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a very clean Big Red. Find out when and how it stopped running first. It might just be a fouled plug. Or something major. It is only a Big Red, buy a 250R instead.

11-18-2008, 12:49 PM
come on guys I cant make a decision off one response, I need some input!

11-18-2008, 01:06 PM
well if you already have a br, you probably don't need another one. you can't ride both at the same time. get somethin you don't have yet so at least its a diffrent experience when you ride. 1100$ for a bike not running is unheard of, it's way to high. even in mint shape if its unrunning id say no more than 500$. if you like your big red fix that one, at least you wont have to worry about messing up a mint three wheeler. i'd recommend a sx if you like the br.

11-18-2008, 01:07 PM
im with ninja, us the money to fix something else up. but if you have that type of money to throw around buy it.

11-18-2008, 04:00 PM
Every man has his price.
If it were me I would go take a look and see how much you can "steal" it for.
You don't really need other peoples opinions, you've already got your own.
You know you want it otherwise you wouldn't be posting waiting for someone to say "Great Deal, hurry up and go get it".

11-19-2008, 01:48 AM
Every man has his price.
If it were me I would go take a look and see how much you can "steal" it for.
You don't really need other peoples opinions, you've already got your own.
You know you want it otherwise you wouldn't be posting waiting for someone to say "Great Deal, hurry up and go get it".

:lol: :lol: :lol: you hit the nail on the head:lol: :lol: besides I can always sell the crappy one I already have!

11-19-2008, 07:17 AM
I saw that listed on craigslist. If I were closer I'd have it already. I can't seem to find a clean BR for decent money around here.

11-19-2008, 08:18 PM
ok let's be honest here. why are you comming to an online forum talking to guys you have never met and asking for advice ons pending $1500? are you dumb? holy cow, fi you can't make a decision yourself, then the answer is don't do it at all.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but it's very anoying to come in here and have soeone asking abotu shoudl I spend $1500 on blah? dude! if you have the $ then buy it, if not, then don't it's that simple. yea the economy is crap, but only u can decide what's right for your $ not me or anyone else. i personally would not spend $1500 on any trike as i woudl rather do the work myself. some don't want to do that so it's also a matter of choice. if it's not running, then NO trike is worth $1500 in books. but again you may make a mil a year and $1500 to you coudl be liek $15 to me.

11-20-2008, 01:09 AM
ok let's be honest here. why are you comming to an online forum talking to guys you have never met and asking for advice ons pending $1500? are you dumb? holy cow, fi you can't make a decision yourself, then the answer is don't do it at all.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but it's very anoying to come in here and have soeone asking abotu shoudl I spend $1500 on blah? dude! if you have the $ then buy it, if not, then don't it's that simple. yea the economy is crap, but only u can decide what's right for your $ not me or anyone else. i personally would not spend $1500 on any trike as i woudl rather do the work myself. some don't want to do that so it's also a matter of choice. if it's not running, then NO trike is worth $1500 in books. but again you may make a mil a year and $1500 to you coudl be liek $15 to me.

I thought this was a place for people who were passionate about 3 wheelers, to ask any and all questions. Ya, I'm a big boy and can make my own decisions, and will make my own decision regaurdless what is said her. And though I "never met these people" I would like to know what some of them think. SOME have good opinions. I'm not asking for anyone to wipe my ass for gods sake!! If this thread annoys you than simply move on!! certainly dont reply with your idiotic opinion! And like I said the trike not running there ASKING 1100.00 that could meen $800 ya never know!

11-20-2008, 01:36 AM
And like I said the trike not running there ASKING 1100.00 that could meen $800 ya never know!

One other thing you have to take into consideration is that the region you live in may bring either higher or lower prices than where-ever others may live. Just look at how the price per gallon of gas varies from state to state. Same would go for what a person may be able to buy/sell an atv. With that in mind, that seller would have that 3 wheeler for a long time since it probably would not bring in more than $200-$300 non-running in the area of WI where I live. Even in good running condition, probably about $700-$800 from what I have seen being bought and sold.


11-20-2008, 03:49 AM
Ya, thats true here in NY everything cost more, but I figured mint parts off it in the very least would fetch more than I would have paid, but maybee I'm wrong. My cousin just paid almost 700.00 for new oem plastic!!

11-21-2008, 07:15 PM
I laugh at all of the naysayers! I drove an hour yesterday to look at this thing, and let me tell you it was WAY!! nicer than I expected!!:naughty: It is literally a brand new machine, nicest one ive ever seen. I didnt even try to start it. we settled on $900 bucks, pushed it on the truck and I was off, I felt like a theif! you may think I'm nuts, but as soon as I saw it I new it couldn't be much. got home and had it running in 5 minutes. Put in a new plug, drained the float bowl, checked the air box, bang it fired right up!! Even I thought it would take more than that. I'll post some pics as soon as I can, and I bet its nicer than anyones 250es on the boards:w00t: I dont care what part of the country you live in theres no way you could get a trike this mint for $500.00. I dont care if its running or not!

11-21-2008, 07:20 PM
I saw that listed on craigslist. If I were closer I'd have it already. I can't seem to find a clean BR for decent money around here.

Funnything fastz28 the guy I bought it from just moved here from PA 2 months ago. Brought it all the way here just to sell it. It has a PA dealership sticker, but I cant remember the name. I'll check later.

11-21-2008, 07:25 PM
Sounds like he got the dent in the tank and the burn in the seat fixed before
before you got there.

11-21-2008, 07:27 PM
Heck yeah man, good for you.

Cant wait for pics!

11-21-2008, 07:34 PM
I had a feeling it was nice, looked like it in that pic.
Good for you man!!
Show us the shiny beast!

11-21-2008, 07:36 PM
Good find. Big Reds are like gold down here.

11-21-2008, 07:45 PM
thanks guys, I just planned a bigred excursion for sunday, should be five to six bigreds, and a few others. I'll bring my camera and get some pics. I will try to post a few tonight though. Sucks, i've had it for 2 days and havent even gotten a spin yet! 2nd shift blows!

Threes company
11-21-2008, 09:28 PM
Sucks, i've had it for 2 days and havent even gotten a spin yet! 2nd shift blows!

Hey, congrats on the new Red. Glad you took the chance and went and checked it out. Don't forget those :pics: .... same here on the 2nd shift thing... seems like theres never enough time to get anything done.

11-22-2008, 12:52 AM
Hey, congrats on the new Red. Glad you took the chance and went and checked it out. Don't forget those :pics: .... same here on the 2nd shift thing... seems like theres never enough time to get anything done.

ya, especially when you have to watch the kid till the wife gets home, then shoot to work. Theres always moonlighting I guess.

11-22-2008, 01:54 AM
Told ya it was prolly just the plug. See, you didn't need our opinions. You went and looked at it yourself. Lesson learned.

11-22-2008, 03:31 AM
I always planned on looking at it so no lesson learned! anyhoo heres some pics for yas it is a little dirty underneath but should touch up nicely.

11-22-2008, 03:36 AM
I got this sweet speedo for it but I'm missing the drive cable. CAn you have these made anywhere? ive seen them on ebay for 100 or so bucks but thats a little steep. Id love to put it on!

11-22-2008, 07:32 AM
Good greif!!! You could've atleast shined it up before you posted pics of it. :) I think you got a steal.

11-22-2008, 07:50 AM
You can make a speedo cable, get any one that fits *im assuming its square* and cut to fit.

Nice lookin Red, you stole that from the guy.

88 Turbo Coupe
11-22-2008, 08:21 AM
$900 good deal!!!!!

Threes company
11-22-2008, 08:29 AM
:eek: .. looks like you picked it up off the showroom floor, still has the original dealership sticker on it even? :drool: take a measurement from your speedo to the front cable housing... bring the speedo with you to a good bike shop and they might be able to match it up for you. good luck bro

11-22-2008, 08:58 AM
Very very nice!!

11-22-2008, 09:34 AM
The ultimate utility trike hands down!!!!

$900 is a very good price.

11-22-2008, 02:21 PM
I just rode it around the property for a half hour or so and it rides as nice as it looks. Everything is super tight and crisp. the dent is in the front of the tank so you cant see it, and the burn on the seat is not even all the way through the cover. though i cant fathom why the guy would have put a hot chainsaw on the seat when you have UTILITY RACKS!! These flaws in my opinion are petty compared to the overall condition of the trike. Man its cold as hell out there!!

11-22-2008, 02:36 PM
Nice Big Red. You got a great deal

Rex Karz
11-23-2008, 02:15 AM
Niiiiice !

11-23-2008, 08:07 AM
That is one nice looking Big Red for $900. You got an awesome deal!

11-24-2008, 01:12 AM
took it on its maiden voyage today, AWSOME, I did rip a fender protector off though! I was pissed! I didnt lose it though just the clips:( :crazy::(

11-24-2008, 09:39 AM
see told ya! work the deals man then you get something cool! ;) 900 is ok for a newish looking 250es in my books. Way better than askign us should i spend $1500 or $1100? As i said before, only YOU can prevent price gouging, Only You. ;) (stolen form smokey da bear). rathern that do a complete rebuild, go down to the parts store, buy a 1gallon can of carb dip, take it appart and i mean everythign all the jest and stiff and drop all of it into that can of dip. in about an hr, take the float out and wash it off int he sink with soap and let the rest sopak about 2-3 more hours, after take ca can of carb cleaner and hose the parts off with it till they are clean, re-assemble the carb and try to start the trike. i like to use a little bit of silicone around the gaskets especially n an old gakset just to help ensure it seals. not a lit jsut a very thin coating to help sealing. If it's a runnign bike, that'll at least get it running.

btw, that is truely 1 super sweet trike u picked up!! it looks awesome man!!!

08-28-2009, 12:45 PM
wow, where I live ATC are expensive. even for that non running big red could get around 1900 around here.

08-28-2009, 12:53 PM

ya, especially when you have to watch the kid till the wife gets home, then shoot to work. Theres always moonlighting I guess.

Congrats on the BR! I just got one and love it!

Not to steal the thread but im in the same boat as you. Watching a child is a full time job! When you are done that job and have to go to the one that pays the bills it's tough! I haven't even started up a machine in well over a month, i simply don't have the time and that pisses me off....

08-28-2009, 12:54 PM
I always planned on looking at it so no lesson learned! anyhoo heres some pics for yas it is a little dirty underneath but should touch up nicely.

Man that is a nice looking ride!

Russell 350X
08-28-2009, 03:38 PM
Very nice buy, I woulda picked it up in a heartbeat.

08-28-2009, 04:21 PM
Nice looking bike, good buy, take good care of that one!

08-29-2009, 05:18 AM
I thought this was a place for people who were passionate about 3 wheelers, to ask any and all questions. Ya, I'm a big boy and can make my own decisions, and will make my own decision regaurdless what is said her. And though I "never met these people" I would like to know what some of them think. SOME have good opinions. I'm not asking for anyone to wipe my ass for gods sake!! If this thread annoys you than simply move on!! certainly dont reply with your idiotic opinion! And like I said the trike not running there ASKING 1100.00 that could meen $800 ya never know!

very nicely pwned, and i have a 200es and for 1100$ although the price is high is worth every cent.

08-29-2009, 06:14 AM
wow sweet deal man looks great enjoy her:beer