View Full Version : Think it's hard finding a place to ride now?

11-14-2008, 09:32 PM
Read this, if you dare...


This is what I wrote to this fine gentleman...

I just read your article on "thrillcraft". I must say, you are the definition of all I stand against. I can see your concern for the environment, but your lobby against "thrillcraft", (by the way, that is the dumbest word I've ever heard and it only tells me more about your menial, boring life) is an obvious reflection of your "thrilless" life. How's about I decide I don't like people who sit in the grass and bore themselves to sleep, then I start a campaign against "thrilless" boring people such as yourself. From now on, I've decided, in MY MIND all these boring people should be doing something I ENJOY. Since, after all, everybody else should do everything I do to make me happy. That guy driving that red car is annoying me. I think they should ban all red cars. Look at those people fishing. I don't like fishing, why should they be allowed to fish? I think I'll put a stop to that. I think I'll just let myslef get completely consumed with what everybody else is doing since I've got nothing going on myself. Look at that guy on the "thrillcraft", he's tearing up the ground! Something must be done! The poor worms! Well, since I've got nothing else to do but bother everybody else exercising their flag-waving right to do something they enjoy and have been doing for the last 20 years, I'm calling the cops. How dare they ride here and enjoy themselves!

It's because of closed-minded people like you that I have been turned into an outlaw for riding my "thrillcraft". That I, a flag-waving combat veteran, get kicked out of every place I go to ride my "thrillcraft" on the soil that I put my life on the line to protect. It's a shame people like you actually push your every thought and opinion on every poor soul who is bored enough to listen. The day I stop riding my "thrillcraft" in these United States of America, will by no coincidence be the very day I die.

Now, when you're driving down the road quietly listening to John Denver in your Prius "boremobile", pull over to the next group of "thrillcraft" you see and exercise the right I've given you to speak openly and tell the riders how you feel, or do you just do that on the internet?

11-14-2008, 09:47 PM

Welcome to the new Communist States of America. Less than 12% of the United States is occupied/used by the public, and these panty waisted, coffee shop, wannabe activist think the world is going to end because someone enjoys the outdoors in a fashion other than the way they think it should be done. I think they've seen a few too many "Captain Planet" cartoons while smoking a hooka at their last "Save the Unborn Gay Whales" convention.

Thanks for the link. I'm going to post it on every offroad, motorcycle, ATV, 4x4, PWC, enduro, and scramble site I know. They ought to get a few emails.

11-14-2008, 09:49 PM
People like that are the worst kind of people. Let us know if you get a response

11-14-2008, 09:55 PM
No mention of three wheelers. We're good.

(quote)I recently went out for a meal in a crowded local brew-pub restaurant. As I sat there enjoying my draft, I realized that there was no swirl of smoke wafting through the room. The smoke-free public space was created by a city-wide smoking ban enacted by the city counsel a number of years ago. At the time the ban was proposed, smokers clamored about how their “rights” were being violated, while restaurants and bar owners asserted that any ban would deal a death blow to their businesses. Now, four years later, it is difficult to understand what all the hoopla was about. No bars or restaurants went out of business Indeed, local businesses ultimately reported an upsurge in customers as many people, such as myself, suddenly found it pleasurable to go out for a meal without having to come home smelling like a cigarette.(quote)

LIES,LIES,LIES, Probably drove home drunk too.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion no matter how assinine it is.

11-14-2008, 10:06 PM
three wheelers would come under ATVs

11-14-2008, 10:06 PM
I just posted the link on three 4x4 forums, 2 dual sport forums, and an off road VW forum. All of them highly populated. These nuts will be getting some responses soon. :D

11-14-2008, 10:25 PM
three wheelers would come under ATVs

Yea I know that. It was basically sarcasm. I kept reading four wheelers in all of it and no mention of three wheelers.

11-14-2008, 11:38 PM
The insanity of it all is that if they were really committed to the cause they claim to be, they would be pitching a fit about cars and the paved roadways that cover the country. Wonder exactly how much ground is covered by manmade objects?
I wonder how much it all weighs? Will we sink? Lol Waterworld?
I better just stay in bed from now on....scary planet

11-14-2008, 11:59 PM
No horses either. What we need to do is just shoot ourselves in the head just to give the planet a chance.

As seen on a bumper sticker: "SAVE THE PLANET. KILL YOURSELF"

11-15-2008, 12:13 AM
No horses either. What we need to do is just shoot ourselves in the head just to give the planet a chance.

As seen on a bumper sticker: "SAVE THE PLANET. KILL YOURSELF"


11-15-2008, 12:18 AM
I hate eco-nazis.
I can't fish. I can't shoot my guns. I cant run crab traps. I can't use my boat. I can't pick my nose. I can't even scratch my ass without doing damage to the ecosystem.

11-15-2008, 12:18 AM
I wanted to email this person but it wouldn't go though. But as a hiker, biker, surfer, and yes triker I wanted to tell this person that yes I use the land and yes I do monthly clean ups and I do care about the land. These people make me sad.....:cry: :banned: :banned: :banned: That's what they do....:banned:

Well maybe not every month but you know:)

11-15-2008, 12:23 AM
I've always advocated "carry out more than you bring in." But it's never enough for these hippie freaks.

11-15-2008, 12:35 AM
True that!

11-15-2008, 01:40 AM
I wanted to email this person but it wouldn't go though. But as a hiker, biker, surfer, and yes triker I wanted to tell this person that yes I use the land and yes I do monthly clean ups and I do care about the land. These people make me sad.....:cry: :banned: :banned: :banned: That's what they do....:banned:

To e-mail him, don't just click on where it says "e-mail". Put the pointer of your mouse over where it says e-mail and look at the bottom left corner of your screen. His e-mail address will come up there and you can type it manually. I can't stress enough how much we need our voices to be heard here. I hope everyone here sends this guy an e-mail, or two!

Everybody pass it on and please send this guy many e-mails!

Texas 200x
11-15-2008, 02:30 AM
I want to ride in the place they got pictured when you first click the link!!!!!!

11-15-2008, 02:35 AM
Well here is what I wrote and e-mailed I tired to be nice.

Well I found your web page and I was not sure what to think of it. I'm from Oregon and I'm a hiker, biker, surfer, and yes I ride ATV's also.
When I read your pages it reminds of the people here in Oregon that burn big rigs and break out widow's in trucks and cut tires etc. I'm not sure if you are going about this in the right way. Did you know the money that is coming in from these ATV camp site's make up more then half the funding for wildlife. Just like buying a hunting tag, all that money goes to funding the outdoors Taking the funding away is not what I want to do. The hikers and bikers etc do not fund the outdoors they use it and go home, there is no pay both at these trail heads. Yes they do not tare it up as bad but they still tare it up. I have seen many muddy torn up hiking trails and stuff dumped along these trails. And all these hiking trails have people that crave there name in a tree, old growth or not. Same as these surf spots, people leaving trash behind. I have even seen t.p. and sh*t on the beach. In short it's not these ATV's that we should be worried about, it's the people weather they be a hiker or a motobiker.

Please look closely to what your fighting for you may hurt what your trying to help!


11-15-2008, 03:55 AM
This is what I responded to the same topic in another forum, please remember to be proper, no cussing, insults, or degrating remarks. It will go much further than just some wild ass comment. To be an ass simply proves their point. They are trying to show that we are all a bunch of ruthless thugs who do not care about anything. Which is the bases for them to want to try and treat us like children. But this is the USA, we all have to vote! This will most likely become a proposition in a future election. Again, this is serious, but take it how you want. This doesn't only affect ATV riders, it also affects boaters! Not sure about you, but I do both.

OK, I am going to share with you guys what I wrote very quickly. Agree or dissagree, but take one thing for example. I was trying to be polite and tried not to cuss. If you show any sign of not being civil, they can turn it against you and all of us. I could have gone on and on, but tried to keep it short. Again, this is only my opinion, and you must feel free to write whatever you would like and how you feel. We all have one goal in mind, To keep our toys and places to ride them, enjoy

I Emailed it to thrillcraft@biologicaldiversity.org, ckassar@biologicaldiversity.org
and be sure to cc Wildcardracing1@aol.com

I am writing in concern for the information that is being presented about the "Thrillcraft" industry.
It is obvious that your point is being made for the complete ban of all so called "Thrillcraft", however I would like to point out that our so called "Thrillcraft" has not made such a large impact on the world as human industry in it's entirety. If the general conception is that we need to protect what we have left, then the only correct thing to do is stop all advancement that has been made throughout the last century, including building roads, buildings, houses, infrastructure of any kind, schools, housing communities, strip malls, etc. This type of "damage" to the land is much more lasting in terms of soil pollution, mass displacement, and obstruction of nature in general area than anything "Thrillcraft" could or ever would cause.

All you have to do is take one look at any landfill in the USA and you will be witness to a mortal sin being committed to the land that is far worse than any tire tracks, or misplacement of weeds that our "thrillcraft" could possibly do in several lifetimes. The "Thrillcraft" industry creates millions of jobs, and if where removed. Would cause an already unstable economy to plummet even harder. I feel that a total ban on what is being categorized as "Thrillcraft", is the wrong approach to a very real concern.

I too want my children and grandchildren to see the wonders of nature as I have, however there are much more serious problems at hand. Our country is experiencing a time of turmoil< depression and a very concerning future. People are loosing their jobs at an alarming rate, the stock market has crashed, and I believe it may not be too long before the American Dollar would be equal to the Mexican Peso. We are loosing our Glaciers at a far more alarming rate than any scientist had ever predicted even ten years ago, and the list goes on. Focusing on trying to take people's toys away is a virtual waste of time, when this generation needs to worry about simply living.

The "Thrillcraft" industry will no doubt begin to die out because of these current issues, and the price of gasoline continues to rise. I can assure you that not one of us, go out with the intention of destroying the planet. On the contrary, we use our "Thrillcraft" to explore places of this world that are unreachable by normal means. By which we become more nature lovers than you would expect. All of us want to bring our children back generation after generation to experience the beauty of the world in the same way we do now. Preservation is a very real concern to me as well.

There have been many closures of recreational riding and boating areas, by which I do understand the reason for this.
I agree that we do need to protect certain areas of our wilderness, and I have no problem paying the fees that have been mandated by the state for the parks resources in staffing and maintenance.

However a complete ban of the industry is not acceptable. This is the United States of America, The greatest country in the World. However everyday our freedoms are being taken away more and more. When will this stop? Doesn't this result in a total disregard for the respect of free enterprise. Why can't I have the choice to buy whatever I want with the money I have worked for and paid taxes on. Lets focus on areas of real concern, our economy, our housing market, our schools, our future.

Hope you liked it, please feel free to critique me, I am a big boy, I can take it. Besides, I a can always do another under a different name

11-15-2008, 04:38 AM
Really liked that last long one. I think I might actually use it as written and mail it off. Very well said and I completely agree. I can visit a place 20 miles in, that would take me 3 days to walk to, in just a few hours. Places I would never have time to see otherwise. Pictures and memories and indeed the desire to share those places with everyone I meet. From time to time, when I'm on a trail, after I've picked up the pamphlets at the ranger stations, I check for invasive weed notifications. I have reported a few sightings to the right people and have done my part to even try and stop the spread of them. Indeed, my 3 wheeler does bring me closer to nature.

Threes company
11-15-2008, 09:25 AM
I better just stay in bed from now on....scary planet

It amazes me how quickly others will crush other peoples rights while whining whenever their rights are threatened. Its simple, respect and protect each others rights....... no matter what they are, whether its something important to you or not. Its like this....... know what I don't give a damn about? WINE! So lets ban all wine from the planet. Think of all the energy it would save. Think of all the grapes we would save that could be used for juice to send to starving children...... the wasted fuel and electricity needed to harvest the grapes...... the closing of factories where the glass bottles and labels are made..... The trucks removed from the highways shipping all that wine.....what an impact on the environment this would have!! Surely this would be greater than banning "thrillcraft". Gee...... lets see if liberal america supports this idea. These eco-nazis are all about alternative energy but try to put a windmill farm in THEIR backyard and you will see some angry whining left-wing babies awfully quick.

(my apologies to all the wine sipping 3 wheelers out there.... those wine drinkers are ok, lol :D )

11-15-2008, 09:43 AM
Man! Look at the PERFECT little guy,pushing a cuase that has no effect....

As he sits there...

Ranting about environment perversion....

on a computer,made of non bio-degradeable ABS plastic.....Burning coal or nuclear power...to run it......

While talking on his cell phone.....
That took 300,000 gallons of jet fuel burning a hole in the atmosphere,To launch his precious cell phone satellite,So someone..."can here him now"....

As I gaze out my window and see cell phone towers littering the landscape......

These people are "Holier Than thou".........

Unless they are living in a natural underground cave, wearing a hemp loin cloth for clothing, Eating natural leaves..........
They have no right to *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* about the slightest thing that may be hurting the environment....

I am sure he will get in his Ford Expedition this morning,drive to Starbucks to get his Grande latte,That comes in a non biodegradeable styrofoam cup.....
Thinking he is actually doing something good for the world,but in reality......
He is a waist of oxygen....

Threes company
11-15-2008, 10:20 AM
These people are "Holier Than thou".........
Unless they are living in a natural underground cave, wearing a hemp loin cloth for clothing, Eating natural leaves..........
They have no right to *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* about the slightest thing that may be hurting the environment....
I am sure he will get in his Ford Expedition this morning,drive to Starbucks to get his Grande latte,That comes in a non biodegradeable styrofoam cup.....
Thinking he is actually doing something good for the world,but in reality......
He is a waist of oxygen....

Perfect..... 'nuff said! ;)

11-15-2008, 11:04 AM
I love all these responses everybody. Autophysn, I know you sent yours, that's awesome, but I don't know how many of you other guys actually sent something to this guy. Mosh, did you send what you wrote, or something similar? I hate to be pushy, I just hope this guy gets more e-mails from people like us than people who agree with him.

11-15-2008, 11:11 AM
I love all these responses everybody.Mosh, did you send what you wrote, or something similar? I hate to be pushy, I just hope this guy gets more e-mails from people like us than people who agree with him.

No I did not send anything to him....

I tend to get very unfriendly with things like this,and what I would really like to say to that cryer, would probably not be a good representation of us...Therefore...I step away from the keyboard.:p

However,feel free to copy and edit my post if you like and go ahead and forward it to him..

I would probably write a 10,000 character,response to the guy.......
That would make him want to hang himself...

11-15-2008, 11:12 AM
I would like to see him drive a thrillcraft and see how fun it is. And if this forum was a little more polite, someone could send him a link to it.
I'm waiting untill they make a electric thrillcraft, but untill then, and probally a while after I will still continue to drive my gasoline powered thrillcraft.

11-15-2008, 12:22 PM
Just like Tim Robbins, Kirstin Dunst, and Angelina Jolie, who showed up to some awards ceremony in a bunch of Toyota Prius hybrids. Media jumped all over their "great statement". What they didn't cover was the hybrids were rented less than 5 miles from the ceremony after dropping off Mr. Robbins' Ferrari 360 Modena, Ms. Dunst's DB6, and Mrs.Jolie's H1 Limousine.

Hypocrites. And people look up to them as if popularity equals intelligence and wisdom. They are nothin more than we are, just add money.

11-15-2008, 03:36 PM

11-15-2008, 04:28 PM
If you guys think the guy who wrote that first thing is bad, read this. This takes extreme to a new level.


11-15-2008, 04:58 PM
I just went out to do somesliding around in the wet mess. There are a fue briar infested fields at the edge of my neighborhood that are OK to ride in but i have no idea who ownes them.
Well i had been out 15 minits mabe to go through a small patch of woods and there was a camoed out red witha shot gun!! I stopped a few feet away from him and kept the motor on. He asked me if i had seen all the posted signes everywhere. i responded with a no.. then he told me that i had better get on outa there befor he calles the land lord.

So i left:cry:

11-15-2008, 05:04 PM
I don't ride land unless I have permission. I've had to run off so many trespassers on our family land every hunting season I tend to be cautious of property that ain't mine. Courtesy.

11-15-2008, 05:14 PM
If you guys think the guy who wrote that first thing is bad, read this. This takes extreme to a new level.


That is NUTZ.

most of thoes traps are designed to KILLnot stop or maime but KILL:eek:

11-15-2008, 05:27 PM
Some of thoses things where crazy!

11-15-2008, 05:55 PM
Looks like something from a Viet Nam trap manual.

11-17-2008, 01:32 AM

Sorry to keep bumping this, guys. I just feel it's very important to get this stuff out there.

11-17-2008, 04:49 AM
2 simple words:

**** EM'!

01-03-2009, 11:58 PM

My personal fav!!!!!!

01-04-2009, 01:04 AM
i can not believe there is actually maniacs like that in our world, he is leaving traps so he can kill a person. that is murder, any one setting traps intentionally killed a person

Atc GuY
01-04-2009, 02:53 AM
Snowmobiles!! ROFL! Dune buggies! HAHAHAHAHA I'm seriously almost crying. I should go get a can of spray paint and spray "Thrillcraft" on the side of their car... well then I'd get lectured about the ozone...
I could care less if I snowmobiled over land,
"The variety of off road vehicles that assault our public lands includes everything from snowmobiles roaring across the tundra in Alaska to dirt bikes assaulting the desert in the California..." snowmobiles have less affect on wildlife then my dog peeing on grass! WHO CARES if people go riding on the dunes! "Don't want the sand grains to be angry!"
(Odd enough) I've got proof! Right out of my "Snowmobile Handbook"!

Atc GuY
01-04-2009, 03:02 AM
Well my booklet puts this uneducated theory, if you even call it that, to rest "Snowmobiles do less damage than other machines

A common misconception is that snowmobiles are somehow more benign than other ORVs. For instance, though ATVs are banned in Yellowstone NP and other public lands, snowmobiles are permitted based on the presumption that oversnow travel prevents damage. However, snowmobiles like their other thrillcraft counterparts leak fuel and oil, along with heavy metals into the snow that is subsequently are released as a big surge of toxic compounds when snow melts that can negatively affect aquatic life and creatures like amphibians that have water porous skins. Snowmobiles also cause tremendous noise pollution. One can hear a snowmobile up to several miles on either side of the travel corridor disturbing the winter silence for miles. Snowmobiles stress wildlife in winter at a time when their energy reserves are lowest. The packed trails also provide a convenience corridor for some wildlife altering habitat use patterns. For instance, coyotes can travel on the hard packed snowmobile tracks and prey upon everything from spruce grouse to snowshoe hare negatively affecting other wildlife like lynx that may depend on the hare for food."

EDIT: Most of the new 2 stroke snowmobiles pollute less than the four stroke, due to the fact that they don't mix gas/oil and wash cylinder wall, but instead mix oil/air with fuel injected into the cylinder. The air/oil in sprayed into crankcase. My cousin owns a 2 stroke that pollutes less than any new 4 stroke.

Also, who said that a consumer couldn't buy a used machine, the website is saying how much new ones cost, BUY USED then!

Atc GuY
01-04-2009, 03:18 AM
Info came from Snowmobiling Fact book 2006-2007

for more information

01-04-2009, 04:07 AM
A thought to ponder. We all take care of the lands that we ride in right? We all take out moor than we bring in right? Well say you inadvertanly run over a tree huger that is setting a shotgun shell in your trail and he gets killed. Do we A: carry out the body and not polute the land? Or B: do we leave the corpse too rot and feed the worms and bugs they so love and go back to camp and have a beer.

01-04-2009, 07:05 AM
Funny thing is the pricks that write this stuff probably drive SUVs with super gas-guzzlin V8s. They need to watch George Carlin "Jammin in New York" He has a great take on the "planet"

01-04-2009, 09:38 AM
Read this, if you dare...


This is what I wrote to this fine gentleman...

I just read your article on "thrillcraft". I must say, you are the definition of all I stand against. I can see your concern for the environment, but your lobby against "thrillcraft", (by the way, that is the dumbest word I've ever heard and it only tells me more about your menial, boring life) is an obvious reflection of your "thrilless" life. How's about I decide I don't like people who sit in the grass and bore themselves to sleep, then I start a campaign against "thrilless" boring people such as yourself. From now on, I've decided, in MY MIND all these boring people should be doing something I ENJOY. Since, after all, everybody else should do everything I do to make me happy. That guy driving that red car is annoying me. I think they should ban all red cars. Look at those people fishing. I don't like fishing, why should they be allowed to fish? I think I'll put a stop to that. I think I'll just let myslef get completely consumed with what everybody else is doing since I've got nothing going on myself. Look at that guy on the "thrillcraft", he's tearing up the ground! Something must be done! The poor worms! Well, since I've got nothing else to do but bother everybody else exercising their flag-waving right to do something they enjoy and have been doing for the last 20 years, I'm calling the cops. How dare they ride here and enjoy themselves!

It's because of closed-minded people like you that I have been turned into an outlaw for riding my "thrillcraft". That I, a flag-waving combat veteran, get kicked out of every place I go to ride my "thrillcraft" on the soil that I put my life on the line to protect. It's a shame people like you actually push your every thought and opinion on every poor soul who is bored enough to listen. The day I stop riding my "thrillcraft" in these United States of America, will by no coincidence be the very day I die.

Now, when you're driving down the road quietly listening to John Denver in your Prius "boremobile", pull over to the next group of "thrillcraft" you see and exercise the right I've given you to speak openly and tell the riders how you feel, or do you just do that on the internet?That is brilliant.

01-04-2009, 12:09 PM
That is brilliant.

Thanks Hoosier.

01-04-2009, 12:13 PM
That is brilliant.

i agree... nice work fabio

01-04-2009, 12:17 PM
i agree... nice work fabio

Thank you again.