View Full Version : High Rev after riding? oil amount? starting problem?

10-14-2008, 05:41 PM
i'm slowly moving along trying to finish my 175 tri moto project. I got it running saturday night and was able to drive it around the yard for a while to make sure things are working the way they should. I ran into 3 problems so far that i could use some help correcting. keep in mind i'm somewhat new to 2 stroke engines. also, i cleaned the entire fuel system and the carb and i'm running premix 32:1. Anyway, the questions are:
1)It takes forever to start... every few pulls it will run for 2 or 3 seconds but it is unresponsive to the throttle. After a several (8-10) of these 2-3 second sputters it will start up no problem and start everytime after right away. then when it gets cold again it does the 2-3 second sputter thing. is this just how it works or does something need to be adjusted?

2)next question, after riding around a bit i come to a stop and drop it to neutral. in neutral it will idle for about 3 seconds and then rev up real high. i shut it off right away so it doesn't blow itself up so i'm not sure if it would come back to idle. i read some stuff on here about fuel starvation causing a high rev but it runs fine until i put it back into neutral after riding and it idles pretty consistantly before i ride. any ideas??

3)one more question... probably a complete newb question but i figure its better to ask than to ruin my machine: i drained the oil in the bottom end. about a quart or so came out. jto fill it back up, the manual says to fill it up until a small amount comes out of the oil level check screw hole.... i only poured about 1/3 of a quart in and it started running out the check oil hole so i assume that means its full. does anyone know exactly how much oil it takes in the bottom end? i'm just confused why so much came out and so little when back in. while i'm at it... what does the 850cm3 on the case mean?... i'll try to get a pic of this soon

10-14-2008, 05:56 PM
1. I'm not sure on this one.

2. Sounds like you have something sticking in the carb, may need a rebuild?
3.To check the oil let the engine warm up for about two minutes, then shut if off and wait for a couple of minutes. Then take out the oil check screw and a small amount of oil should come out, if not, the oil is low.....that's what my Haynes manual says anyway.

10-14-2008, 06:32 PM
The hard starting could be anything, but the first thing that comes to my mind is a weak top-end, although it's usually the other way around- Starts easy cold, hard starting warm. But you never know.

10-14-2008, 06:41 PM
Did you take the carb and petcock apart and clean them real good? Also make sure the vent on the gas cap is clear. It sounds like the pilot jet is clogged, try running strand of wire through it.

10-14-2008, 07:16 PM
Lean pilot, or possibly clogged. Cold engines need more fuel to fire and idle. But after running it will cause a hanging idle as you described. Make sure to dial the air screw afterwards. Your idle screw is prolly all the way out to........ First sign of lean-oooooooooo. Also, raise needle 1 clip.

10-14-2008, 10:22 PM
thanks for the info fellas... i'll have to check the pilot again. i cleaned the entire carb, petcock, and fuel system but i'll make sure its clear. i'll also check out the air screw and idle screw. Tecat-z, can you explain what you mean by "raise needle 1 clip" i'm not sure what that means.

10-14-2008, 10:40 PM
Lower the clip on needle 1 groove, thus raising needle. This allows more fuel to engine making it richer. Carb has to be .....................spotless.................... for idle circuit to work properly.

10-14-2008, 10:58 PM
alright good to know. thank you for this information. i won't be able to work on my trike until next weekend but i'll have to go through and make sure the carb is spotless and then i'll make sure to adjust the screws and needle. hopefully i'll return with good news. thanks!!!

10-14-2008, 11:51 PM
Make sure you have the right spark plug in it too.

10-15-2008, 12:25 AM
I've also wondered about having a high idle after running a bike hard, only thing I can think of is a worn carb slide? My R would start revving up after riding hard, even though it was jetted on the rich side and had no air leaks. I'm not new to two strokes, but on all my sleds I never had a high idle problem for no apparent reason. More recently I just rebuilt my buddy's quadzilla engine, starts and runs fine, but once she gets hammered on a bit it starts revving up at idle as well. Running the recommended heat range plugs. Thought it could also be a piece of carbon hot spot, but both motors are freshly rebuilt.. :confused: