View Full Version : HELP!! question about Tecate.

10-12-2008, 06:08 PM
This might be a common problem with a quick fix which i occationally run into every now and then so maybe someone can help.. So im in the process of restoreing my 84 tecate kxt250a and it was going real got everything in working condition looking allright and i went to start it and....

it runs and idles but i cant seem to get the rpms up high. It almost like it hits a rev limiter and dies down then start to climb but not at high rpms. The trike vibrates alot too. perhaps just a 2 stroker but when it runs good for a split second it seems to stop vibrating so much.

the carb is clean as a whistle so its gotta be a electrical problem..(ohno) probly gonna have advanced auto check the coil pack tomarrow.. any suggestions or expieiences would be greatly appreciate to keep this tecate alive

10-12-2008, 06:10 PM
i think i lost spark for a few minutes too... then i may have moved some wires or maybe i just.... i dont know im getting VERY frustrated at this point so thanks again in advance for the feedback

Atc GuY
10-12-2008, 06:12 PM
Reeds mabey? The Tecate's didn't have counter-balancers so it will viberate a lot.
They did have faulty flywheels so keep an eye out for that.

10-12-2008, 08:19 PM
WOW im loving this site. i got some tips allready... i cant stress how much i appreciate this.

~I will check the muffler first thing in the morning before work as thats a possibility... the trike has been sitting for a good 5 years under a eve so it could have beesnest or who knows plugging it up..so thanks john

~the reeds is another good tip..there was no airbox on when i got this tecate so there were catapillar cacoons in the carb and reeds and they pinhed themself in there and some of the reeds werent closing all the way after i blew them out, like they were bent... and i heard about the flywheels from a local who had one... im not sure exactly what to look for but ill have my dad give me a hand checking that out *Edited**Edited* work as well...

thanks again!!~~~thom

10-12-2008, 08:25 PM
also i noticed while i was trouble shooting that a mist of gas was shooting back out the carborator when it was running but i thought that might of just been typical 2 stroke as im more knowledgeable in thumpers.

Atc GuY
10-12-2008, 10:20 PM
Yeah bent reeds don't sound that good. Mud-dobbers are attracted to engines (go figure) and can ruin an engine if run, so make shure every grain of sand/dirt is out of there before cylinder/piston surfaces are toast.

Good luck

10-12-2008, 10:37 PM
If it's a stock flywheel you can count on having to replace it soon. The magnets are glued on and fall right off. Ricky Stator sells 'em for like $125. It's a good deal.

10-13-2008, 09:00 PM
I don't mean to derail the thread but i have a quick question and don't want to start a whole thread for it. My question is, if i use a ricky flywheel will it work good with my stock stator? Will it provide any more power or is it just a reliability upgrade?

10-13-2008, 09:15 PM
I don't mean to derail the thread but i have a quick question and don't want to start a whole thread for it. My question is, if i use a ricky flywheel will it work good with my stock stator? Will it provide any more power or is it just a reliability upgrade?

No more power just reliable cause of riveted magnets like the KX250.

10-13-2008, 10:36 PM
No more power just reliable cause of riveted magnets like the KX250.But it will work with my stock stator, right?

Still running stock 84/85 flywheel~stator ?
darn, maybe I should not even put the curse upon myself (:

Okay, if mine explodes it is on you guys shoulders.

Mine is still stock too but it seems to be fine. I'm afraid to push it too much though after hearing everybody talking about them.

10-13-2008, 10:52 PM
Since it is stock replacement I would say yes. Do I know this for a fact because I tried it. NO.

10-13-2008, 10:57 PM
also i noticed while i was trouble shooting that a mist of gas was shooting back out the carborator when it was running but i thought that might of just been typical 2 stroke as im more knowledgeable in thumpers.

I would not worry about that since a 2 stroke move the air both ways. But the reeds close when the air sucks back. If there is a gap when between the reeds and cage then You should replace the reeds probably.

10-13-2008, 11:25 PM
I don't mean to derail the thread but i have a quick question and don't want to start a whole thread for it. My question is, if i use a ricky flywheel will it work good with my stock stator? Will it provide any more power or is it just a reliability upgrade?

Yes, it works fine. I had just the flywheel before my stator went. After my stator crapped out and I got the new one, there was a significant power increase. No joke, quite a few pony's. When I used to drag my buddy's across this field I could hold it wide open with controllable wheel lift. After the new stator it was impossible to keep the front wheel down, hence the swingarm extention.

All facts, Hoosier, from experience-

10-13-2008, 11:26 PM
Still running stock 84/85 flywheel~stator ?
darn, maybe I should not even put the curse upon myself (:

Okay, if mine explodes it is on you guys shoulders.


Mine lasted until I took a hammer to my flywheel taking it off-

10-14-2008, 12:43 AM
Since it is stock replacement I would say yes. Do I know this for a fact because I tried it. NO.

Yes, it works fine. I had just the flywheel before my stator went. After my stator crapped out and I got the new one, there was a significant power increase. No joke, quite a few pony's. When I used to drag my buddy's across this field I could hold it wide open with controllable wheel lift. After the new stator it was impossible to keep the front wheel down, hence the swingarm extention.

All facts, Hoosier, from experience-
Cool. Thanks guys!

Blown 331
10-14-2008, 09:16 AM
As far as the Ricky stuff. I just bought a 85 Tecate about 2 weeks ago. I was told the stator was bad and the flywheel was missing. I bought the Ricky flywheel for $125, there are no rivets either. You can't even see the magnets. The inside of the flywheel is smooth just like the outside. And for the stator I bought the ignition winding only for $39 and soldered it in to the stock stator.
And with people saying it increases power is very interesting. Because this thing is INSANE. My brother has a stock 85 which runs good but nothing like mine. I was thinking mine must have a top end port job, I still don't think the stator and flywheel would make it run like this but who knows. My brothers has the stock flywheel but he does have the ignition stator winding soldered in just like me. I need an extended swing arm bad and this is the only bike that I've ever thought this about.

10-14-2008, 09:44 AM
It's not hard to do. I did mine myself-

10-14-2008, 10:59 AM
So, it appears as though the Ricky stator and flywheel is $250 well spent. I guess I'll go that route.

Blown 331
10-14-2008, 11:35 AM
So, it appears as though the Ricky stator and flywheel is $250 well spent. I guess I'll go that route.

Or if you are handy with a soldering iron just buy the ignition winding only and solder it into the stock stator. My brother and I both did that. It will save you $86. So instead of $250 I only spent $164 for the Ricky flywheel and repairing my stock stator. If your lighting coil and stator plate are good why pay for new ones. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Kawasaki-KXT250-Tecate-3-Ricky-Stator-Ignition-Coils_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1416Q7c39Q3 a1Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3286Q 2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem380071781062QQitemZ3800717810 62

10-14-2008, 07:51 PM
oh man... i guess i should of read into tecates before i picked mine up... sounds as though im in over my head.........but im here now so im *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* outta luck..

i took off the cover which i noticed was clearly taken off before. Anyways, I noticed that the flywheel/rotor had rust on the outside of it so maybe the inside just needs to be cleaned up like with point and magnets????....i hope.. but i need a flywheel puller cause i dont have the money to end up snapping the rotor and have to go buy a new one...

i decided to go this route because when i kick it over easy theres no spark... but if i give it a good kick there is... and i thought that as long as im turning it there should be spark even if by hand....i also thought that she spark looked kind of weak. it was blue but it just seemed kind of small...if i cant do anything here then i'll go back again and check the silencer and reeds.

so thats where im at now, pretty bummed out by this machine but hey asleast i have some leads to follow now and im not just stumped and frustrated....thanks again

10-14-2008, 07:57 PM
It really will not spark turning over slowly. I thought you said it started. If it sparks and starts leave the flywheel alone. But take a look at the O.D. of the flywheel and see if there are rivets. Also does the flywheel fill up the entire cover area or is it smaller? Rust inside the flywheel area is common. Y can safely spray Contact Cleaner in there.

10-14-2008, 07:59 PM
Bought my Flywheel puller at Murray's for less than $20.

If you said there was a gap between reeds and cage then start there. There were cacoons in there? Most likely your reeds and carb are your problem.

10-14-2008, 08:01 PM
Does it smoke a lot?
What does the fresh new spark plug you put in it look like? And what kind of plug is it?
What main jet is on the carb?
What carb?
Where are your pictures?

10-15-2008, 01:36 AM
yeah, it really wont spark unless i kick it really hard... its strange, if im just pushing the kickstarter with my hand nothing but if i really get it spinning and push hard and fast i got spark.... It DOES run. I got it to idle and run but when idleing it will all the sudden rev down then back up...

I would say the flywheel is pretty big taking up most the space allowed and looks to be the OEM flywheel... but what is the O.D. of the flywheel???

Yeah, LOL there were a bunch of cacoons pinched right in between the reeds and the cage which is why i think they pushed the reeds out a bit and perhaps bent them...

Yeah i would say it smokes a real lot actually... But i mixed the gas at 20:1 like was originally required in the 80's not thinkin about how much betters todays oil is.. The plugs looked allright to my knowledge(NGK BR8, somethin like that)... kinda of black though, not that nice tan color... its a makuni carb and the main jet is the one that is on the bottom of your piston right??Im not so great with carburators... if so its 6FJ50. atleast thats what its saying from this website

it seems like you know your stuff and i see you own two T3's (and a KX250 which from my knowledge is virtually the same thing) so i'll definetly get some pictures up tomarrow of everything and maybe you can see something i dont... I cant stress enough how much i appreciate this!! thanks alot...

oh and it looks like the CDI/igniter (the little 2x3inch box under the gas tank that the wires run straight to from the flywheel) has been changed because it looks longer and only one bolt fit into the wholes... ill take some pics just incase you dont know what i mean

10-15-2008, 03:03 AM
Should not spark unless you it is spinning fast enough.

Sounds rich. Replace the reeds if there is a gap and they are bent.

O.D. is outer diameter.

Main jet is in the float bowl of the carb and can be removed without removing the carb by removing the cap on the bottom of the bowl.

Try 32:1 (may be just add gas to what you have.)

10-15-2008, 07:08 PM
ok so i got home from work pulled the flywheel and it was pretty corroded in there... i cleaned it up with sand paper, and brake cleaner then blew it out with the compressor the best i could.... and i definetly have a improvement... it was dark by the time i got it together but it looked like a fast flickering blue spark which is good... i had a hard time seeing it before perhaps becaue it was day but regardless i know its a good steady bright spark!!!

so that eliminates so much that i was worried about... its gotta be reeds then.. Im pretty sure it is now hat im gathering everything i know...i'll lean it up a bit too....very satisfied again:)

i was going to take some pictures but my girlfriend cleaned and i have no idea where the cameras are... whenever she cleans i cant findanything LOL. ill be sure to always keep her out of the garage.. but yeah its dark and the cellphone wasnt working too good..half day of work tomarrow so ill getr some on and proble/hopefully have her going