View Full Version : My first ATC and I have ????

10-02-2008, 10:00 PM
I am new to the boards here and I just bought my first 3 wheeler!

Its a 83 200X. It runs but needs some TLC. It was a compulse buy and I picked it up for 300 bucks. I will post pics once I get home. I took alot of them because I would like some input and wanted to get all angles for you tech guys.

The major issue with the tricke ( as I see you all call them) is the chain is REALLY LOOSE! It looks as if previous owner rode it alot with the loose chain. I am pretty handy and it looks like I only have to loosen a bolt and pull out the alxe.

This is the first issue I would like to fix.

Pics to come soon!

10-02-2008, 10:08 PM
Welcome to the board. My first trike was a 200x also. You may have to get a new chain and sprocket set if it too worn. Most of the members love photos.

10-02-2008, 10:36 PM
hit me up with an email if you want the service manual sent to you for this trike. 200X is a good trike to start out with

10-03-2008, 02:39 AM







Something not connected???

Zip tied??? Whats this?? Really Dirty!




Is this too many?? LOL

10-03-2008, 06:09 AM
that poor bike.... wow.

10-03-2008, 07:08 AM
And the rear skid plate is still on there,Amazing !! It just need's some TLC ,in alot of area's.I see the hose you have in your hand is where the rear master hook's too along with the resivoir ,and the brake pedal is MIA.You can find the part's pretty easy for that machine and have her up and running with the best of em'.Welcome to the Board's,you'll get alot of info from the fella's here..

10-03-2008, 07:19 AM
Not too bad of a start. Post up your questions. If you have acess to a pressure washer - that would be my first step - degrease that thing. It will not only look better - but be much better for working on it.

10-03-2008, 07:23 AM
So to start I need to tighten the chain as previously stated. It looks to be just one bolt to loosen. I am just not sure. I will post pics tomorrow of the bolt that I think it is. I am pretty sure its the one since the rear end seems to be connected.

10-03-2008, 07:24 AM
also loose the duct tape on the fenders and lace any cracks with zip ties.

10-03-2008, 07:36 AM
don't go guessing just ask. seems like the service manual is to big to go thru the email. so heres the link to the trike manual

10-03-2008, 07:57 AM
That zip tie is on your carb, don't know why, assume it's to hold the overflow hoses in place, but I didn't see any (maybe on the other side?), agree with above get a pressure washer and go to town, failing that, grab a can of degreaser and drench it, then put the hose to her, that will reveal most her faults. If the chain can't be tightenned (too stretched) you can get both sprockets and an o-ring chain brand new on e-bay for less than 80 bucks, I did for my 250r, well worth it. If it runs fine, then you got a good deal for 300 bucks! You can slowly get her looking great over the next while (new plastics, paint, etc) for a lot less than you think. 200x is a great bike! :D

10-03-2008, 08:06 AM
boy the last owner really had an electrical tape fetish. used as a throttle cover i'll have to remember that one. you can get some pure citrus air freshener at home depot that will remove all the tape residue without damaging anything. its alot cheaper than adheasive remover.

10-03-2008, 08:17 AM
You can buy manuals from www.helminc.com

10-03-2008, 08:41 AM
To tighten the chain you loosen the swing arm pivot bolt and there are nuts on adjusters on both sides that the swing arm bolt goes through. Move those adjuster nuts one way to tighten and the other to loosen.
Also, swap your back tires around, they are on the wrong way.

10-03-2008, 12:39 PM
To tighten the chain you loosen the swing arm pivot bolt and there are nuts on adjusters on both sides that the swing arm bolt goes through. Move those adjuster nuts one way to tighten and the other to loosen.
Also, swap your back tires around, they are on the wrong way.

The front tire is on backwards too.

10-03-2008, 12:51 PM
The front tire is on backwards too.

they all are.....lol

10-03-2008, 03:11 PM
The fork caps look like they are missing the air valve,if so they are probrably full
of bad stuff.

10-03-2008, 03:13 PM
The fork caps look like they are missing the air valve.

10-03-2008, 08:13 PM
Wow! Looks like it's seen it's fair share of ride time. These bikes are solid. My first big bike was 200x too. They are great! Have fun with it!

POS 250sx
10-04-2008, 01:48 AM
every tire is on backwards...

10-06-2008, 08:50 PM
Ok so I degreased the engine and now it will not start!!

Any suggestions?

10-06-2008, 09:01 PM
regrease it

10-06-2008, 09:15 PM
since somebody said air valves in front forks busted one of mine on my 200x putting shock boots on dont ask lol. where can i get new ones at?

10-06-2008, 10:09 PM
regrease it

I wish I could have kept it and put it back!

10-06-2008, 10:29 PM
personally, I do wash my bikes with the water hose or pressure washer, but also blow them off with a air compressor.
Does it have spark?

10-06-2008, 10:31 PM
well we push started it a couple times but now nothing

10-06-2008, 10:41 PM
ok, so you can push start it and get something? or it will run and not idle?
does it have fresh gas? water in the tank? h20 in fuel? I am on now, let me know, maybe I can help
Did you take the seat off and clean it? Is the air filter wet?

10-06-2008, 10:45 PM
How about the kill switch, did you blast it with water? May need to be dried out. Pull the plug wire out a bit and see if you are getting spark?, next pull the air filter, be sure its not wet, blip the throttle and check for the smell of gasoline. You may have to pull it and clean it out. Probly not a bad idea anyway since the bike looked like it had been through some mean terrain.
Don't know, just guessing here, problems I have had in the past

10-06-2008, 10:54 PM
Looks like a good bike to bring back. You got more for 300 than I did for 400. Trust me mine was a junk heap but it's looking very good now. I bet yours is looking much better with the cleaning. Just make sure all your connections are dry, it should start. Also download that manual it will explain everything and it's very helpful.

Texas 200x
10-07-2008, 02:35 AM
Let it dry out and try to start it tommorrow. Also go through all your wiring connections. That zip tie and sludge may have been keeping that carb sealed. It might need a carb rebuild kit. The tires DO need flippin around. Go over that baby cause judging by the tires the previous owner wasnt "paying very good attention" see what else might have not had "good attention paid to it". Get the manual and go over the trike. Looks like a good score. I'll give you $325 you deliver!!!:naughty: Welcome to the site!!!!!

10-07-2008, 02:54 AM
Thanx guys hopefully she will dry out over night! I have cleaned my Lightning engine before and always cover the electicals. Did not think about doing it on this baby.

I know that I can flip the rears around to get them going the right way but will I have to take the front to a shop to have it flipped on the rim??

The manual says 3 pounds in the tires. Is that correct?? Sounds low (guess because of the 35 cars need) I ride it on packed dirt in the backyard just in case you are wondering!

10-07-2008, 03:43 AM
Yea i bet that zip tie was keeping the bowl on the carb "maby missing a screw or two" and now its full of water there should be a drain screw on the bowl undo it and see if water comes out .

10-07-2008, 06:36 PM
Ok I tried again today and with the choke on it turned over but then it died and now it will not start no matter what I do. I talked to the guy about the zip tie and he said it was to keep the choke lever up while riding it came down a few times.

After trying to start it for awhile the carb looks to be covered in gas. I guess the sludge was keeping it sealed like you said Tex! Will the rebuild kit come with everything I need or should I buy a new one to be on the safe side??

10-07-2008, 06:39 PM
I also turned the screw near the bottom and it looked like gas coming out. I will turn off the petcock (sp) and holefully empty the carb and turn it back on.

I also did the screw driver into the coil to test for a spark and it arked!

Maybe I will pick up a new plug??

Ok the draining the carb did not work!! :-(

10-07-2008, 08:34 PM
wow! I would get the rebuld kit, a new used carb, and resbuild the new one you get. Use that one for spare parts.

POS 250sx
10-07-2008, 09:15 PM
eh, i wouldnt replace the one ya got till ya see wat it looks like inside, rebuild kits are cheap and a new carb can be not cheap. Read the tires, they should have a recommended tire pressure. its smart to invest in a digital gauge so u can get the exact psi then u wont have to guesstimate like i do lol.

10-07-2008, 11:57 PM
nah, I have seen them on ebay for $10
I think it's worth it
especially if he is missing screws and such
he will get the new idle screw and spring, mixture screw, jets and seals, but not bowl screws.
Plus who's to say a ebay carb would not need a kit and just clean it out.

Besides, he mentions the previous owner put the tie strap to hold the choke lever open, that carb may be so worn
the carb may need to be replaced. Then slap on a clamp on air filter--good to go.:Bounce
Especially when his intent is just to play in the back yard. If he ends up really getting into it, (ATC's in general)
He would most likely be better off getting another bike in better condition. Seen plenty of these
200x's for $800 in great shape. something like that, he could end up dropping well over $500
to make it look good. Hell, the plastics alone would be over $200

My opinion only, worth a penny:beer

10-08-2008, 03:18 AM
I started my 350x build and it was probly in worse shape then that and it should be a sight to be seen when im done ,i do have a ton of money in it though, what started as a 280$ bike is up to 2000$ but ill be able to make 2 from all the parts im hopeing ."1 for show and 1 for fun" and the money is still flowin into the project as well ,but its realy fun searching out parts and cleaning stuff up so if your in no rush you should be able to fix that up real good and when you done you will know every thing about that bike every gromet and every bolt.

10-08-2008, 03:54 AM
Agreed! There is no better feeling than sitting back and admiring your accomplishments, regardless of the wife or anybody else says!

You only live once right?

He who dies with the most toys wins!

10-08-2008, 06:00 AM
is there any Cali riders on this forum?

10-08-2008, 08:13 PM
Orange Country Bro!

10-08-2008, 10:06 PM
Orange Country Bro!

No sheet!

I live in Monterey Bay!

10-09-2008, 12:40 AM
Nice! Beautiful area. Bet you are a fishing type of guy too.. Hear the calico bass and yellow tail tuna are rocking up there.
I like to play in the colorado river, we go down south to the imperial sand dunes (glamis) to ride the bikes. Also the wife's family owns about 40acres up in Lancaster. Totally sweet, private land, no pesky ranger to bother you. Variable terrain as well, mainly dirt, but plenty of sandy spots.

So, since this is your first bike, I know you haven't had much time with it, but you planning on getting more? Got any kids?

reason being, if you should choose to get more, Craigslist bro, you will find sweet deals there. Seems like there are way more of these things here than in other places of the country. They tend to stay in better shape too because of the somewhat stable weather.

Just making small talk, after all, thats what a forum is right?

Either way, I am sure you will like it. Just remember, when you ride it, not sure if you have riden one before, You will need to shift your weight in turns. Mainly a schooch of the booty will do it. Don't be suprised if you turn the wheel and the bike wants to go straight. That is (I suppose) the reason they banned these things. Lots of accidents with unexperienced riders.

But to me, there is no better connection between you and the machine against the terrain on the ATC vs any other vehicle out there.

K, I will shut up now:postwhore

10-09-2008, 08:53 PM
I live in Monterey Bay!

Like in the bay? :lol:

I live in Morgan Hill. I picked up my 200x about a month ago, also for $300. I might be up to about $500 by now. If you wanted to bring it up, I could help you get it started. If you've got a place to ride, I might come down. Maybe we could meet at Hollister Hills OHV? Got a green sticker yet?

How's the tank look inside?
Did you drain out the old gas?

My tank was a bit rusty inside. I cleaned it by shaking some pre-cleaned pea gravel around inside it until I was too tired to shake more. The rusty water that came out was worse than I would have thought. It was a beotch to get the last couple little rocks out.

If it was running before it's got at least ok compression. If it's got spark, then you have a carb issue. It would be pretty easy to take it apart and clean it out with carb cleaner, but when I did mine the bowl seal was shot, so I was down for a week waiting for a new one. I've got all my old parts from a partial rebuild if you need anything. Mine starts on the 2nd kick now. :)

I've cut my rear fender way down. It was pretty f'd up. If I find I ride this a bunch, I'll spring for a Maier repro eventually. I rehabbed the throttle cable, but the clutch cable was done. I got that from ebay for cheap, like $15. I bled the rear brake, so it's ok, but the front master had all four screws rusted. Two came out broken, two broke off in the master and I had to drill them. I also put my finger through the rotten plastic reservoir. I'm waiting on a new one from the local stealership. My swingarm and wheel bearings seem good. I haven't opened the shocks F or R, yet. They seem in good shape. I replaced the bar electrical switches (ebay) and got all the lights working. I changed the oil and the air cleaner and followed the FSM instructions for timing chain tension, which seemed too easy. I got the e-brake to work. I got a couple pairs of tires from craigslist.

The carb is choked with the lever in the "up" position. Mine won't start or run with it all the way up.

I believe the fork uses standard Schraeder valves, same as a car valve stem or a bicycle tube. The manual says to run it at 0 psi. If your stems have been out, you probably need to service them.

When you tighten the chain, you have to tighten both sides the same amount. I don't know if that's obvious.

10-10-2008, 12:00 AM
where's some pics?
Damn, you guys are making me miss my old X
Might get one next year to teach the boy how to operate a clutch

10-10-2008, 03:16 AM

Its funny that you would mention the fishing! I have a PS boat that I take out into the bay! I had a buddy pull a yellow tail out just the other day. We usually just go out for rock cod! I pulled a 8 lb lingcod a couple days ago!


I grew up in Mo-Hill!!! My Mom and Bro still live out there! I cruise there quite often so I would not mind a hand with this beast! I will do all the wrenching but some guidence would be nice. I am pretty handy with the tools. I have a Lightning that I do all my own wrenching on, actually I have only had one other person touch it since I bought it and I regret that now!

10-10-2008, 03:02 PM
where's some pics?
Damn, you guys are making me miss my old X
Might get one next year to teach the boy how to operate a clutch

I'll get some up. Maybe Sunday. Really busy with work and I'm going to a swap meet on Sat. Did I mention my '78 fj40? :naughty:

I pulled a 8 lb lingcod a couple days ago!

Wow. I haven't seen a lingcod in a long time. I'll have to take some digital pictures of my grandmas old fishing pictures. There's one with her and a relative each holding two lingcod by the gills. I'd guess the four are 16lbs each.

I grew up in Mo-Hill!!! My Mom and Bro still live out there! I cruise there quite often so I would not mind a hand with this beast! I will do all the wrenching but some guidence would be nice. I am pretty handy with the tools. I have a Lightning that I do all my own wrenching on, actually I have only had one other person touch it since I bought it and I regret that now!

Like a Ford Lightning PU? Mom doesn't live by Main and Hill? There's one I used to see all the time down there.

I'll be around Sunday... Send a PM and I'll send my number.

10-10-2008, 04:10 PM
I am in LA this weekend. Sucks but maybe next weekend. Actually she lives deep MH! Do you know where Machado School is?

10-10-2008, 07:02 PM
just a wild guess about the fishing, most of us have more than 1 hobby:naughty:

I just sold my boat, gonna take a break from it for a while, but never went out to the ocean, with my luck I would end up on Gilligan's Island or something. Nope, only freshwater for me. I pay to go on the ocean trips, try to wait for the summer, captains tend to head out to Catalina more often to get their reports up.

Anywho, Nice to hear of someone with similar interest. Thanks guys!

10-11-2008, 06:12 AM
just a wild guess about the fishing, most of us have more than 1 hobby:naughty:

I just sold my boat, gonna take a break from it for a while, but never went out to the ocean, with my luck I would end up on Gilligan's Island or something. Nope, only freshwater for me. I pay to go on the ocean trips, try to wait for the summer, captains tend to head out to Catalina more often to get their reports up.

Anywho, Nice to hear of someone with similar interest. Thanks guys!

Haha it's funny that you said that about getting stranded! I always bring my tools with me when I go out. I am always worried about getting stranded.

10-11-2008, 09:33 PM
while I was out of town my bro put in a new spark plug and did some more kicking( starting the bike) it still would not turn over! So he fiddled with the choke lever not knowing what it was. He told me that the trine fired and ran with the lever all the way down!!! That is with the choke all the way on correct??

10-12-2008, 01:43 PM
He told me that the trine fired and ran with the lever all the way down!!! That is with the choke all the way on correct??

No, down is off. I said that in my previous post. Mine won't start nor run with it all the way up.

10-12-2008, 02:41 PM
no sheet!!! Because I my first post with the pics the zip tie is pictured holding the lever up. I guess the cleaning did good after all!

10-13-2008, 01:02 AM
yeah bro, its why you have gotten just a great response to your thread. Clean is much better than being all gunked up, but you have to expect the minor problems that comes along with it. Such as you had. How is it running? Did the carb kit ever come in?

10-15-2008, 07:43 PM
The bike runs great now! I got the carb rebuild kit in but dont have the time right now to dive into it. I took the duct tape off and started to zip tie it up and I ran out of zip ties! LOL

10-19-2008, 03:05 AM
Where can i get a wheelie bar for this thing??

10-19-2008, 06:17 AM
wheelie bar? why would you need a wheelie bar?

10-19-2008, 08:57 AM
Do you mean grab bar? If so PRM has really nice ones.

10-19-2008, 09:04 AM
I would take that oem case saver off.

10-20-2008, 04:05 AM
I would take that oem case saver off.

What is that??

I thought I would post a quick pic of how she looks now. I will take a few more tomorrow now that I have taken a pressure washer to her. The bike looks alot better clean and I just bought a full rear brake assembly on ebay!

Oh the 50 is was a b-day present for my niece. She had to have a PINK one so 2 cans of primer, 3 cans of pink and a can of clear later PINK QUAD!!


10-25-2008, 04:05 AM
Dude, the paint job on the four wheeler came out nice

Texas 200x
10-25-2008, 06:10 AM
That 4-wheeler was painted with a can?!!!!! You got a lot of practice? Is every thing in your neighborhood tagged up?:lol: Your dangerous with a can a KRYLON! The 200x is coming around nice! Good job!:beer

10-25-2008, 09:13 AM
Typically when an engine runs only with the choke on (zip tied in the up position in your case) the pilot or slow jet is clogged. it seems when you cleaned the carb you fixed this. Also, your X looks like it has a ATC200, 200M, 200 Big Red, 200S, ATC185, or 185S top end on it. Its possible that the 200X piston is still in there. Just thought I'd mention it to ya. Its amazing that that bike has been ridden that much and still has the original exhaust and the factory rear skid plate. And although they put them on backward, someone spent some money on three matching tires!

When I want to fix up a wheeler, I look for a nice parts bike. Its typical to find a good condition bike with and engine problem or something for $300 or so. Then when you are done with it, you can part the rest or sell it for someone else to use to complete their project. I bought a basket case 200X for about $200 and it had a 350X headlighton it which I sold for $75 and used the aftermarket exhaust and sweet tractor style goodyears, I already had my money back and had a whole bike for parts....engine, plastic, tank, grab bar, shock, brake parts etc..