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View Full Version : anyone ever replace neutral safety switch? 95 silverado

Tri-Z Pilot
10-02-2008, 12:04 AM
my truck didnt turn over this morning, i even tried my remote starter, (which i believe actuates the starter solenoid itself), and no go. turned the key off then on again and she fired up, did this one more time at work, then it was fine the rest of the night.
so im guessing its gotta be the neutral safety switch since my remote starter didnt even work, since the ignition switch is out of that equation, but i guess it could probably be the solenoid too. i

i was told the neutral safety switches are notorious for goin out in silverados though. so how do i remove the steering column and replace it? anyway to bypass it? anyway to narrow down the culprit 100%? btw its an auto trans.

any help would be greatly appreciated as this is my only vehicle and i dont want to be left sitting anywhere.

10-02-2008, 02:17 AM
Im not too sure if the steering columns are different for the slightly newer ones, but Im assuming its the same since its 88-98. Changing the switch is really easy, you dont even have to pull the column to do it. If you look under the dash where the column goes thru the firewall, a few inches up should be the switch held on with 2 screws. Take those 2 screws off, replace the switch, and your done.

-Nick :TrikesOwn

10-02-2008, 06:54 AM
The neutral safety switch is on the trans. The ignition switch is on the column actuated by a rod from the ignition tumbler...usually there's some kind of an adjustment on the switch, just drop the column down and adjust it until it works right.

10-02-2008, 10:00 AM
If this is a true 95 truck,and not a 94,the columns were redisgned.

The 95 had a red hazard switch at the top of the column,and does not use a rod system to actuate the ignition switch.
The 94 had the hazard switch at the lower right side of the column,and used the rod,and the neutral switch was on the cloumn.

It makes a didifference as to the safety switch location.

On the 95,it was located on the side of the trans.Most of the time,they glued the connectors in the switch and you need a heat gun to melt the glue so you can unplug it.

Just becuase your remote start didnt work,does not mean it is the ignition switch or the nuetral switch.

It could be the starter or the remote starter itself,messing with the factory security system on the 95 model.

When it acts up,you need to take a test light,and test for voltage on the purple wire of the starter solenoid,while someone holds the key in the crank posistion.
The light should light up.If it does,you need a starter...More common than either of the 2 switches on the Chevy's.

Tri-Z Pilot
10-03-2008, 06:19 PM
hazard switch is on top, so the safety switch is on the trans? i have not had any probs with the remote start the 2 years ive owned it, but theres a switch under the dash to bypass it jus incase. it hasnt happened since, so your saying to just test for power comin out of the solenoid, and if not present try jumping the solenoid, then test ignition components if no go? can i just unhook the trans safety switch to bypass?