View Full Version : Lets Stop And Think!

09-14-2008, 02:17 AM
I Was In The Open Forum And Realized Something, The Cpsc Looks At This Site, That Beeing Said Lets Start Setting A Good Example To Our Sport. Our Sport Is One Of The Most Critized, Lets Start Showing A Little More Respect To Each Other And The Sport Of Three-wheeling, All Eyes Are On Us And It Up To Us To Preserve What We Have Whether It Be 3 Or 4, We Have A Great Community Of Trikers Here And I'd Hate To See Us Get More Bad Press. Respect Each Other And Our Sport, When Posting Pics, Have A Helmet On It Just Common Sence!

09-14-2008, 02:26 AM
If anybody from the CPSC really is reading this, I have only one thing to say to them.


09-14-2008, 04:18 AM
I Was In The Open Forum And Realized Something, The Cpsc Looks At This Site, That Beeing Said Lets Start Setting A Good Example To Our Sport. Our Sport Is One Of The Most Critized, Lets Start Showing A Little More Respect To Each Other And The Sport Of Three-wheeling, All Eyes Are On Us And It Up To Us To Preserve What We Have Whether It Be 3 Or 4, We Have A Great Community Of Trikers Here And I'd Hate To See Us Get More Bad Press. Respect Each Other And Our Sport, When Posting Pics, Have A Helmet On It Just Common Sence!

Trikers will only get respect from other trikers... everyone else is already biased... With such a small number of ATVers riding trikes these days, I doubt the CPSC is even concered with "saving" the few remaining "Outlaws":w00t:

mike from long island
09-14-2008, 07:48 AM
And whats the deal with having ever word start with a capitol?????????????????????

09-14-2008, 08:23 AM
Why on earth would they be watching this site? They already took care of 3 wheelers 20 years ago. The war is long over folks!

09-14-2008, 08:39 AM
Thanks for realizing this...

As much as some of you may think the CPSC is not watching this site,as well as other ATV forums......
You are wrong.
I assure you that they, plus any other "think tank" groups you could possibly think of, lawyers, researchers for manufactures, etc, do watch this site,as well as any ATV related site.

Doug you had to say something in a thread last week where a guy wrecked his "machine" and you told him not to become another statistic!

As far as only getting respect form other trikers......Maybe only around where you live..
Up around here, we have made so many strives for triking,and trike racing, that the CRA is practically hounding us to run a complete FairCross series, with trike only classes.
"The fans love to watch you,and want see more of you".....
is what one of the CRA board members told us.

This is possible for a few reasons.

We have some of the most respectful, and polite people showing up to these events.
We act Responsible, and project a positive image.
There is a nitch of friendship, that probably is more evident amongst us, than any other class of racers.
We actually get out and do this, and when we say we are going to make a event, we show up.
You never see a thread started about one of our rides,that does not get completed.

All too many times,I see other members try to get something together.Which is awesome to see someone take incentive to organize a race or ride with trikes.

But, before you know it, it turns into a 100 reply post of...

"well I would show up,if I can buy new shoe laces"
"well I might be there if I can get my trike running good"

"YEAH I will be there with 3 other guys"

Then when it is time for the event,it only end ups being 5 out of 20 people,that posted, do show up.The rest of them never planned on making it from the beginning,they just wanted to look cool by showing interest,or just wanted to clog up the thread with jibberash.

Respect is something you are not going to gain just becuase you ride a trike.

There is years of "loss of respect" For any ATV riders,that has to be overun with good examples,set by YOU the rider.
It is ALL the disrespctful ATV riders that makes this so hard to achieve.

It has been said before,it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the the pie.

At least this message is starting to seep into some of thoughts of us riders.

09-14-2008, 08:46 AM
Why on earth would they be watching this site? They already took care of 3 wheelers 20 years ago. The war is long over folks!

Becuase this site has everything to do with ATV's in general.Quads bikes trikes ETC.
I am sure anyone of them can google keywords,and find this or any other ATV site, and pull and copy stupid irresponsible posts, and use those as ammo against us.

And as of now,we all know that CPSC is pushing to make major changes to the ATV industry and rules,and the lawyer's of the manufactures,are probably somewhat on the same page with the new plans projected by the CPSC, becuase Honda,Suzuki,Yamaha, etc, are all tired of having to defend frivilous lawsuits,that could have been avoided if the parents and riders just used a tad of common sense to avoid a ATV accident.

09-14-2008, 08:46 AM
When I was a young wild teen-ager my dad told me that " it takes a long time to build up a good reputation but it only takes a few minutes to ruin it".
I feel that we are in the same situation as three wheeler fanatics. The difference is that our reputation was tarnished back in the 80s and we are , or at least most of us are, working to clean up that reputation .
I know that in the Ohio area it has been a group effort and it is beginning to pay off. If it were to become a national effort think of all of the events that we could potentially be invited to be a part of.

09-14-2008, 09:17 AM
Thanks for realizing this...

As much as some of you may think the CPSC is not watching this site,as well as other ATV forums......
You are wrong.
I assure you that they, plus any other "think tank" groups you could possibly think of, lawyers, researchers for manufactures, etc, do watch this site,as well as any ATV related site.

Doug you had to say something in a thread last week where a guy wrecked his "machine" and you told him not to become another statistic!

As far as only getting respect form other trikers......Maybe only around where you live..
Up around here, we have made so many strives for triking,and trike racing, that the CRA is practically hounding us to run a complete FairCross series, with trike only classes.
"The fans love to watch you,and want see more of you".....
is what one of the CRA board members told us.

This is possible for a few reasons.

We have some of the most respectful, and polite people showing up to these events.
We act Responsible, and project a positive image.
There is a nitch of friendship, that probably is more evident amongst us, than any other class of racers.
We actually get out and do this, and when we say we are going to make a event, we show up.
You never see a thread started about one of our rides,that does not get completed.

All too many times,I see other members try to get something together.Which is awesome to see someone take incentive to organize a race or ride with trikes.

But, before you know it, it turns into a 100 reply post of...

"well I would show up,if I can buy new shoe laces"
"well I might be there if I can get my trike running good"

"YEAH I will be there with 3 other guys"

Then when it is time for the event,it only end ups being 5 out of 20 people,that posted, do show up.The rest of them never planned on making it from the beginning,they just wanted to look cool by showing interest,or just wanted to clog up the thread with jibberash.

Respect is something you are not going to gain just becuase you ride a trike.

There is years of "loss of respect" For any ATV riders,that has to be overun with good examples,set by YOU the rider.
It is ALL the disrespctful ATV riders that makes this so hard to achieve.

It has been said before,it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the the pie.

At least this message is starting to seep into some of thoughts of us riders.

Mosh, not only do I agree 10 fold on what you stated but I would also like to add the word ,commitment.That is just a word for some ,but for other's ,myself included ,it goes alot further than that.Just as hard as I know the OTC is working toward the absolute positive's of our sport,I am also working my tail off trying to accomplish the same.I have been on the committee up here with the local chamber of commerce in otter lake ,michigan organizing the Ice racing event going on 3 year's ,and I alway's am there representing our 3 wheeled community.I am alway's polite ,well behaved and taken in by the drove's, by people on the sideline's .I would think I walk away leaving a positive mark.I also put together my annual ride iN Rose City ,Michigan and there also ,with many riders as well as myself ,we leave a positive mark ,and are welcomed back time and time again,because we are respectful not to only eachother but to the local's whom live up there.If we were to get radical and make a negative mark with the tite nit local's up there ,my bet is we would see alot of angry face's,but instead it's waving at us and people stopping us to just chat.We are already labeled as the 3 wheeler's group and 1 or 2 bad apple's could be huge drama,but the people whom attend my ride's are top notch people and make the neighbor's at ease.Could you imagine if we went up there and just started being idiot's,I can't .That's where the commitment come's in,not only do I but the rest of the rider's put forth the extra effort to make our already labeled 3 wheeler's a top notch group.We all work too hard to get a bad rap for someone doing something stupid.As most already know I doo as much as I can and support as many event's as I can ,and I would hate the fact that I do all this work and traveling for nothing.I'm glad too see that alot of you are thinking hard on this because the CPSC or anybody else for that reason won't pat you on the back when something good happen's, but they'll be on ya quick when something bad happen's..

09-14-2008, 10:17 AM
I guess everyone needs a cause. I wish you much luck but you are proposing to change or define the way people act and the only thing thats gonna do that is armageddon for about an hour before the missiles impact the earth.

I don't understand why everything must have a deeper meaning....our society is all about appearances and its a shame. Why can't things be taken at face value? I'm into trikes because I had them as a teen and have fond memories of riding. Sure I got hurt a few times, but I also got hurt a few times learning to ride a bicycle. Yes I wore a helmet but is that really the issue? Why don't we wear helmets in our cars? In Florida many motorcyclists don't wear helmets (I think they are crazy but maybe not why you'd think, but thats another debate). How many people die everyday on our roadways and we think nothing of that..hey it's a fact of life! No it's a product of our failure to implement solutions that are effective. Those lives are acceptable loss for the good of the many, because it costs too much to fix the problem. It all boils down to money and we just aren't prepared to sacrifice our gluttony and selfishness to make a real difference. When you can give up all your worldly possesions then you will have my attention, and I might just join ya to make a point of this adventure known as life.

Anyway back on track....If and when I got hurt because of my own recklessness or thoughtlessness I'm not going to blame the company I bought it from. If something about the product seemed dangerous I should've considered that upon purchase and if I didn't well then shame on me. In my opinion the lawsuits are a product of lawyers and the fact that this silliness continues in our world is in fact its very undoing. Because guess who really pays when Mr and Mrs victim decide they aren't smart enough to make decisions and it's time to blame someone else for the poor quality of life they perceive. We all pay in costs for everything that is related and the costs of living creep higher and higher. Soon the middle class will be the low class, and 10% of our society will control everything.

If you want to effect real change start a campaign that calls for personal responsibility and give this country another shot at competing with the asian empire that will dominate us in 50yrs.

I really gotta stop watching these news shows on Sunday morning lolol. They get me going!

09-14-2008, 10:49 AM
firearms are a good example

let Hollywood & the music industry glorify killing and gunplay, a few idiots caused major tragedies with firearms, and some politicians looking to pass some "Feel-Good Legislation" before each new election, Animal rights lovers staging from the left flank to back-door hunters rights and before you know it....lawful and responsible gunowners lose their rights

ATVing has always had the same multi-prong attack it had to endure

on one side you have the Ralph Nader CPSCer types and Lawyers quick to fatten their wallets fueling the fire, followed by Environmentalists decrying the damage ATVs do to the environment, natural habitats, spotted owls and such

I can remember when the Barstow to Vegas Rally got huge prostests due to "environmental and habitat destruction" for some desert lizards and such...some groups went so far as to boobytrap the courses every year injuring and I think even killing some riders....did the environmental groups get a black eye because of this?......NOPE....the Rally suffered a hit as did ATVing and Off-Roading

with the recent development of new trikes, the CPSC is paying VERY close attention to every ATVer into trikes as well as the quads...and as we all know it doesn`t even take legislation to ruin your sport...all it takes is PRESSURE from the right people to bully the industry into submission

Shouldn`t We, as ATVers, pressure our fellow riders as much to be responsible and to set a good example...if we were all in boot camp and one fool was giving us all extra laps and push-ups for slackin, you KNOW what would happen to that fool eventually....at the hands of those who would suffer for his slackin

My freind died a couple months ago...riding his quad...no helmet...massive head trauma and crushed ribs...trying to avoid an oncoming car not paying attention

and while I will always miss a GREAT man who wouldn`t hurt a fly, I won`t hesitate to get into it with another freind to wear a helmet....and stay off the road...not because I don`t want to lose my rights to ride...I don`t want to lose another freind

but wearing a helmet and riding with some degree of safety isn`t ALL an ATver should do....I`ve seen ATVers throw their empty Spectro bottles down, beer cans, change oil without using a drain pan, and leave trash in their wake at public riding spots...CLEAN UP YOUR MESS!!!!

DO NOT RIDE on private property WITHOUT the owner`s permission....that`s is not only foolish but in some parts of the US will still get you hurt or shot at not to mention making the rest of us look like hoodlums looking to do environmental damage...happens alot around here...I have a neighbor with about 300 acres of trails he didn`t ask for because of fools who didn`t ask permission and was taken their by another neighbor to ride until I saw it was Posted (EVERYWHERE)....stay off somebody else`s land unless you asked first and they allowed you to ride....and then stay on the trails and clean up yer mess....leave it like you found it

I would be interested in a off-road club here in KY like the one those guys in OHio have (OTC I think?) that was freindly to trikers or founded by trikers...we need something like that to help represent our hobby/sport and to help remove the black-eye we all got in the 80s...and mainly to help ATVing TODAY...wouldn`t it be IRONIC that Trikers could be the ones to help save ATVing from a black-eye?

just wear protective gear
stay off private land without permission
clean up yer trash
teach yer kids how to be responsible riders as well
educate your fellow riders on 2, 3, or 4 wheels

09-14-2008, 11:22 AM
Doug you had to say something in a thread last week where a guy wrecked his "machine" and you told him not to become another statistic!

Oh I agree with you. I just couldn't pass up the chance to give someone at the CPSC the gorilla finger. :lol: