View Full Version : My Sons story from 3 grade...LOL!

09-08-2008, 11:53 PM
My wife ran across an old folder from my oldest son (12yr now) when he was in 3rd grade. It goes to show you kids listen to what you say and make their own judgments..lol So what if it is not about 3 wheelers. Still funny as hell.. :lol:

Directly from his story:

Title: Michael Rides a 4-Wheeler


Once upon a time Michael was in a 4-wheeler race.
Micheal was in first place.


Then, he broke down and he was in last place. He couldn't figure out what was wrong so he lost.


He checked the oil and that wasn't wrong.


He had to go home and try to fix his 4-wheeler. He checked the gas and that wasn't wrong.


After a while he found out what was wrong. It was the muffler.


The next day he went back to the races and won.

Hmmm, must have been the muffler bearings :lol: :lol:

Now he hammers me all day to ride the 90 atc.

Thought you all might get a kic out of that.