View Full Version : I'm getting some tri-zingers, what to look for?

08-05-2008, 09:40 PM
aight well i have a line on 4 zingers and 4 atc70s. Basically working out a deal with the guy, he said they all run but some might need a carb cleaned due to sitting. One of the zingers has a ripped up seat but they are all there and complete. Some need tires. From what i saw (was looking at a ebay auction and saw them in the background) there are 3 blue ones and 1 yellow and red. Is there really anything that needs to be looked at besides the obvious (bearings, brakes, ect)? One thing I do want to know is how do i tell that the oil injector line is blocked off?

Also he said he has 3 ALT50s and he mensioned 1 or 2 have the front fender intact.

08-06-2008, 08:34 AM
Rear ends and axles are the main bad spots on the zingers. It's a pain to replace the rear drive gear on those axles and the axles can bend quite easily. Also the front suspension, which is just a set of springs in the lower parts of the triples is a sore spot and also "Non Available" parts. Ignition switches on the zingers you have to watch out for, since they have a start position and a run position and an off position. Also you have to understand how the tether switch and the tether block off works. Remember on the zingers, they only have a single speed centrifugal clutch. The front zinger fenders are also non existent for new replacement parts.

08-06-2008, 07:57 PM
wow i guess they have alot of weak points. unfortunatly the guy left his phone at a fuel station so i'm trying to communicate through ebay

08-06-2008, 08:42 PM
If you want to let one of those honda's go let me know. :D I dont want to show up at this year's PAtuckey ride without one! :naughty:

08-06-2008, 09:07 PM
If you want to let one of those honda's go let me know. :D I dont want to show up at this year's PAtuckey ride without one! :naughty:

If I end up getting these suckers 2 70s will be sold as well as 2 zingers (1 of each for Corey and I). I'm thinking I have to give up a prized possesion to get these 8 bikes :cry:

08-07-2008, 10:53 AM
what if you have one of the zingers sold agead of time and let me know what you woudl need.

08-07-2008, 03:17 PM
I have to get them first so we'll see. I just talked to him and as of right now were gonna do some trading next weekend. He said he took a look again and he has 4 zingers and 5 ATC70s.

Anyone know how to ID the oil injector as being blocked off?

08-07-2008, 03:29 PM
when i get these old 2 strokes i usually empty and clean the oil tank. refill and find the bleeder on the pump. open it up and wait for oil to run out. if oil shows there then obviously no blockage.next empty fuel tank and add a small amount of premix. 32/1 would work ok to run and check pump output. find the feed line to the carb from pump( may not neccesarly go to the carb), pull it and start the engine. you should have oil coming from the hose. not a real heavy stream but almost seeping out. if you got oil then you should be ok to run the oil injection.

Tri-Z 250
08-07-2008, 03:34 PM
Man I really need a tank and front rim with axel, plus a seat pan in a bad way for an 85' atc70....If you part some of the stuff out. Feel free to PM me:beer

08-07-2008, 04:12 PM
when i get these old 2 strokes i usually empty and clean the oil tank. refill and find the bleeder on the pump. open it up and wait for oil to run out. if oil shows there then obviously no blockage.next empty fuel tank and add a small amount of premix. 32/1 would work ok to run and check pump output. find the feed line to the carb from pump( may not neccesarly go to the carb), pull it and start the engine. you should have oil coming from the hose. not a real heavy stream but almost seeping out. if you got oil then you should be ok to run the oil injection.

Thanks for the info. He said all the bikes have their tanks drained so we'll see what happens.

Tri-z250, I'll keep you in mind

08-07-2008, 04:43 PM
I wouldn't even chance the 2 stroke oil injection. If you premix, you know you will get your premix as you get your fuel. And if you want to block of your oil pumps, it's not that hard. And it's pretty easy to find a single throttle cable that will work on the zinger. It's never a pretty sight when the 2 stroke injection pump fails. It's way easier to regulate the ratio when you premix, and it's kind of a pain to set the oil pump on those things. Also it removes alot of clumsy parts, once you get looking at it. To each their own though.

Tri-Z 250
08-08-2008, 10:01 AM
Thanks 250sxwheeliepop, to a brother in need from a brother in deed.

tri-Z ripper
08-09-2008, 07:58 PM
Nate i call dibs on a 70 if there is still one up for grabs!!

08-09-2008, 08:01 PM
Nate i call dibs on a 70 if there is still one up for grabs!!

I'm sure we can work something out :beer. I'm supposed to go get them next weekend. 16ft trailer and a 5 hour drive shens

08-09-2008, 08:02 PM
MAybe we' ll all be racing 70's on the ice this year! LMAO!!!

MO dx
08-10-2008, 06:27 PM
:TrikesOwn :eek: :D Lets get a 70 only hazelton ride going.

08-13-2008, 02:18 AM
Goin to pick them up tomorrow. Probably be back around 10:00p.m. if not 11:00.

Grand total is
5 atc 70
4 tri-zingers

Russell 350X
08-13-2008, 12:22 PM
If you want to get rid of one of those 70's cheap let me know, I've been looking for one.

tri-Z ripper
08-13-2008, 09:27 PM
Cant wait the suspense is killing me!! nate gotta have one! aw man coming to hazleton sooner then i thought!! Lol

08-14-2008, 12:35 AM
:TrikesOwn :eek: :D Lets get a 70 only hazelton ride going.

Yeah! now theres an idea. :naughty: Hit one of these mudholes wiht a 70... archeologists wont find that for about 12, 000 years! :lol: :w00t:

08-14-2008, 12:46 AM
dude i think an all 70 ride woudl be bad ass expecialy abck int he pit with the black dunes woudl be sick on the mini trikes. and nate shoot me a callif you want to sellone fo the zingers? i got soem cash so enogh of this tradign crap lets do it up!

08-14-2008, 03:15 AM
Well i got back a little while ago and everyone will be disappointed. Guy was a slur that combines a religion and a rodent, tried telling me a rebuilt 70 motor was worth $900. I'll be back later today, and post up the results.

08-14-2008, 09:37 AM
Ok first off he has a Christmas 70 for sale, pics are attached. Even the way it is you wont touch it for $2500.

Now, yesterday my buddy and I made a 300 mile one way road trip to go pick up 5 70s and 4 zingers, the understanding was they were all complete running bikes and in great shape. End up getting there and the only 2 complete bikes were 2 zingers, and one had all the rims spray painted pink. Needless to say there was no way I was trading my big red for a bunch of crappy looking 3 wheelers (their condition ranged from duct taped seats and spray bombed gas tanks to missing pull starters, missing plastics, and 1 complete nice looking zinger)

Well this guy thought he had freakin gold, said that for his complete yellow zinger he paid $750, also mentioned something about 70s being worth $1000 in good shape and a rebuilt (Not even a crate motor) is worth around $900. He was off his rocker and I told him that straight out and offered $1000 for 2 70s I liked and a Zinger (No way in God's green earth was i going home empty handed after this ordeal.

He blabbed about how he was taking a loss and dee de dee dee do. So finally I got 3 bikes out of his clutches. Then as we were getting ready to leave he tried trading me the Christmas 70 for my big red. That wasnt gonna happen so we finally headed home.

70 pics are attached and I'll get pics of the bikes later today after I do some errands.

08-14-2008, 10:28 AM
$2500 for that? $900 for a rebulit motor? What is he smoking? Did you get the complete zinger?

08-14-2008, 10:34 AM
the zinger I ended up getting was a blue one that was missing the front fender. Like I said for that complete yellow one he wanted $750 :crazy:

08-14-2008, 10:39 AM
There was a restored blue 70 that just recently sold for around that, but that is barely worth $500. I can tell he has bent fork stops, and trimmed down front fenders and possible bent frame. I know where to get another front fender so that wouldn't be so bad and the rear fenders aren't real bad, but not worth all he wanted for it. Too bad.

08-15-2008, 02:05 AM
hey vealmonkey where can i get a front fender for the blue 70. mine has been trimmed and i want a good one ?