View Full Version : DMV this morning

07-28-2008, 06:59 PM
I went to DMV first thing this morning to see what it was going to take to get my 110 legal. All I had was a bill of sale because prior to 1990 Idaho did not require titles on ATVs. I was suprised that they did not hassle me one bit. The lady went out to the truck, checked the VIN numbers against the bill of sale and then went in to check the computer. No red flags came up so she said that in two to three weeks I have a title if there were no problems. Right no the state is in turmoil trying to decide if they should use ATV plates or ATV stickers. So in certain places one or the other is not acceptted. So I just opted for a stickr till the end of Dec. I hope they get it resolved before I have to buy all new ?? for the rest of my bikes.

07-28-2008, 07:24 PM
you mean to make it legal for the roads?

07-28-2008, 10:10 PM
No. Just so that I had legal proof of ownership in Idaho plus a off-road sticker so I can ride it legally ride it off-road. In Idaho the BLM, The Forest Service, or local police can give citations if you don't have an off-road sticker. Up until this year you could just go to cycle dealer to get one. Now you have to go to DMV so they can verify the VINs against the computer. Its suppose to help reduce the amount of stolen bikes.