View Full Version : Where to start?

07-24-2008, 02:54 PM
Now that i have my Big Red, i have probably the worst newbie question- where do i start? Should i start by cleaning the carb? I'm totally new to these trikes. It may be a week or two before i can start buying a battery, spark plug, or any wiring, etc. What can i do in the meantime?

07-24-2008, 03:07 PM
cleanign the carb probebly would not work so well. you probelby need to get on ebay and get a carb rebuild kit.

me, I'd do a compression test to ensure it's got good compression, change the oil using pensoil 10w40.
clean the air filter and maybe even take the plastics off and clean the entire trike and scrub it with soap and water to clean it up. the trunk would need cleaning i bet.

but i say that about the carb cause if it ahs not been appart any time in the last coupel of years, chances are if you take it appart it will damage the seals and yuo'll be forced to rebuild it anyway.

07-24-2008, 04:02 PM
how is the inside of the gas tank? if its rusty, you can make a makeshift tank just to see if she will fire up, fuel filter change, i would also bust the rust off all wire connections to make sure it all has contact.

07-24-2008, 04:14 PM
A good tune up while you are waiting would be a good idea too. Setting the timing statically and adjusting the valves properly will go along way to make sure when it is time to fire up that it will help alot. Take your timing and learn to do these things right and it will help you alot in the long run.

07-24-2008, 08:22 PM
Clean it, clean all the wire connections, change the oil, check the airfilter, rebuild the carb, clean the gas tank and add a inline fuel filter and :pics::pics::pics::pics::pics:!!!

07-25-2008, 12:36 AM
A few more questions if you guys don't mind- you guys are a great help- i hope someday i can repay the favor or help someone new......

1.Is there a certain type of compression tester for Hondas, or will any type work? Do you just screw it in the spark plug hole? It should be between 150 and 170, right?

2.To clean up the carb, the jets and gaskets need to be replaced? Anything else i should look at? What is best to clean it with?

3.Is there a solution that is good to clean goo and dirt off the motor?

Thanks for your patience and advice, you've all been a great help, this forum is awesome!!!!:D

07-25-2008, 12:46 AM
I use a matco tools compression tester, is has adaptors to fit everything

the jets can usually be cleaned, i use an old strand of throttle cable to do that with. sometimes you can get lucky and not damage gaskets. An old toothbrush, and a can of carb clean do great work.

Castrol superclean cleans engines really well, paint does not like it. Everyone has their own favorite.

this place is a drug for us trikers, you will hang out here alot!!!

Welcome to the forums :D

07-25-2008, 08:35 AM
ou should be able to just clean the carb real good, in 20 years i have never needed to buy a carb kit, just a part here and there

07-25-2008, 08:59 AM
i use a decent $45 compression tester i got fomr the local napa store. it came with 2 adapters and one of the holes fits perfectly. compression #'s sound about right.

for the carb, you can use berryman's carb cleaner. i woudl get 2-3 cans as you may want to use ot to clean several things including electrical contacts to help keep them workign correctly.
also invest in a coupel of cans of WD-40. that still will be your new bestest friend! I love my can of wd. i cry when it's empty cause that means more $ to go get more and then more $ on gas to go get more. sucks. it takes $8 for gas and $3 for a can. so $11 each time i have to get a new can. :/
(ok not really cry, but def. bummed cause i am tired of wasting gas!)

07-25-2008, 07:20 PM
I have to be out of town until Sunday at work...so it's gonna be a couple more days before i can really get into it....even though the thing doesn't run yet, I can hardly wait to get started.....I feel an addiction coming on!!!!! I haven't been able to think of anything else much since i got it! Today when i was sleeping (I work nights) i had dreams about riding it........I wish i had a wad of $$$$ to sink into it right away, but i guess doing a little at a time will make the satisfaction even better....it would be nice to be home right now just to wash it up and begin some of the things you guys suggested....thanks for the help!!! :Bounce

Were you guys this way when you first started?

07-25-2008, 07:47 PM
i was excited about it but when you have 6 trikes, 2 being yamahas and 2 being projects, you get sick of wrenching really quick

07-25-2008, 08:15 PM
I'm still that excited! hehe. It doesn't go away!

07-25-2008, 08:54 PM
I have to be out of town until Sunday at work...so it's gonna be a couple more days before i can really get into it....even though the thing doesn't run yet, I can hardly wait to get started.....I feel an addiction coming on!!!!! I haven't been able to think of anything else much since i got it! Today when i was sleeping (I work nights) i had dreams about riding it........I wish i had a wad of $$$$ to sink into it right away, but i guess doing a little at a time will make the satisfaction even better....it would be nice to be home right now just to wash it up and begin some of the things you guys suggested....thanks for the help!!! :Bounce

Were you guys this way when you first started?

ohyeah, i hear you man, its like that woman you can't stop thinking about, you want it, get it, pisses you off a little bit, then everything works out.(for the most part):lol:

07-25-2008, 11:44 PM
lucky you. i wanted it, got it amd wished i had ran!