View Full Version : HHO Instructions
07-24-2008, 10:44 AM
Here they are, just like i promised.
07-24-2008, 11:07 AM
has anybody built one yet? I have gotten a 20% increase without tricking the computer on a 4 cell kit
07-27-2008, 05:08 PM
I've just heard of it.
More details Barry, what kinda ride you running it in?
I have it in a 2008 nissan altima. this morning on the way to work, i tried a simple method to trick my computer. I was getting about a 40% increase but then something bad happened. I am not sure yet what it was but after about 30 miles my MPG dropped back to normal. I am hoping i just blew a fuse, but i will have to check at lunch.
oh snap! this thread isnt going anywhere is it?
oh wait do you still have to buy this kit from this company? im confused! BARRY! did you make your own? will you outline all the parts needed for this?
They are very simple to build. I have a spreadsheet somewhere with all the parts, where to get them, cost etc etc.. But keep in mind there are tons of local places to buy this stuff ( Can get just about everything from walmart and homedepot ). These things can be assembled in about 5 - 10 minutes a piece if you didnt have to wait for the glue to dry. They do not sale the kit just the instructions.
Well hell i couldnt find it. I will brake it down pretty simply
Quart wide mouth mason jar - walmart
Plastic lid for jar - i had trouble with this one - ordered online, might be able to find at hardware store
304SS Wire - Autozone, home depot etc etc
Plexiglass - hardware store
goop glue - home depot, walmart
1/4" vacuum tees and elbows with 1/4" hose - Autozone
Bubbler - Dripworks online but you really dont need them
Check valve - any aquarium store
1/4" nuts and bolts
Teflon tape
That is pretty much it. I would copy that link down cause i have a feeling it is fixen to disappear.
ok now that I can build it, how does it hook up? comeon barry be a hero send this info to the 3ww homies!
You will have two hoses coming out the top of the generator. Hook tee one into a vacuum line and the other into your airbox or something similiar. you want it to feed into the vacuum lines and into your intake. At low RPM's it will feed into your vacuum lines. As the RPM increases you will lose vacuum and it will suck it into your intake. Book one has it step by step. But it has a few grey areas that you gotta kind of figure out on your own and use some common sense ( thats the part that got me ). I will post pics of my setup tonight. I mounted everything inside my bumper so it is a *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* to get to, but it is really hidden.
07-29-2008, 01:18 AM
Are you just running wire for you conductor & not plates? I am going to make one but I plan on using a plate set up with +, - & neutral plates. I am just waiting till I sale my van a get another vehicle. I don't think my lady would like my experimenting on our only daily driver.
07-29-2008, 07:54 AM
A guy in town here bought the instructions and he's gonna build one with the plates.
From what I gather, for those that don't know, is the conductor system seperates the Hydrogen from the water and it is introduced into your fuel intake system behind the sensors, right? It richens your fuel mixture with combustable gas and decreases the amount of gasoline needed. Sounds great to me, I would love to have one on my 07 Silverado, I got plenty of room under the hood.
If this thread does get deleted, we'll start another one.
Any pics?
Are you just running wire for you conductor & not plates? I am going to make one but I plan on using a plate set up with +, - & neutral plates. I am just waiting till I sale my van a get another vehicle. I don't think my lady would like my experimenting on our only daily driver.
A guy in town here bought the instructions and he's gonna build one with the plates.
From what I gather, for those that don't know, is the conductor system seperates the Hydrogen from the water and it is introduced into your fuel intake system behind the sensors, right? It richens your fuel mixture with combustable gas and decreases the amount of gasoline needed. Sounds great to me, I would love to have one on my 07 Silverado, I got plenty of room under the hood.
If this thread does get deleted, we'll start another one.
Any pics?
It doesnt really matter where it is introduced. The gas does confuse the sensors. So you have to trick them. I am building an EFIE to help with this. It also doesnt richen your fuel mixture. You are adding oxgen with the hydrogen. But it burns so clean that your vehicle will think it is running to lean and try to richen up. So thats where the tricks come in.
I was going to get some pics last night but got tied up on other things. They have several diffrent methods out there. Plates, wire, bolts and tubing. so far the tubing is superior and that will be the next one i build. Plates are the oldest method. It cost more and is more difficult to build than the wire. Output is about the same. the bolts method has alot of issues with thermal runaway.
I am so freaking confused! I want to see some kind od step by step build and hook up process!
07-29-2008, 12:20 PM
yeah like syko said.....
07-29-2008, 01:58 PM
the book really gives step by step. it just has alot of unneeded detail. I built mine with it..... Here it is briefly:
On the jar lid, you drill holes and mount two bolts ( one positive, one negetive). Then drill a hole for two straight 1/4" vacuum barbe connectors. then drill a hole for the bubbler and mount. with the bubbler mounted run a piece of hose from the bubbler to the bottom of the jar.
Next cut two pieces of plexy glass and glue them as a T ( 2" x 6" pieces glued togther) now glue this T piece on the bottom of the lid.
Next wrap 2 pices of SS wire sround the plexy glass with 1/4" spacing. they cannot touch. Connect each coil wire to power post ( bolts you have already mounted on lid) now the generator is complete
now, install in car. attach one barb connector to hose and Tee the other end into any vacuum line. From the other barb connector attach a 1/4" hose and attach the other end to the air box.
This took me longer to type thenit is to build. i think yall should pitch in and buy me some keys to my keyboard.
ok I want to see a pic of it put together before installation, I can seem to grasp what you just said
I have some partially built. i will take pics of them and explain from there. give me a few.
#1 - Connection at the airbox
#2 - Shows plexiglass cut into T for wire to be wraped around
#3 - top of lid, Terminals, Bubbler and 1/4" barbed outlet. If you are building a single cell you will need two of these, some people also put in relief valves. But i have altered my system a little.
#4 - Complete generator missing SS wire
#5 - Another view of the plexi T glued to cap. One SS wire would be attached to one terminal/ bolt and the other SS wire attached to the other terminal. then coil them around the T with 1/4" spacing and not touching. Also one of the ports ( bubbler) in this view will have a hose on it to the bottom of the jar.
#6 - Tee connection in vacuum line
#7 - this was suppose to show it mounted in my car. ooppsss
here it is. really cant see that well. it is 4 cells mounted in my bumper.
07-29-2008, 09:49 PM
Ok, you have lost me soo much... lmao. Like i said to you in the PM i have a '86 chevy 2wd with a 305... all i would have to do is make what 4 of them? and just plug the hoses in to a vacuum line and in to my airfilter and i would get better MPG?
pm sent:rolleyes: ..........
08-01-2008, 04:39 AM
no way this works, I dont belive it for a second. If we could get better gas milage from water dont you think the automakes would have put this on a car already instead of building hybrids?
Oh yeah they want us to pay tons for gas, its a consipracy the automakers have with the oil companys rofl
no way this works, I dont belive it for a second. If we could get better gas milage from water dont you think the automakes would have put this on a car already instead of building hybrids?
Oh yeah they want us to pay tons for gas, its a consipracy the automakers have with the oil companys rofl
There are already plenty of people doing it, and getting gains, why not believe it? Hell Barry's already said he got a 20% gain with no tweaking to the PCM. Such close minded people....
08-01-2008, 07:59 AM
no way this works, I dont belive it for a second. If we could get better gas milage from water dont you think the automakes would have put this on a car already instead of building hybrids?
Oh yeah they want us to pay tons for gas, its a consipracy the automakers have with the oil companys rofl
Hmm Did you do any reading at all or are you just talking out your butt? If you have no idea what you are talking about then why even comment. Just keep ROFL in you blind bliss, you must really like it. I suppose that waste vegetable oil or motor oil can't be used to powder a diesel ether right? I mean if it could be used then all diesels would come with a second heated tank right?:crazy:
HHHOWEND!!! lol good job gabe!
no way this works, I dont belive it for a second. If we could get better gas milage from water dont you think the automakes would have put this on a car already instead of building hybrids?
Oh yeah they want us to pay tons for gas, its a consipracy the automakers have with the oil companys rofl
BMW will have there model out in late 2009, Honda has a vehicle that is almost runs completly off of HHO. Release date is suppose to be 2010. Please read all of the facts and know what you are talking about. I guess over 500,000 people are wrong and you are right. Why dont you come over and i will show you first hand.
I take comments like this one as calling me a liar. People who know me can tell you. If this didnt work there is no way in hell i would be posting it on the board and trying to pass it along!!!!
Sorry guys, just having a bad morning.
08-01-2008, 02:35 PM
BMW will have there model out in late 2009, Honda has a vehicle that is almost runs completly off of HHO. Release date is suppose to be 2010. Please read all of the facts and know what you are talking about. I guess over 500,000 people are wrong and you are right. Why dont you come over and i will show you first hand.
I take comments like this one as calling me a liar. People who know me can tell you. If this didnt work there is no way in hell i would be posting it on the board and trying to pass it along!!!!
Sorry guys, just having a bad morning.
well from what i understood, It takes more energy to get the "hho" than the hho actually produces. I dont see how it can work on a efi car because a by product of the hydrogen is oxygen, Witch will throw off your o2 sensor and tell your engine it is running lean, and add more fuel. maybe every place that i have read this is wrong and I am just making an ass out of myself and hydrogen is the way to go, I doubt you would pass on information that you didnt find valid.
Now with you guys "tricking" the ecm it might be possible if you could get the water without using so much energy to actually turn it into hydrogen, I guess you can call me a non believer til it ACTUALLY hits the market.
08-01-2008, 05:17 PM
08-01-2008, 05:18 PM
HHHOWEND!!! lol good job gabe!
hehe thanks man. It's just crazy to talk about stuff when you have no idea what you are talking about.
I take comments like this one as calling me a liar.
Sorry guys, just having a bad morning.
That is pretty much how I took it too. I had a bad morning too, freaking dogs waking me up before 10am, other wise I may have been a little nicer too.
Do some reading man. It's one thing to be a skeptic & in fact that is a good thing, but you have to be willing to look into it. With your first post you did kinda make a ass out of your self like you said. I think you pry could have typed it asking question instead of saying it's BS. You really think all the people that have put a hydro kit on there car are full of it? It does increase millage & it works. You should try it out for your self it's easy & then you could see the results of how it works. Usually I try to stay away from getting into stuff like this online but I thought your first comment was out of line.
well from what i understood, It takes more energy to get the "hho" than the hho actually produces. I dont see how it can work on a efi car because a by product of the hydrogen is oxygen, Witch will throw off your o2 sensor and tell your engine it is running lean, and add more fuel. maybe every place that i have read this is wrong and I am just making an ass out of myself and hydrogen is the way to go, I doubt you would pass on information that you didnt find valid.
Now with you guys "tricking" the ecm it might be possible if you could get the water without using so much energy to actually turn it into hydrogen, I guess you can call me a non believer til it ACTUALLY hits the market.
i think my last test i was pulling 8 amps. Catalyst has alot to do with it. i could ad so much that i drain my battery. but that would be stupid. OBI cars and older have no problem. OBII cars do. A EFIE will fix this. You have to fool the computer. I havnt built one yet. still looking for all the parts. On an OBII car it takes about 3 days for the computer to recognize it. When my car did this i started getting 20 mpg. So i reset my computer every other day until i build the EFIE. I am averaging 36 mpg right now on the highway. In the city it is 29.5
And what kind of car is that on Barry, your Altima? 4 cylinder or V6?
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